Houston Cricket League Player registration process
Add new player to the club......
Add new player to the club......
Modify your player information......
Request transfer player from another club......
You can login at HCL website under EC Login.
Username should be your Club’s abbreviation.
Successful login should show change the web page as below
Now, you can access HCL REGISTER with additional access
Add new player to the club
After login, you should click on HCL REGISTER option.
Click on ADD MEMBER button and you should see as follows.
Fill in the member information (Name, Address, City, Zip, Email)
You can load the player picture if that image file is JPG or GIF less than 40k in size.
Click on the FLOPPY icon to save or the ‘X’ icon to cancel.
New player record will be created in a modified status and visible only for you. HCL Admin and you should receive email on this entry. HCL Admin will review and approve this record and then it will show for others.
Modify your player information
After login, you should click on HCL REGISTER option.
Click on the player name you like to modify.
Click on the “Paper/Pencil” icon for modification screen or “X” to cancel
Modify the information and click on “FLOPPY” icon to save or “X” icon to cancel.
When you save the modification, record will be updated with modified status and visible only for you. HCL Admin and you should receive email on this entry. HCL Admin will review and approve this record and then it will show for others.
*** You cannot modify information of other club players but you will see link to request transfer to your club. Email will be sent to HCL Admin and the Player’s club. Thetransfer request must be approved by HCL admin.
Request transfer player from another club
After login, you should click on HCL REGISTER option.
Click on the player name you like to transfer
Click on the “Paper/Pencil” icon for modification screen or “X” to cancel
Click on the link to transfer the player to your club and complete it
This will change the status of the player to “Xfer2TOG” if TOG is requesting the transfer and send email to club which the player is enrolled. TOG will get a confirmation player when HCL approves the transfer.