ARGUMENTDescription / 5Exceptional / 4Skilled / 3Proficient / 2Developing / 1Inadequate
Thetextintroducesaclear,arguable claimthatcan be supportedby reasonsand evidence. / Thetextintroducesacompellingclaim thatisclearlyarguableand takesa purposeful positionon anissue.The texthasastructureand organization thatiscarefullycraftedtosupportthe claim.(Strong thesis in the correct place and the correct format with three claims) / Thetextintroducesapreciseclaim thatisclearlyarguableand takesan identifiablepositiononanissue.The texthasaneffectivestructureand organizationthatisalignedwiththe claim.( Thesis in the correct place and the correct format with three claims) / Thetextintroducesaclaimthat isarguableand takesaposition. Thetexthasastructureand organizationthatisalignedwith the claim.
( Thesis is complete, but in the wrong place/claims are stated in body paragraphs) / Thetextcontainsanunclearor emergingclaimthatsuggestsa vagueposition.Thetextattemptsa
Structureand organizationtosupport the position.
( Thesis is not complete and or claims are missing) / Thetextcontainsanunidentifiable claimorvagueposition.Thetexthas limitedstructureand organization.
(there is no thesis)
Thetextprovidessufficient dataand evidencetobackupthe claimaswell asaconclusionthatsupportsthe argument. / Thetextprovidesconvincingand relevantdata and evidencetoback
upthe claimand effectivelyaddresses counterclaims.Theconclusion strengthensthe claimand evidence.(Each claim is supported by 3 cited data and analyzed warrants) / Thetextprovidessufficient and relevantdata and evidenceto backupthe claim. Theconclusion effectivelyreinforces theclaimand evidence.(Each claim is supported by 2 cited data and analyzed warrants) / Thetextprovidessufficient data and evidencetobackupthe claim.The conclusionties tothe claimand evidence.( minimum of two data but not as strong analytical warrants – less than 3 sentences) / Thetextprovidesdata and evidencethatattemptstobackup the claim. Theconclusionmerelyrestatesthe position.( minimum of two pieces of data are presented, but warrants are summaries, not analysis) / Thetextcontainslimiteddata and evidencerelatedtothe claimand counterclaimsorlacks counterclaims. Thetextmayfailtoconcludethe argumentorposition.( missing data, missing warrants)
Thetextanticipates the audience’s knowledgeleveland concernsabout the claim. Thetextaddressesthe specificaudience’sneeds. / Thetextconsistentlyaddressesthe audience’sknowledgeleveland concernsaboutthe claim. Thetext addressesthespecificneedsofthe audience. ( Background in introduction thoroughly explains the issue and strong context is given for each data) hasn’ / Thetextanticipates the audience’s knowledgeleveland concernsabout the claim. Thetextaddressesthe specificneedsofthe audience.(Background in introduction that explains the issue and context is given for each data) / Thetextconsidersthe audience’s knowledgeleveland concerns
aboutthe claim. Thetextaddresses the needsofthe audience (Some background in introduction that explains the issue and context is given for each data but not enough). / Thetextillustratesaninconsistent awarenessofthe audience’s knowledgeleveland needs. (missing context or background) / Thetextlacks anawarenessofthe audience’sknowledgeleveland needs.
(missing context and background)
Thetextuseswords,phrases,and clausestolink the majorsections ofthe text,createscohesion,and
clarifiesthe relationshipsbetweenthe claimand reasons,between reasons and evidence,and between claims andcounterclaims. / Thetextstrategicallyuseswords, phrases,and clausestolink the major sectionsofthe text.Thetextexplains the relationshipsbetween the claim and reasonsaswellasthe evidence. (There are clear transitions that tie back to the thesis for each claim and transitions within the paragraphs. ) / Thetextskillfullyuseswords, phrases,and clausestolink the majorsectionsofthe text.Thetext identifiestherelationshipbetween the claimand reasonsaswellasthe evidence.(there are clear transitions for each claim and transitions within the paragraphs.) / Thetextuseswords,phrases,and clausestolink the majorsections ofthe text.Thetextconnectsthe claimand reasons.(there are clear transitions that tie back to the thesis for each claim) / Thetextcontainslimitedwords, phrases,and clausestolink the majorsectionsofthe text.Thetext attemptstoconnectthe claimand reasons. ( there is some transitions, but the paper over all doesn’t flow) / Thetextcontainsfew,ifany,words, phrasesand clausestolink the major sectionsofthe text.Thetextdoes not connectthe claimsand reasons. (there are no transitions in the paper)
Thetextpresents aformal, objective tone thatdemonstrates standard Englishconventionsofusageand mechanics alongwithdiscipline- specificrequirements(i.e.MLA,APA, etc.). / Thetextpresents anengaging,formal and objectivetone. Thetextintention- allyusesstandardEnglishconventions ofusageand mechanics alongwith discipline-specificrequirements(i.e. MLA, APA,etc.).
( perfect MLA format and formal tone) / Thetextpresents anappropriateand formal, objectivetone. Thetext demonstrates standardEnglish conventionsofusageand mechanics along withdisciplinespecific requirements(i.e.MLA,APA,etc.).
( 1 issue with MLA format and formal tone) / Thetextpresents aformal, objectivetone. Thetext demonstrates standardEnglish conventionsofusageand mechanics alongwith
( more than 1 issue with MLA and a formal tone) / Thetextillustratesalimited awarenessofformal tone. Thetext demonstrates someaccuracyin standardEnglishconventionsof usageand mechanics.
( more than one MLA issue and informal tone) / Thetextillustratesalimited awarenessorinconsistenttone. Thetextillustratesinaccuracy in standardEnglishconventionsof usageand mechanics.
( not in MLA format or formal tone)
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