University senate minutes

University Senate Minutes-October 22, 2012

The meeting was called to order.


John Abbruzzese, Adjei-Bohyen Kwaku, Abdalla Aldras, Debra Ballinger, Nurun Begum, Kelly Boyd, Teri Burcroff, Sara Burfeind, Robert D’Aversa, Susan Dilmuth-Miller, Kathleen Duguay, Ronald Eith, Johan Eliasson, Cass Emanuel, John Freeman, Otis French, Dianne Devlin, Tom Gioglio, Beverlyn Grace-Odeleye, Michael Gray, William Hagan, Barbara Haug, Sheila Handy, Patty Hannon, Jeff Hardy, Peter Hawkes, Jeffrey Hotz, Chin Hu, Mike Jochen, Jonathan Keiter, Mark Kilker, Heon Kim, Pamela Kramer-Ertel, Donna Leitner, David Mazure, Carter McClure, Joe Miele, Gavin Moir, Bob Moses, Jeff Jones, Tasso Papadopoulo, Frank Pulgiano, Van Reidhead, Vicky Sanders, Jerry Sheska, Matthew Simmons, Patricia Smeaton, Michael Southwell, Richard Staneski, Michelle Star, Yoshi Tankura, Doreen Tobin, Marcia Welsh, Alla Wilson, Regan Zimmerman, Lauren Zirkelbach and Rebecca Zirkelbach


Mary Beth Allen, Patrick Ashcroft, Todd Behr, Joyce Burgener, Richard Connell, Esther Daganzo-Cantens, Scott Dietrich, Melissa Geiger, Patricia Graham, Kelly Harrison, John Hauth, Yi-hui Huang, John Kercsmar, Liza LoMonaco, Shawn Munford, Mary Frances Postupak, Felicia Revro, Elaine Rogers, Mark Stewart, Thomas Tippett, Nancy VanArsdale, Lissette Vergara, Marilyn Wells, Jeff Wilson and Wenjie Yan


A motion to approve the minutes; moved by Sara Burfeind and seconded by Ronald Eith. Motion passed.


Moved by Bob Moses; Joe Miele seconded. Motion passed.


The University President, Marcia Welsh reported the following:

·  Past weekend was a celebration of our student talent demonstrated by: The Diary of Anne Frank play, the Marching Band, Student Talent Show and several other Athletic Events.

·  Middle States Representations indicate that ESU has much work to do before the next review. Five recommendations must be addressed in the next two and half years.

o  Middle States review panel suggestions include better management of class size, better implementation of Banner and employee satisfaction. Better coordination of budget and enrollment plans. University Planning and governance structure and university decisions must be clearly communicated.

o  Middle States Review Recommendations

Better use of assessment data to impact change and support student learning.

Regarding Strategic Plan –The President stated that the strategic plan is suspended, but these parts of the plan can be accomplished in the current funding situation.

·  Holiday Dinner is December 7, 2012 for faculty and staff.

·  Commencement Speaker for the graduate ceremony will be Elzar Camper. Marcia Welsh will speak at undergraduate ceremony. Please work with the speaker selection committee to nominate future commencement speakers.


·  Mark Kilker conducted elections. Nominations for Senate President were opened from the floor. Alla Wilson moved to close nominations Richard Staneski seconded; motion passed. Jonathan Keiter was elected Senate President.

·  Nominations for Vice President were opened. Richard Staneski moved to close nominations seconded by Doreen Tobin; motion passed. Bob Moses was elected.

·  Nominations for At Large Executive Board member were opened. Mark Kilker moved to close nominations second by Abdalla Aldras; motion passed. Joe Miele was elected.

·  Nominations for Secretary/Treasurer were opened. Mark Kilker moved to close nominations, seconded by Richard Staneski; motion passed. Matt Simmons was elected Secretary/Treasurer.


Rules and Bylaws

·  Bob Moses reported on possible changes in the constitution:

o  May meeting election of officers for Senate-this requires 20 senators to support this.

o  The “coin toss” decides a tie, but a better way – such as a third round could work.


Student Senate President Lauren Zirkelbach reported:

·  Student Senate Staff member of the month was named.

·  Wiffle Ball Tournament is postponed until spring.

·  Student suggestion poll is underway; Safety Walk last Tuesday went well.


·  Joe Miele reported that no new contract is in place. APSCUF offered Binding Arbitration, but PASSHE declined. The APSCUF Board will conduct a strike vote in mid November. This is an authorization vote, not a vote to immediately strike.


Senate President suggested that inventory of campus committees be made. Senate President Jonathan Keiter moved and Lauren Zirkelbach seconded that an Ad-Hoc Committee be formed to do an inventory. The committee would be open to membership. Discussion followed. Motion passed.

Senate President noted that the Rules & By-Laws Committee will work to build the committee.

Johan Eliasson asked about the size of summer classes that are being offered. Discussion about summer classes ensued.


Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Southwell


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