Something Inside So Strong
Labi Siffre
The higher you build your barriers
The taller I become
The farther you take my rights away
The faster I will run
You can deny me
You can decide to turn your face away
No matter, cos there's....
Something inside so strong
I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me wrong, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong
The more you refuse to hear my voice
The louder I will sing
You hide behind walls of Jericho
Your lies will come tumbling
Deny my place in time
You squander wealth that's mine
My light will shine so brightly
It will blind you
Cos there's......
Something inside so strong […]
Brothers and sisters
When they insist we're just not good enough
When we know better
Just look 'em in the eyes and say
I'm gonna do it anyway x 2
Something inside so strong […]
/ Hello Euro People! HalloJanina Lehnert
Realschule Waibstadt
Hello Euro People!
This is Waibstadt crew speaking
Welcome on Comenius Airways
After take off will pump up the Sound system
Cause we’re going to you.
I don’t wanna be a couch potato
All my life
I’m gonna pack my bags and leave this town
Grab a flight
Fly away on Comenius Airways
Fly me high
Euro Sky
We look up to you
And see your lifestyle
We look up to you
And see the beauty
Fly away on Comenius Airways
Fly me high
Euro Sky
Whoah! We’re going to Italy
Whoah! Back to the South
Whoah! We’re gonna have a party
Whoah! To meet some Europeans.
Whoah! We’re going to Ireland
Whoah! Back to the West
Whoah! We’re gonna have a party
Whoah! To meet some Europeans.
Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh
Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh
Far away from our home
And our school
It’s really very nice to meet
You again
Fly away on Comenius Airways
Fly me high
Euro Sky
Whoah! We’re going to Germany
Whoah! Back to the Middle
Whoah! We’re gonna have a party
Whoah! To meet some Europeans.
Whoah! We’re going to Slovakia
Whoah! Back to the East
Whoah! We’re gonna have a party
Whoah! To meet some Europeans.
Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh
Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh
Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh Ioh Ioh, Oh We Oh
Thank you for flying Comenius Airways
We are now approaching our Airport
As you can see the sky is blue
And friends are waiting for us
Whoah! We’re going to England
Whoah! Back to the Island
Whoah! We’re gonna have a party
Whoah! To meet some Europeans.
Whoah! We’re going to Europe
Whoah! Back to home
Whoah! We’re gonna have a party
Whoah! To meet some Friends.
Whoah! We’re going to you.
Odlišná (Different)
Ján Ostrolúcky (Lyrics)
Ján Ostrolúcky and Jimm (Music)
Gymnazium a osemroene gymnazium Trebisovska 12 KosicePo zemi chodí každý z nás.
Po tej, ktorá je plná krás.
Každý z nás je jej súčasťou.
Ona je s nami a my s ňou.
Tak ako každý aj my sme odlišní.
Veď nie je pravda, že iný je hneď aj zlý.
Už boli takí čo si toto mysleli,
A takí ľudia dosť očí rozplakali.
Veď každá odlišnosť je nádherná, Every difference is beautiful
i keď bola doteraz nepoznaná. Through it was unknown to this moment.
Odlišnosť, to je pravda nemenná. Difference, it's an endless truth,
Byť jedinečným predsa znamená. That means to be unique.
Niektorým možno táto pravda unikla
A potom zistili, že tá cesta je zlá.
A keď sa zobudia z toho hlúpeho sna,
objavia farebnú krásu tohto sveta.
5 / Spell
Ján Ostrolúcky (Lyrics)
Ján Ostrolúcky and Jimm (Music)
Gymnazium a osemroene gymnazium Trebisovska 12 KosiceNo place for hate,
that's what I said.
So what's the question?
It's not about colour,
it's not about power,
not religion,
it's about tolerance.
It's every thing I want,
words we said to be gone.
Do you feel that spell?
Have you ever felt?
It's not about colour,
it's not about power,
not religion,
it's about tolerance.
It's not about nation
or tradition.
So what's the question?
It's tolerance.
Non c’è un nero, non c’è un bianco
(A rap for tolerance)Written and rapped by the boys and the girls
of the “Second Chance” Programme
Scuola Secondaria di I grado “Luigi Di Liegro” - Roma
Quando qualcuno ti viene vicino
Non dirgli non posso parlarti, sei nero
Non fare come farebbe un bambino
Non dirgli vai via, tu sei straniero.
Siamo tutti stranieri lo sai
Anche tu sei diverso, se non c’è tolleranza
Ma se guardi con occhi diversi vedrai
Che c’è per ognuno rispetto e uguaglianza.
Non c’è un nero, non c’è un bianco
Siamo tutti fratelli in un girotondo
No, non vogliamo un mondo stanco,
Noi vogliamo la pace nel mondo.
Abbiamo amici nel mondo dispersi,
Il loro è bello come il nostro mondo,
Neri e bianchi non sono diversi
Uccidiamo la guerra giù fino in fondo.
Out of solidal ballads
Davide Ceneda (Drum)Andrea Augoni (Vocals and Guitar:)
Gabriele Guidoni (Guitar Bass and Acoustic Guitar)
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
People like the sun,
and the colours of the rainbow that I've..
just watched from the terraces of my school
Giving you a help, what can I have apart from a small kiss??
But I'm still crying about those things she calls..
“Solidarity”, It was all that boy said to me,
after he kissed the girl that I had no, never met, never met!!
I can see you in a square, with the red and black flag and screaming,
to the wind about the way you accuse us..
I was just like you, singing “Imagine” on every street but now, time is changing course I've seen you..
“Solidarity”, it was all that boy said to me, after he stole the love from my life… yes with the dark-haired lady, it was all they said to me.. “Solidarity”!?
9 / WHY
Valentina Carnevale
Alessandro De Silva
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – RomaIt doesn’t matter if you’re white or black. It’s important to go on
It doesn’t matter if you’re white or black. It’s important to live!
I remember some time ago, in the suburb of the town// your black face full of blood, and wounds// but the wound hurting you was the one in your heart, was the one in your heart//
Why you asked
Why you were banged
Why they call you ‘’dirty black’’Why you wondered
Why you were banged
Why they call you ‘’dirty black’’
You asked them if there could be tolerance// you asked them if racism could be explained// there wasn’t tolerance when you-cried// and nobody can hear you//
Nobody cared of you (x2)
Why fighting?
You are wrong, my friend, why need to fight against the prejudice of the world// hand in hand// white and black// we’ll walk together// we’ll walk together again!
Nobody can hear you, nobody cared of you..
..why fighting...
Valentina Carnevale
Alessandro De Silva
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma11 /
L’ottavo vizio
Douglas BarillaroSebastian Werge
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
I heard some phrases from some faces
Old or children, various cases
They think of stupid things
To the racism are some links
Shut up, please!
You have to listen to all of this
You cannot judge a person
only from his skin
you have to know him
this is what I mean!
‘n ottavo vizio ce stae pregiudizio se chia’
ma si me state a sentì
quarcosa potemo fa
se stamo a ‘ncide ‘n CD
e pe ‘nsegnà a tollerà
ce sta ben poco da dì
dovemo dasse da fa
dovemo faje capì
che nun se po’ giudicà
che nun se po’ giudicà
che nun se po’ giudicà
L’ottavo vizio
Douglas BarillaroSebastian Werge
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
13 / Brothers in the Heart,
Brothers on The Earth
Andrea Rodriquez
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
In the dark night
Trodden on by my friends
Fainted in a gloomy alley
Left in the empty space
Injured in the heart
I make out a black shade
It’s him... It’s my brother
Because of a different skin refused,
Because of several origins hated,
Because of faraway culture misunderstood,
Who rolling me up in a loving hug
Cures the deeper wound
Driving me through the equal way
And simultaneously perceiving the hatred and the consolidated contempt
Now I understand that it was the hatred to destroy my family
It was the hatred to kill my brother
In a sudden nothing is like before.
Fratelli nel cuore,
Fratelli sulla Terra
Andrea Rodriquez
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
Nell’oscura notte
Calpestato dai miei amici
Tramortito in un tetro vicolo
Abbandonato nel vuoto
Ferito nel cuore
Scorgo una nera ombra
È lui… è mio fratello
Per differente pelle rifiutato
Per diversa origine odiato
Per lontana cultura incompreso
Che avvolgendomi in un amorevole abbraccio
Cura la piaga più profonda
Conducendomi per l’eguale via
E simultaneamente percependo l’astio provato e
il disprezzo consolidato
Capisco ora che è stato l’odio a distruggere la mia famiglia
È stato l’odio ad uccidere mio fratello
E in un baleno nulla come prima.
15 / 1. Something Inside So Strong, Labi Siffre
2. Hello Euro People! Hallo Janina Lehnert
3. Spell Ján Ostrolúcky (Lyrics)
Ján Ostrolúcky and Jimm (Music)
Gymnazium a osemroene gymnazium Trebisovska 12 Kosice4. Odlišná (Different) Ján Ostrolúcky (Lyrics)
Ján Ostrolúcky and Jimm (Music)
Gymnazium a osemroene gymnazium Trebisovska 12 Kosic5. Non c’è un nero, non c’è un bianco
(A rap for tolerance) Written and rapped by the girls and the boys of the “Second Chance” ProgrammeScuola Secondaria di I grado “Luigi Di Liegro” - Roma
6. Fly away Emanuele Cesolini
Elio Hashimoto Giammarco Polmonari
Simone Arcangeli Michael Masci
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
7. Out of solidal ballads Davide Ceneda
Andrea Agoni, § SclanoLiceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
8. WHY Valentina Carnevale
Alessandro De Silva
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma9. L’ottavo vizio Douglas Barillaro
Sebastian Werge
Liceo Scientifico Farnesina – Roma
Music and songs
a creative solidarity
Songs and music made and interpreted by the pupils of the countries participating in the Comenius Project