Conference Proceedings
The Conference Proceedings will consist of:
- Printed Book of abstracts;
- CD-ROM with the full papers in digital form.
The Proceedings will have assigned ISBN number. They will be distributed to all registered delegates at the beginning of the Conference.
In order for your paper to be included in the program and in the Conference Proceedings, at least one of the authors must register and complete the payment of the registration fee by 31 August 2012.
Full papers submission
An electronic version of the full papers should be sent to the e-mail address
The deadline for submission of full text of the papers is August 31, 2012.
The paper should be submitted in Camera Ready format. The paper will not be edited after the submission, it will be published as you submitted it. Therefore, we urge you to proofread your final copy carefully before submitting. Only papers formatted according to the guidelines can be accepted for publication.
The paper should be written in good English and should conform to the format and length requirements as specified in the instructions below. You are advised to use the MS Word template provided here (Full paper template.doc), or to format the paper according to the following guidelines:
Total length: maximum 6 pages for contributed papers (oral and posters) and 8 pages for invited talks.
Format: Microsoft Word (.DOC or .DOCX)
- Paper size: А4 (210 x 297 mm);
- Margins: 25 mm wide on all sides;
- Font: Arial;
- Text: Justified;
- Line spacing: 1.5 lines, with clear line between title, authors’ names, affiliations, abstract and main text;
- DO NOT include page numbers.
Structure and style:
- Title: size 14, Capital letters.
- Authors names: size 12, Bold. Do not use academic titles.
- Authors affiliation: size 12, Italic. The e-mail address of the presenting author should be indicated as a footnote.
- Abstract: size 10, Italic; maximum length 250 words.
- Body text of the paper: size 12, with clear line between sections. Section titles style: Bold; body text: Regular.
- Sections: Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion.
- Units: SI units only are allowed.
- Decimal location should be indicated by a point “.” and not by a comma “,”
Tables and figures:
- Must be set as part of the text. Leave one line space above and below tables/ figures.
- Captions should be numbered sequentially starting with number 1, e.g. Table 1, Figure 1, etc. Do not set captions in bold.
- Table caption should be above the corresponding table, and the figure caption – below the corresponding figure.
- Tables, figures and their captions should be centered within the text.
- Should be arranged in numerical order according to their order of appearance within the text.
- Reference style: Author surname, initials. Title of the paper. Journal name (Publication), Year; Volume (Issue): Page range.
- The numbered reference citation should be enclosed in square bracket, e.g. [1, 2]
Oral presentations
Each oral presentation in the scientific sessions is allocated a 12 minutes time slot, with 10 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion. Plenary lectures are allocated upto 30 minutes and invited talks - 20 minutes. Since the conference schedule is tight, Session chairs will strictly enforce these timings.
Each session room will be set up with laptop, data projector and screen, lectern and microphone.
You are required to bring your presentation in Power Point format to the conference on a USB stick. We strongly advise that to deal with unforeseen circumstances you bring an extra copy of all presentation files, and ensure you have a copy available from a suitable area on the internet that is generally accessible.
Speakers Presentation Check zone, equipped with PCs and staffed, will be available close to the Registration desk. You should visit this area and upload your presentation any day before or latest by 3 hours prior to your session of presentation. You can change your presentation upto 3 hours before your session starts.
You should meet your session chair in the presentation room 10 minutes before the beginning of your session. You are requested to be in attendance for the whole session and take your seat in the front row of the session room.
You are responsible for advancing your slides during your presentation.
Electronic posters (e-Posters)
Posters during the conference will be displayed only in the form of electronic posters (e-Posters). No boards for printed posters will be provided.
E-poster is a stand-alone PowerPoint presentation, displayed on monitor screens.
The e-poster includes text, figures and images, just as in traditional Power Point presentations.
How to prepare e-Poster?
- Poster should be made in Microsoft PowerPoint slide format (PPT).
- The aspect-ratio should be 3 x 4.
- All images and graphics should be integrated.
- The maximum size for poster file is 8 MB. Larger files will not be accepted.
- Total Number of slides allowed – upto 10. If extra slides are submitted the last ones will be deleted to meet the requirements.
- Recommended fonts are: Arial, Book Antigua, Bookman old style, Garamond, Georgia, Helvetica or Times New Roman.
- The first slide should contain the title of your paper, authors’ names, institution, city, country, and e-mail address of the presenting author.
- Next slides should contain Introduction, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion.
How to submit e-Poster?
- Submit your electronic poster by emailing the PPT file or print ready PDF file to
- The deadline for submission of the of e-Posters: 7th October 2012
- Please note – before sending the e-poster, at least one of the authors must register and complete the payment of the registration fee.
When can I view e-Posters?
- Registered participants can view e-Posters during the dedicated poster viewing sessions, as well as at any time during the conference, using computers located in the conference e-Poster area.
How can I meet the presenters and to discuss the posters?
- Conference attendees can communicate with the poster presenters by sending emails to the presenting author’s address listed in the abstract and on the PPT presentation.
- Presenters can be emailed during and after the conference.
- You can set up a face-to-face meeting with authors in the poster area during the conference.