Cincinnati, Ohio


First Sunday of Lent


8:45-10:15 am – Catechesis, “Parish Office Downstairs”

10:00 am – Jr. High Religious Education, “Chapel”

12:30 pm – Players, “Café & Music Room”

Monday: President’s Day

No School

Parish Offices Closed


3:00-4:00 pm – Nativity Bell Ringers, “Church”

7:00 pm – Boosters, “Café”

7:00 pm – Book Study, “Parish Office Basement”


9:15 & 10:30 am & 4:00 pm, Music Together, “Parish Office


6:00 pm – Simple Supper, “Café”

6:30-9:30 pm – Players, “Parish Office Basement”


10:00 am – Music Together, “Parish Office Upstairs”

10:00-11:30 am – Catechesis, “Parish Office Downstairs”

3:00-4:30 pm – Young Bell Ringers, “Church”

4:30-6:30 pm – Catechesis, “Parish Office Downstairs”

6:00-8:00 pm – Math Counts, “Room 101”

7:00 pm – Choir, “Church”

7:00 pm – RCIA, “Parish Office Basement”


5:30-7:30 pm – Fish Fry, “Café”


*Please call the Parish Office before scheduling any event


Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18 Philippians 3: 17-4:1 Luke 9: 28b-36

Saturday, February 23, 2013 4:30 PM

Lectors: Ed & Nancy Ciarniello, Beth Gunderson

Servers: Chrisnia Yarbrough, Collin Miller, Ben Sabo, Bridget Fuller

Eucharistic Ministers: Emma Garry, Steve & Mary Ann Klonne, Dick & Josh Meirose, Amanda & Jack Sheeran, Helen Vollman, Nita Toennis

Sunday, February 24, 2013 9:00 AM

Lectors: Brendan Cronin, Beth Adkins, Bill Brown

Servers: Rehme & Quinn Leanza, Jack Fisher, Joey Schmidt

Eucharistic Ministers: Cassidy Steele, Dave & John Hermann, Judy Parsons, Wayne & Jan Chapman, Nicole Dapper, Darlene Casey, Robert Preston

Sunday, February 24, 2013 11:00 AM

Lectors: Ed & Paula Hoeffer, Paula Hoeffer

Servers: Katie Neeb, Natalie Stegman, Moriah Brown, Danny Neugebauer

Eucharistic Ministers: Jason & Thomas Darrah, Claire Benken, Lynn McDonald, Ali Wilkens, Sara & Grace Gurney, Allen Wright, Mary Lennard

You are asked to remember in your prayers those who are housebound and ill: Kris & Chuck Andrew, Bill Bach, Dottie Brinker, Patricia Cain, Alberta Carter, Dan Casey, Barbara Cottrell, Crookham Family, Kathy Derrick, Marie Donovan, Jackie Goetz, Lillian Hansel, Bob Hatfield, Kathy Kelly, Matthew Kenney, Anthony Le, Elena Maio, Molly Matre, Mary & Ruth Oenbrink, Bob & Fran Pielage, Evan Roach, Mary Ray, Jerry Shelton, Mary Ellen Spaite, Essie Stewart, Anderson Turner, Barbara Valentine, Pauline Villari, Joe Wessel, Vera Wettenkamp, and Mary Beth Wuebker.

Church Support

February 10, 2013

Offerings $8,699.00

Budget 11,800.00

Over (under) Budget (3,101.00)

Year to Date 395,109.00

Year to Date Budget 404,400.00

Over (under)Budget (9,291.00)

St. Vincent de Paul 738.00

Thank you

Sunday: 9:00 am – Richard Baumgartner

Sunday: 11:00 am – For the People

Monday: 8:15 am – Dee Ritter

Tuesday: 8:15 am – Deceased Parishioners

Wednesday: 8:15 am – Celebrant Intentions

Thursday: 8:15 am – For those serving in the Military

Friday: 8:15 am – Shut-ins

Saturday: 4:30 pm – Celebrant Intentions

Next Sunday’s Outreach Collection will be going to our St. Vincent de Paul Society. St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank our generous parishioners here at Nativity. Through the months of October, November and December you have donated a total of $6,328 (which includes “Feed the Need Program”) and during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays the school provided 90 bags of groceries valued at $4,500 serving over 200 neighbors. We are grateful for your continued generosity and for all you do!

Next weekend, the Catholic Ministries Appeal will kick off throughout the Archdiocese. The theme of the 2013 CMA is “Living Generously in a Year of Faith.” This year, our generous pledges will support not only six vital continuing and new shared regional ministries, but also…if we exceed our goal…the overage will go toward our St. Vincent de Paul Society. You make a difference when you live generously. For more information, please visit

You are invited to participate in CRS Rice Bowl! Our parish is participating in CRS Rice Bowl, Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program, as a way to encounter Jesus through others, especially through the most vulnerable in our world. In the small West African nation of Burkina Faso, 80% of the population are farmers. Frequent droughts make it difficult to produce enough food for the entire year. Often, farmers can only grow enough food to feed their families for seven months. The rest of the year is called “the hungry season.” This week, we pray for families in Burkina Faso and give to CRS Rice Bowl to help small-scale farmers. CRS Rice Bowls are located in the back of church.

Rite of Christian Initiation News: At the 11:00 am liturgy this Sunday we celebrate the Rite of Sending of our RCIA adult candidate Kathleen Sullivan and 11 year-old Eva Smith and candidates Michael Carle, Erin Hoschouer, and Clinton Symons who are preparing for profession of faith and Confirmation. They, their sponsors and RCIA team members will then meet others from the archdiocese at the cathedral at 3:30 pm for the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion by the Bishop. These ceremonies propel them and the Church into the Lenten journey of final preparation for the Easter sacraments. Please pray for them as they take this serious step on their journey of faith.

The last presentation of our Vatican II Lecture Series will be held on Tuesday, February 26th in the school cafeteria (handicap entrance) at 7:00 pm. Our speaker is Rabbi Abie Ingber, XU professor, whose talk is entitled: “Changing the History of the World, of My World.” This is focused on “Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions,” Nostra Aetate. Everyone is welcome!

Lenten Reminders…Fast and Abstinence: Good Friday, March 29, 2013 is a day of abstinence from meat and also a day of fast, that is, limited to a single full meal. The other Fridays of the season of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics 14 years and older. The law of fasting binds all Catholics from their 18th birthday until their 59th birthday.

Best Fish in Town… Nativity’s Parish Fish Fry will be held on Fridays during Lent starting on February 15th and ending on March 22nd, from 5:30-7:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Dine in or carry out! Hand-breaded fried fish dinners including side choices of macaroni and cheese or French fries, green beans and coleslaw is $7.50. Fish sandwich on bun and/or rye bread with choice of a side is $6.50. Meal includes lemonade, water. Italianette cheese pizza, soda, coffee, beer and desserts are also available for purchase.

This Wednesday, February 20th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the cafeteria: Lenten Simple Supper: Nativity’s Education Commission cordially invites you to join us for a Lenten Simple Supper for all. Enjoy a potluck-style dinner as a family and community during Lent. Please use the following link to register and choose what item you would like to bring to share that evening If you have any questions, please contact Micki Spencer at or Sarah Peters at or you may contact Cindy in the Parish Office at 531-3164.

The following children were baptized here at Nativity last weekend: Gregory Graeme, son of Gregory and Mary Arcuino; and Katrin Ellert, daughter of William and Claudia Sandman. Congratulations to the proud parents!

Save the Date: Nativity’s Lenten Evening for Women is coming Tuesday, March 5th. Enjoy homemade soups and chili, good conversation, and inspiration for your Lenten journey. Register soon on the parish website. More information will be forthcoming.

Did you know Nativity helps feed and shelter homeless families 5 times a year…through our Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) ministry? We join other churches of all faiths in the Faithful response to homelessness by providing dinner, children’s activities and overnight hosts so that families can stay together during a difficult time. Most families have experienced one event that catapults them into a temporary homeless situation. If you would like to join fellow parishioners in helping at Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church on one of the following Nativity host dates: March 14, May 16, July 4, October 10 and December 12, please contact Kathy Mitchell at 531-8148 or .

The following students have received academic honors: Walnut Hills High School: Will Jackson; St. Xavier High School: Blake Anderson, Evan Barlow, Alexander Bell, John Benken, Christopher Brown, Collin Cain, Jacob & Nicholas Childs, Christopher Daugherty, Jonathan Deutsch, Matthew Doyle, Neil Garry, Calvin & Jack Gunderson, Joshua Meirose, Stephen Muething, Joseph Perin, Ryan Reese, Patrick Sheeran, Robert Smyjunas, Luke Stegman, and Michael and Cameron Vogel. Congratulations to all of you!

Archbishop Schnurr has requested that we continue to be concerned about religious liberty. He has asked that we participate in a Project Life and Liberty postcard campaign. This involves contact with our federal senators and representatives. Postcards are available on the table in the vestibule to be filled out. I am grateful for your support and participation in this effort. - Fr. Paul

Sr. Carren is no longer under contract to Nativity Parish. We are grateful for the good things she has contributed to our community and wish her well with all good things in the future.

~Please remember Nativity in your will~