Spartan Speak Newsletter

Lorne Park Secondary School - 1324 Lorne Park Road – Mississauga ON L5H 3B1 - 905-278-6177

Website: - Facebook: Lorne Park Secondary - Twitter: @Lorne Park News

April 2014


Principal's Message

I would first of all like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the Lorne Park community of students, staff and families for the warm welcome I have received since starting here as Principal on January 31st. I cannot begin to convey how impressed I am by the students here at LP, their sense of community, their involvement in their school, the level of respect that they exhibit for their school and each other, their focus on achievement and academic success.

You will be receiving this letter in connection with the issuing of semester 2 Mid Term report cards. This is the first official numerical report on your child’s progress this semester. I would encourage you to review the Learning Skills, Grade and Comments for each of your child’s subjects with your child.

Our Parent’s Night is coming up Thursday April 24th, and you will have received an interview request form with the report card. If you did not receive the form to request an interview, extra copies will be available in the office for pick or downloadable on the school website (go to About Us, click on Forms and select Parent’s Night Interview).

At Parent’s Night, the first half hour of the evening, starting at 6:00 PM is for informal meet and greet with the staff, formal interviews (10 minutes in length) start at 6:40 PM and run to 8:30 PM. There will be limited ability to book interviews on the evening of the event in the Main Foyer with student helpers who will be there to assist. We encourage you all to attend.

Spring events are well under way and we are fielding a number of clubs and teams as always. I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to support your child’s involvement in what ever peaks their interest.

We have just come off an exciting few weeks at the school.

The Inside Ride in support of Cancer Research took place April 4th and the students raised in excess of $16 000 for this worthwhile cause. A big thank you goes out to Ms Hatzakis and her team in the organising and staging of this event.

The Music Man, our spring musical, just finished a successful three night run here at the school April 9 – 11 and the show was a smashing success. The musical, acting and staging talents of our students shone each night. A big thank you go out to Mrs. Vardy, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Vanstone, Mr. Fox, Mr. Whittaker, Mrs. Lambrakos, Ms Zammit, Mrs. Charmin, Mr. Stevens, Mrs. Wells, Mr. Lougheed, Mr. Valyi and an outstanding cast and crew for three nights of great entertainment.

Communication with the families here at LP is important to us. We are making a concerted effort to keep our website up to date and encourage you as much as possible to go to it on a regular basis. We have received a number of calls concerning the Synervoice messages being sent out to too many contact numbers for families. In future these calls will only go to the home number and the email on file. Parents also have the option to enroll in Parent Web which allows parents to get up to date on line attendance info and credit accumulation information for their child.

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible this coming Parent’s Night and welcome you to drop by the office any time.

Peter Hill


April 14-25 / Education Week
April 21-25 / Earth Week
April 24th / Post –Secondary Opportunities
Night for Grade 11 parents - 5:30
Parent/Teacher Interview Night - all grades – 6:30
April 29th / Last day for students to drop a course
May 5th / Early Release Day
May 6th / School Council Presents: Guest Speaker – Dr. Bayley, subject : concussions - Time: 7:00 pm
May 15th / Music Night – 7:00 pm
May 16th / Principal’s Reception - am
May 19th / Victoria Day Holiday
June 3rd / School Council Meeting – 7 pm
June 4th / Art Show – all day
Lacrosse Banquet - pm
June 5th / Arts Banquet
June 6th / Prom Night – 6:00 pm
June 10-18 / In-Class Exams
June 11&12 / Gr. 9 Math EQAO test
June 19-25 / Final Exams
June 26th / Exam Review
Report Cards go home
Commencement – 8:00 pm


Your School Council Representatives:

Parent Representatives:

Co-Chairs: Patrick Safieh

Lynn Still

Secretary: Rose Piacentino

Treasurer: Thea Valiquette

Members: Elaine Bonin

Alberto Calva

Mary Detlor

Qingyan Fang

Geoff Marinoff

Principal: Peter Hill

Teacher Rep.: Peter Lougheed

Support Staff Rep: Catherine Meaden

Student Reps: Ferris Symoom

Lauren DeSouza

School Council presented speaker, Steve Chapelle, on April 1st in the school lecture hall. Mr. Chapelle spoke on the subject “Social Media, Children and You”. The turn out was excellent! School council is presenting another speaker, Dr. Bayley, topic: concussions, on May 6th. More information on this presentation is provided in the newsletter.

Monthly meetings will continue to be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings commence at 7 pm sharp in the Library of LPSS. Everyone is welcome!

Our next meeting will be on Tues. May 6th

Meetings include reports from the Principal, Student Council, previous business and new business. There is also time allocated for questions from parents in attendance or communications sent to the school for School Council attention. The meeting minutes will be posted on the School Council website:

Commencement Ceremony June 26:

As Commencement has been moved forward to June 26, graduating students are reminded to submit the completion of their 40 hours of community service to the Guidance Office by June 19.

Dropping a Course:

Senior students are reminded that the deadline for dropping a course without it appearing on their transcript is April 29th at 3:00 p.m.

Cancelled Courses & Course Conflicts:

We have started the timetabling process for next year. Students affected by cancelled courses or course conflicts will be seen by their counsellor to select another course.

Program Changes for Next Year:

Students planning to make changes to next year's program must do so prior to June 1. There will be no 'Change of Mind' course changes done in September. Students are to be proactive about program planning. Students are encouraged to talk to teachers and counsellors now to be sure their program meets their post secondary requirements and addresses their learning style. Students are invited to make an appointment with their counsellor if they have questions.

The automated wait list program places students on a wait list according to the date the course change request is processed. Program changes require a parent signature. It is therefore important that students return Course Change Request forms with parent signature as soon as possible.

College and University Applicants:

·  A reminder to students waiting to receive offers of admission from the universities that timing of offers is unique from university to university and program to program. Many university programs require second semester midterm marks before any offers can be made. All offers of admission are conditional pending final marks.

·  Students who do not get admission to their university choices should contact OUAC (Ontario University Application Centre) for alternatives. OUAC operates an information service for qualified applicants who have not received an offer of admission in June. Applicants may contact OUAC to determine which universities still have program vacancies at under Admission Information Service.

·  The Peel submission date for midterm marks’ transmission to OUAC and OCAS is April 23. The transmission date for the final marks for semester two is scheduled for July 4.

·  Students should contact the universities and colleges directly concerning summer school extensions.

·  Students taking courses outside the Peel District School Board are responsible to arrange to have their midterm grades submitted to OUAC/OCAS

from the institution providing the course and to submit their final report cards with an official seal from the institution to the Counselling Office by June 19st.

May 29th – Latest date by which all Ontario universities MUST respond to your application…

June 2nd – Earliest date by which Ontario universities may require a response from you…

Information Sessions:

·  Parents of grade 11 students whose teens are planning to apply to college/university for the 2015-2016 school year are invited to attend an information session in the Lecture Hall on April 24th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Representatives from U of T and Sheridan College will be in attendance to discuss admissions and post secondary programs.

·  Prep Skills will be at Lorne Park on May 14th during lunch to discuss U.S.A applications, NCAA and SAT's.

·  OSAP – An Ontario Student Assistance Program representative will be at Lorne Park April 16 during lunch to talk about the OSAP application and eligibility as well as other important financial considerations for students planning for post secondary education. Students apply online at

·  Scholarship Help Sessions are held every week by Mr. Moynihan in the Counselling Office. Students should check the scholarship bulletin board for more information.

Summer School Registrations:

Summer School information is now available. Information and instructions can be found on our school website. Information can also be found on the Peel Board website at under Continuing Education. Students may also refer to the bulletin board outside of the Guidance Office. Lorne Park students will use the online registration option for all PDSB courses (in-class and on-line). Computer Labs (rooms 162 and 168) will be available 8:00 – 8:20 am for students to register as follows:

Grade 12’s - April 29th, Grade 11’s - April 30th, Grades 9 & 10 – May 1st. Students are advised to register EARLY as there is limited space available!! (If in doubt, register…)


Musicfest – Ontario Band Festival

On February 12, the Senior Wind Ensemble, and Senior Band both travelled to Markham, where they performed at the Ontario Band Festival. While at the festival, students heard performances by other fine groups from around Ontario. Both Lorne Park ensembles performed very well, with the Senior Band earning a Silver award, and the Senior Wind Ensemble earning a Silver Plus, and an invitation to perform at the Musicfest Nationals. The Wind Ensemble also won the prestigious Spirit of the Festival award this year for their performance! Congratulations to all for your superb performances!

Musicfest – Golden Horseshoe Music Festival

The Senior Jazz Ensemble and Junior Jazz Ensemble performed at the Golden Horseshoe Music Festival at Mohawk College on February 26. The Junior Jazz Ensemble earned a bronze. The Senior Jazz Ensemble earned a Silver Plus and an invitation to perform at the Musicfest Nationals. We are very proud of all of the participants for their hard work and dedication!

Ontario Vocal Festival

On Feb. 28 the Spartan Singers went to Mayfield Secondary School to represent Lorne Park at the Ontario Vocal Festival. They first attended a concert by Cawthra Park's Chamber Choir, one of the best youth choirs in Canada. Then the Spartan Singers took the stage and gave an energetic and fun performance, followed by a clinic with Dr. Rachel Rensink-Hoff, director of the choral program at McMaster University. Congratulations to the Spartan Singers on an excellent performance and on being invited to perform at MusicFest Nationals! Congratulations also to the winner of the leadership award, Kevin Kameoka!

Spring Musical

The music and drama students were very busy this semester rehearsing for our spring musical "The Music Man," which was performed on April 9-11. Cast, band and crew did a fantastic job and audiences were thrilled. Special thanks from directors Ms.Vardy and Ms. Fordto all staff and students who helped out with this huge undertaking, and to parents for all of their support of Lorne Park's talented performers. Well done!

Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra - Field Trip

On Friday, April 11th, AMI 1O0 and AMI 2O0 classes and some members of the Senior Band travelled to the Toronto Centre for the Arts, where they were treated to a performance by the Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra conducted by esteemed adjudicator/conductor Colin Clarke, and featuring the TORQ Percussion Ensemble. This year, we had one of our very own Lorne Park music students performing with the group! Congratulations to Yuxiao Zhou, who auditioned for, and won a spot performing with this world class ensemble.

Music Night

This spring's music night will be held on Thursday, May 15 at 7:00. Mark your calendars for this exciting Hollywood evening! All members of music ensembles need to practice their music carefully and attend all rehearsals in order to fully prepare the music for this event. Dress rehearsals will be scheduled during the day on the 15th – the schedule will be posted closer to the performance date.

Peel Music Showcase/Honour Ensembles

On Monday, May 5, many Lorne Park Music students will be performing in the Peel Music Showcase in several of the Honour Ensembles, including the Senior Honour Choir, Senior Honour Band, Intermediate Honour Band, Honour Guitar Ensemble and the Honour Strings Ensemble. Congratulations to all who auditioned!