Prepare Yourself for the ClintonCommunity College Nursing Program
ClintonCommunity College offers an associates degree program in Nursing to prepare you for a career as a registered nurse. Each fall the Admissions Department admits 70 freshman nursing students. Both traditional and non-traditional, these students may be fresh out of high school or adults returning for second careers. The applicants to the class of 2009 ranged in age from 17 to 52. On average, there are 350-450 applicants for those 70 openings. The trick is to prepare yourself to be the most competitive you can be.
Many students who visit the Admissions Office at ClintonCommunity College are considering our nursing program. Most are interested in discovering what is required and how to best prepare for entry. There are several pre-requisites for nursing admission. First, all students must have successfully completed high school biology and chemistry. If a student is missing either or both, he or she may choose to enter the college as a “pre-nursing” student to take this coursework. There is also a math requirement. All nursing students must be qualified to enter MAT 103: Finite Mathematics or MAT 104: College Algebra with Right Angle Trigonometry I. Placement is determined using one of the following: high school math grades, SAT or ACT scores or CCC placement testing. All students must also demonstrate an ability to complete college level coursework through reading comprehension and writing ability. If a student needs any developmental coursework to complete the English or math requirements, they may take this coursework as a “pre-nursing” student either enrolled in our health studies certificate program or our liberal arts program.
High school grades and any college level coursework completed by a student is also reviewed and considered. Official transcripts are required from high school, as well as, any colleges attended. Each applicant is required to complete an essay explaining his or her motivation for entering our nursing program, as well as individual information the nursing admissions committee may find relevant. Three letters of reference are also part of the application requirements.
In addition to the required prerequisites for the nursing program, there is other coursework you may consider to make yourself a more competitive applicant. English Composition, Literature and Composition, Introduction to Psychology, Human Development, Introduction to Sociology, Anatomy and Physiology I and II, and Microbiologyare required nursing courses, and may be taken as part of the “pre-nursing” Liberal Arts Curriculum. There are also several electives nursing applicants may consider, such as Introduction to Nursing, Medical Terminology and Phlebotomy. Part of the registration process at Clinton includes time spent with an academic advisor to review course requirements and register you for the coursework that is most relevant and convenient to your schedule. Although the clinical portion of the nursing program is not available as a distance learning option, many of the non-clinical courses are available through our on-line distance-learning schedule.
Schedules of campus courses and distance learning courses are available through the web at
Students who have met the required prerequisites must complete an application to the nursing program, and provide transcripts, essay and letters of reference. The application filing period runs from October 15th -February 15th each year, with nursing acceptances completed in March for the entering fall class. When it comes time for the Nursing Admissions Committee to review all qualified applicants, it is important to note that math and science courses are an essential part of the review process and are weighted more than courses in the humanities or social sciences.
Once a student is admitted to the nursing program four semesters are needed to complete the clinical coursework. A common question is whether the program can be completed in less than four semesters. Unfortunately, it is not possible to finish in less than four semesters because the nursing courses are tightly sequenced.. Fundamentals of Nursing (7 Credits) must be successfully completed in the Fall semester before you enter Medical Surgical Nursing I (5 credits) and Nursing Care of the Child-Bearing Family (4 credits) in the Spring semester. The second year of clinical includes Medical Surgical Nursing II (5 credits) and Mental Health Nursing (4 credits). Your final semester requires Medical Surgical Nursing III (10 credits) and Pharmacology for Nursing (3 credits) in the Spring.
Completion of the nursing program at Clinton enables you to enter the workforce as a registered nurse and / or continue your studies for a bachelor’s degree in nursing at another college or university of your choice. The college has several 2+2 articulation agreements with colleges, allowing you to transfer and complete a bachelor’s degree after two additional years of full-time study.
The Clinton Community College Nursing Program is registered by the New York State Education Department and is accredited by the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). Our program has a reputation for being one of the strongest in the area, based on NCLEX passing scores received from the NYS Department of Education. Our most recent results showed a passing rate of 97.96%.
Students who have previously attended CCC should contact the Counseling and Advisement Office regarding returning in a nursing or pre-nursing curriculum. New students can begin by contacting the Admissions Office. A free online application is available on the web at:
Contact at CCC:Martha S. Hewitt
Admissions Advisor for Nursing
ClintonCommunity College