La Spaziale S1 Vivaldi
Timer Instruction Manual
Rev. C - 4/14/2012(Updates highlighted in Green)
LaSpaziale Vivaldi Clock Module
a) Withthe selectionofEnglish asthe language,the timeofthe dayisshownin standard HH:MMam/pm formatonthefirst line.Thedate is showon the 2nd linein standard MM- DD-YYformat.
b) The clock moduleautomaticallyadjustsfor leapyears.
c) The clock module automaticallyadjustsfor DaylightSavings Time,ifselected.However, this feature has notbeenchangedfor thenewUS DST dates. Consequently,itis best to leave this featureoff.Notethatwheneveryouadjustthe time-of-dayforanyreason,the
DSTfeatureturnsback on. You’ll need to rememberto manuallyturn it back off.
d) The times and datesonyour timer maybedifferentthan shown inthis manualsince they willdepend onhow your unit waspreviouslysetwhen enteringconfiguration mode.
e) Ifyou’ve programmedthetimerfor thefirsttime and itdoesn’tturn themachineon atthe expectedtime,youshould checkthe timer switch onthe topof thecontroller module insidethemachine. This canbe accessedbyremovingthe topcover ofthe cupwarmer. Thereare two switches. Oneislabeled15A/20Aand selectswhetheryourmachinecanactivate bothboilerssimultaneously. Theother is labeledOn/Off. ThismustbesettoOn ifthe optionaltimerisinstalledanditmustbe settoOffifthe timer isnotinstalled. Be aware that the state of this switch is only sensed by the internal controller board on power up. So if you change the switch position you will need to unplug the S1 and then plug it back it.
Withpower on, the firstlinedisplays thecurrenttime (01:00pm). Thesecondlinealternates betweenthe current dateand thenextoff“OF” or on“ON“ time (OF08:30pm), ifan on/off operation is pendingbeforemidnightofthe currentday.
1.1 Timerprogramming
Pressingthe buttonfor about 3 sec. enters the programmingmodewith theword“Timer Selectio” displayed. Use thebuttonsto selectthe desiredmode thenconfirm with the button
1.2 “Language Selectio” Mode
Confirm Language modewiththe buttonand onthedisplaythelanguagepreviously selectedis flashing.
Onthe topline:Selectio
Onthe bottom line:English(flashing)
Usethe buttonstoselectthelanguage among:Italian– English – French – German– Spanishand confirmwith
1.3 “Clock Selectio” Mode
Withthe buttonconfirm Clock mode.Thefollowingmessageis shown onthedisplay:
Onthe topline:Day
Onthe bottom line:Monday(flashing)
Withthe buttons selectthe dayoftheweek andconfirm with .
The followingmessage is shown onthe display:
Onthe topline:Month
Onthe bottom line:January(flashing)
With the buttonsselectthe monthandconfirm with.
The followingmessage is shown onthe display: Onthe topline:Day
On the bottom line:30(flashing)
With thebuttonsselectthe date oftheweek andconfirm with .
The followingmessage is shown on thedisplay:
Onthe topline: Year
Onthebottom line:2007 (flashing)
Withthe buttonsselecttheyear andconfirm with.
The followingmessage is shownonthe display:
Onthe topline:Time
Onthe bottom line:12:00am(withthehour digitflashing)
Withthe buttonsselectthe hourincludingam/pmand confirm with.
Thedigits of the minutes startflashing. With the buttons setthe minutes then press
The displayed messagechanges to:
Onthe topline:Summerti (DaylightSavings Time)
Onthe bottom line:NO –YES(withflashingYes)
Withthe buttons select:
YES =Change to DaylightSavings Timeon the last SundayofMarchat02:00am andchange back toStandard timeonthelastSundayofOctober at03.00am.
NO=No change tosummer time(DST)occurs.
thenpress.Thedisplaythen showsClock Selectio.Presstocycle back tothe beginning ofClock Selectiomode orto exitprogrammingmode.
1.4 “Timer Selectio” Mode
Withthe buttonconfirm Timermode. Thefollowingmessageis shownonthedisplay: Onthe topline:Timer
On thebottom line:OFF– ON(withflashingON)
Withthe buttonsselect:
OFF Ifyouwant to disable use ofthe timerfunctionto turntheS1 onandoff.
ON Ifyouwant toenable thetimer toturn theS1 onandoffat the programmedtimes,then confirm it withthebutton
The displaythen changes to:
On thetop line:Monday(flashing)
Onthe bottom line: ------
With thebuttons,selectthe dayandthenconfirmwithbutton. Theselected day becomes fixedand abbreviatedfollowedbythemessage:
On thefirstline:Mon1º ON
On thesecondline:12:00am(withthefirsttwo flashingdigits)
Withthe buttonsselectthe hour and confirm with .
This makes the digitscorrespondingto theminutesflash.Withthebuttonsselectthe minutes and confirmwith . The messageMon 1º ONbecomes Mon1ºOFF. Onthe secondline:12:00am(withthe firsttwoflashingdigits)
Usethe sameprocedureas aboveto selectthe firsthour for OFF. Byconfirming it,the messageMon 1ºOFFbecomes Mon 2º ON and,once itis confirmed, itbecomes Mon 2º OFF.Thesame procedure is valid for the3rdtime setting.OncetheMon3º hour of OFFis programmed,the displaychanges to:
Top line:Tuesday(blinking)
Bottom line:Copy
Ifyouwantto copythesettingmadetheprevious day,youhave to press the button andhold for three seconds. Ifyouwish tocopyasingle day’s schedule suchasMondaysallthe waythroughFriday,for example, press again and hold the buttonfor 3seconds asyou cycle through eachday.Ifyouwanttojustmovetothenextdaytosetupaschedule different thanthat justprogrammed,momentarilypressthe button. Youcanthenprogramthe nextand any subsequentdaysfor upto three differentOn/Off times just as theMonday example describedabove. After each dayyoucanpress forthreeseconds tocopyto the nextdayor momentarilypress thebuttonto move to thenextday.
After selecting thelastdayoftheweek,yougo back tothe “TimerSelectio” display. Press tocycle back tothe beginningofClock Selectiomodeor to exitprogrammingmode.
If theON and OFF time areboth settothe sametime,the machineremainsoff.
If theON time ofthe next timesettingis the sameasthe OFF time ofthe previous setting,the machine stays on.
If there is one minute ofdifference(OFF11:59pm - ON12:00am)between theOFFtimeofone specific dayandtheON time ofthe followingone,the machinestayson.
In caseyouwantto switch onthemachineat 07:00amand switch itoffat09:00pm duringthe wholeweek,proceedasfollows:
Press for 3 sec. the button ,confirmTimerSelectio modewiththe button. Select“TIMER ON”withthebuttons,thenconfirmwith .
The firstlineof thedisplayshows Monday,confirmwiththebutton . Setwiththe buttons7:00am as time and confirmwiththe button. Setthe minutes as 00and confirmwiththe button (for programminginstructions seeparagraph 1.4).
The displayshowsonthefirstlineMON 1º OFF, setwiththe buttons 09:00 pm as time and confirm withthe button,thensetthe minutes00andconfirm withthe button .
Setthe followingtimes allto 9:00PM and confirmingeachwiththe button (Mon 2º ON, Mon 2º OFF,Mon3º ON,Mon 3º OFF) untilthedisplayshowsTuesdayonthefirstlineand COPYonthe secondline.
Press button for3 as to copythetime setting ofthe previous day. Thedisplay shows WednesdayonthefirstlineandCOPYonthe secondline.
Press thebuttonfor about3 as to copythe time settingofthe previous day. Repeatthe sameoperation for alldays oftheweek.
After selectingthe last dayoftheweek, thedisplayreturns to“TimerSelectio” mode.
Incaseyouwantto seta dayoftheweekforwhich themachinedoes not turn on (for exampleSunday)proceed as follows:
Setthe desiredonand off time ofalldays oftheweek(for programminginstructions see paragraph1.4).When theTimerdisplaysSunday,confirmwiththe button .
Withsetthe ON and OFF time at 12:00am in thefirsttime setting. Confirm the same time for allthefollowingtime settings withthe button.
Incaseyouwantto switch onthemachinefrom07:00am Mondaythrough 11:00pm on
Saturday,proceed as follows:
Press for 3 sec.the button. Select "TIMER ON"with thebuttons The firstdisplaylineshowsMonday. Confirmwiththe button .
Setwiththe buttons7:00am as Mon 1º ON and confirmwiththe button(for programminginstructions seeparagraph1.4).
The displayshowsonthefirstlineMON1º OFF. Setwiththe buttons 11:59pm asMon 1º OFFand confirm withthe button .
Setthe followingtimes allto12:00amand then confirm each settingwithbutton : (Mon 2º ON,Mon 2º OFF,Mon 3º ON, Mon 3º OFF)untilthedisplayshowsTUESDAYon thetop lineand COPYonthe bottom line.
Press thebutton and setasTues1º ON time 12:00am. Confirmwith the button. The displayshowsonthefirstlineTues 1º OFF.Setwiththebuttons 11:59 pm as Mon 1º OFFand confirm withthe button .
Setthe followingtimes allto 12:00amandconfirm eachsettingwiththe button (Tues 2º ON,Tues 2º OFF,Tues 3º ON,Tues3ºOFF)untilthedisplayshowsWEDNESDAYon the firstlineandCOPYon thesecondline.
Press the buttonfor 3 asto copythetime settings ofthe previous days. Repeat the same operation for all other days until the display shows Saturday, Confirm with the button.Setthetime 12:00am ( Sat1º On) and confirmwiththe button. The display showsSaturdaytime Sat 1º OFFonthe firstline.Setthetimeto11:00pm (Sat 1º OFF) andconfirm withthe button.
Setthe followingtimes to 11:00PM and confirm withthebutton (Sat2º ON,Sat2ºOFF, Sat 3º ON,Sat 3ºOFF)untilthedisplayshowsSUNDAYonthefirstlineandCopyonthe secondline.
Withthe buttonssetON andOFFat12:00am in thefirst time setting.Confirmwiththe button thesametime for alltheother time settings.
After selectingthe last dayoftheweek the displaygoesback tothe “TimerSelectio” mode.
3. BatteryBackup
When power is offtothe VivaldiII, there is nopower provided to thetimer.In this mode the timerdisplayis offbutthe time and program are maintained inbatterybackedmemory.A3V CR2032 Lithium buttonbatteryis used for this purpose. This batteryshould last for several years.When itneeds tobereplaced,remove thebacktimercover byunscrewingthefour smallPhillips screws. Thebatteryiseasilyaccessible withthe plastic back plate removed.
4. OtherOperationalNotes
- Thereis noBack button.Ifyoumakeanerror or miss a criticalstep,youneed to just stopandwait for the programmingmodeto time out. The timerwillthen reverttotime mode andyoucanstart overwithprogramming.
- Ifyoucan’tfigure outhowto get thetimerto dowhatyouwantfromthis manual, please loginto theS1 Forum andaskfor assistance:
- This manualassumes thatyouhavepurchasedyourS1 VivaldiII withTimer option installed.Ifyoupurchasedyour timer later,please requestinstallation assistance from Chris CoffeeService: