Conceptual Design Review
BalloonSat “Optimism Prime”
Team Thumbs Up
Nick Lenk
Eddie Cyrus
Greg Nelson
Chase Pritchett
Jake Varey
Brian Inglis
September 23, 2008
- Mission Goal:
The BalloonSat- “Optimism Prime” shall ascend to an altitude of approximately 30,000 meters in order to measure the intensity of light as a function of altitude, the acceleration of the satellite during the flight, the inside and outside temperature, and the humidity to better understand the conditions of “near space.” The primary science of this mission shall ascertain the reasons why solar cell technology is so prevalent in space technology. This BalloonSat shall provide the data necessary to evaluate the science goal.
- Objectives:
1)Construct a satellite to launch on a high altitude balloon to reach a maximum height of about 30,000m above sea level for under $500 by 11/15/2008.
2)Measure the intensity of light as the satellite rises from 1.6km to 30km.
3)Measure the forces acting in all directions on the satellite using an accelerometer and record this information on the data logger.
4)Measure the inside and outside temperature with sensors both inside and outside the satellite, and record using the data logger.
5)Measure the humidity of the atmosphere using a humidity sensor and record on the data logger.
- Objective Requirements:
1)The BalloonSat shall be constructed and finalized by 11/15/2008. It shall not exceed 1 kg in mass. It shall not cost more than $500, and the experiments shall not exceed $150 in cost.
2)The BalloonSat shall measure light intensity on all six sides of the cube, with 6 photodiodes total (one on each side). The photodiodes shall take the intensity of light for the duration of the flight, from time = 0 hrs to time = 3 hrs.
3)The BalloonSat shall measure the forces acting on the satellite for the duration of the flight, including the force accelerating the satellite upward into near space, and the forces “whipping” the satellite after the balloon bursts. The accelerometer shall be located externally from the HOBO data logger but inside the structure of the satellite.
4)The BalloonSat shall measure the internal and external temperatures over the duration of the flight. One sensor shall be located inside the insulation of the cube and one outside the external structure (but not in contact with the cube in order to record an accurate temperature).
5)The BalloonSat shall measure the humidity of the atmosphere (or lack of) over the duration of the flight. The sensor shall be located within the structure of the satellite.
- Technical Overview:
1.External Structure:
The exterior structure of the satellite shall be constructed entirely of foam core, with a segment of clear Plexiglas for the camera to take photos through. The foam core shall have a mass of approximately 264 grams and a surface area of approximately 2,904 cm2. There shall be a tube of 1 cm in diameter that passes through the center of the satellite. The dimensions of the structure shall be 22cm x 22cm x 22cm.
2.Internal Structure and Components:
The internal structure shall be composed of: insulation around the outer surfaces and tube to prevent heat loss, a heater with power supply, two HOBO data loggers, one digital camera with memory card and power supply, six photodiodes (these shall extend outside the box), two solar cells, and required circuitry and wires. All internal equipment shall be placed to maximize equilibrium of the BallonSat.
The satellite’s components shall be powered by batteries. The heating circuit shall be powered by three 9V alkaline batteries and the two HOBO data loggers will each be powered by one 3V CR-2032 Lithium battery. The digital camera shall be powered by two 1.5V AA size alkaline batteries.
The design of the satellite shall be laid out in block style. The foam core will be cut into a “t” shape that will then be folded up to form a cube. Hot glue and aluminum tape shall be used to maintain the integrity of the satellite at the edges. One hole from the interior to the exterior on each side of the box shall be included for each photodiode. Additional holes shall be included for the temperature gauge of the HOBO data logger and the solar cells to be placed on top of the satellite as well as two additional apertures to accommodate the tube that allows attachment to the flight string. Internal design shall be laid out to maximize equilibrium of the satellite as a whole. Picture 1 is an overview of the design of the satellite. Diagram 1 is a functional block diagram of the internal components.
Testing of the design structure shall begin immediately upon construction of the first satellite shell. This date is expected to be no later than October 4, 2008. Testing shall include but not be limited to: drop testing, whip testing, stair testing, and cold testing. Drop testing shall require releasing the satellite from a height of no less than 10 meters. Whip testing shall involve rotating the satellite on a string and changing its direction about the axis of rotation in rapid succession. Stair testing shall involve dropping the satellite down a flight of concrete stairs. The satellite shall be placed in a cooler containing dry ice for the cold testing. Weights shall be placed in the shell to simulate the internal components for the first three tests. The actual components shall be included in the shell for the cold testing. All testing shall be completed two weeks before the expected flight date of November 15, 2008. A detailed timeline is included in Schedule 1.
6.Launch Program:
The team shall assemble at 4:45 AM and run a final systems check to verify that all components are functioning adequately. New batteries shall be installed in the BalloonSat to prevent system failure due to lack of power. In the final minutes before launch at 7:30, the BalloonSat shall be turned on and launched without damage to the satellite or other satellites attached to the balloon..
7.Prevention of injury:
All team members shall practice safety precautions throughout the construction and testing of the BalloonSat. Examples of this include wearing safety glasses while working with dangerous tools and maintaining a safe perimeter around the BalloonSat when performing structural tests.
8.Special features of design:
The BalloonSat shall have 6 photodiodes fixed to each side of the cube-shaped BalloonSat. Each of these photodiodes will be connected in series to each other and then the voltage produced shall be measured by a voltage connector in the HOBO data logger. The BalloonSat shall also have 2 solar cells directly attached to the HOBO data loggers to measure the voltage output from them.
9.Launch day procedure:
After the launch of the BalloonSat, at least one team member shall participate in the recovery of the payload. The BalloonSat shall be taken back to the University of Colorado at Boulder, where the two HOBO data loggers shall transfer the data into a computer. The data shall then be analyzed through graphs and necessary calculations to determine the results.
10.Meeting of requirements:
The satellite shall meet all requirements as specified in the Request for Proposal. The satellite shall not exceed the maximum weight requirement of 1 kg. A weight budget is included in Table 1. Through the use of a heater, the internal temperature of the satellite shall not drop below 0 degrees Celsius. The satellite design shall incorporate a tube running through the middle that allows attachment of the BalloonSat to the high altitude helium balloon.
Picture 1. Overview of BalloonSat
Table 1. Weight Budget: (maximum allowable weight- 1000 grams)
Digital Camera / 220 gramsHOBO Data Logger(x2) / 58 grams
9v Battery / 136.8 grams
Foamcore Squares (22cm x 22cm, x6) / 264.6 grams
Photodiodes (x6) / 1.5 grams
Solar Cells (8cm x 5cm, x2) / 6.72 grams
Various cords and cables / 50 grams
Heating unit / 68.4 grams
Insulation / 50 grams
Total Mass / 856.02 grams
Schedule 1.
September 22, 2008- Design Completion
September 23, 2008- Conceptual Design Review slides and presentation due
October 2, 2008- Order all hardware with the expectation that it will be received by October 9th
October 4, 2008- Foam core shell shall be built to be ready for Whip, Stair, and drop testing.
October 9, 2008- Design Document Revision A due
October 14, 2008- Prototype design shall be complete
October 14, 2008- Critical Design Review slides and presentation are due
October 14, 2008- Design Document Revision B due
October 21, 2008- Final construction of BalloonSat to be built
October 21, 2008 to November 4, 2008- Final BalloonSat testing, including cold test shall be completed
November 6, 2008- Design Document Revision C due
November 11, 2008- Launch Readiness Review and Pre-inspection
November 15, 2008- Launch of Satellite
December 2, 2008- Design Document Revision D due
December 2, 2008- Final presentation due
Diagram 1. Functional block diagram
- Management and Cost Overview:
Management, design, and creation of the “Optimism Prime” satellite shall be handled by Team Thumbs Up. Team members include: Nicolas Lenk, Edward Cyrus, Chase Pritchett, Brian Inglis, Gregory Nelson, and Jacob Varey. Following is a list of responsibilities and description of each team member. Diagram 2 is an organizational chart of the team.
- Nick Lenk: Nick is 24 years old.He is a general astronomy major and is also in the process of receiving his secondary teaching license. Nick is an avid player of Frisbee golf and is also on the club swim team. Nick has been nominated as the team captain for team Thumbs Up. Nick will be helping out in all of the needed tasks, making sure deadlines are met, and making sure everyone is having a good time.
Address: 4259 Sumac Ct., Boulder, CO, 80301
Phone number:970-214-8772
- Eddie Cyrus: Eddie is 37 years old.He is an aerospace engineering major. Eddie was in accounting for the last 10 years and has returned to school to change careers. Eddie is originally from Virginia but ended up in Colorado in 2001. Eddie was a thespian years ago in high school. Eddie’s responsibilities include reminding everyone of their deadlines. Also, he brings extensive senior aerospace knowledge to the team. Eddie is the head programmer for the team.
Address: 1300 30th St., Apt. B4-28, Boulder, CO, 80303
Phone number: 720-838-0326
- Greg Nelson: Greg is 18 years old.He is an aerospace engineering major. Greg is a marvelous choir singer. Greg has lived in Colorado his entire life. Outside of academic pursuits Greg loves theatre, he is also a thespian. Greg is in charge of the circuitry needed for the BalloonSat.
Address: 9054 Brackett Hall, Boulder CO, 80310
Phone number: 970-980-7276
- Jake Varey: Jake is 18 years old.He is an aerospace engineering major. Jake loves ultimate Frisbee, and running. Jake is a drummer. Jake has contributed greatly to the proposal; he will also be the lead structural engineer.
Address: Crosman Hall, Boulder CO, 80310
Phone number: 303-506-4780
- Chase Pritchett: Chase is 18 years old.He is an aerospace engineering major. Chase likes camping. Chase is enrolled in Navy ROTC and wants to be a Navy pilot. Chase is from Austin, and this is the first time he has left his home state of Texas. Chase also has contributed greatly to the project proposal. Chase will be in charge of budget throughout the entire project and will assist others as needed.
Address: 828 Stearns West Boulder, CO, 80303
Phone number: 512-468-8178.
- Brian Inglis: Brian is 18 years old.He is an aerospace engineering major. Brian was born in Denver Colorado. Brian’s favorite book is Slaughterhouse 5, and his favorite movie is Forest Gump. Brian volunteers in outdoor education outreach for youngsters in Boulder. Brian is a lover of rock climbing. Brian is the design engineer, which means he is in charge of putting the BalloonSat together and making sure all the components work together.
Address: 388 Libby Hall, Boulder, CO, 80310
Phone number: 303-482-6558
Budget: Provided with a budget maximum $150 and 1000g, we have formulated a plan to stay within those parameters while maintaining mission success. An estimated budget is included in Table 2.
-Be fiscally responsible. Don’t buy anything we really don’t need.
-Simplicity is paramount. Anything too complex will cost more and weighs down the BalloonSat.
-Be Conservative. Don’t make an enormous BalloonSat and use materials as needed.
Total budget comes out to $150.50 and 856.02g, barely going over the monetary limit.
The extra $0.50 will come out of the pocket of the team.
Table 2. Monetary Budget
Photodiodes (10 @ $1.25) / 12.50HOBO Data Logger (second) / 115.00
Voltage Cord for HOBO / 8.00
Various Cables/Wires / 5.00
Estimated Shipping / 10.00
Purchased Materials / 150.50
Provided Materials / 350.00
Total Cost / 500.50
Diagram 2. Organizational Chart
Team Thumbs Up