Nationalism is the belief that one’s greatest loyalty should not be a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share common culture and history, when the nation had its own independent government,it becomes a nation-state (McDougal) The first people to win self-rule during this period were the Greeks. African nationalism is a subjective feeling of kinship or affinity shared by people of African descent. A feeling based on shared cultural norms, traditionalinstitutions, racial heritage, and common historical experience, nationalism in Africa started in 19th C.
Globalization is the development of social and economic relationship stretching World Wide. Also globalization is the social, political, and economic connections which cross-cut borders between countries decisively condition the fate of those living within each of them, also increasing interdependence and interconnectedness of World society. Globalized World based on free movement of people and goods, transfer of technology, spread of ideology and ideas, free market economy, privatization and rise of intellectual property.
I agree that nationalism is an asset in today’s globalized world and am going to support my answer by looking on the aspects of life such as economic, political, social and cultural and in each aspect I will show the difference between the nationalistic countries and non-nationalistic countries and how they benefit on this globalized world. My entire focus will be on how the nationalistic countries are reaping the benefits from the globalized world.
Economic aspects, this include all activities which enable an individual or country to earn a certain amount of profit it can whether from trade activities from other countries or through economic activities such as privatization and investments. Under economic aspect we are going to look on economic spheres which relate with globalization and how nationalism play a role in gaining or obtaining profit under the umbrella of globalization through economic activities.
Through free trade whereas countries are allowed to exchange goods and services and benefit from it, free trade has enable countries worldwide to import and export products with less tariffs and policy. Free trade as among of the feature of the globalized world has enabled the nationalistic countries to be subjected under the influence of products from other countries especially western countries such as U.S.A and European countries. But because some countries have nationalism spirits have enable them to be able to engage in trade activities but they have formulate policy and enact laws which prevent the importation of goods or products which are produced within the country. This has enabled those countries to continue benefiting from free trade unlike many countries of Africa which are not benefiting from the free trade.
For the case of industries, privatizations as well as investments which are done by either the foreigners or indigenous people all this play a great role in raising the economy of the country. Some countries which have nationalism spirits have successed in creating a certain percentage which is gives the local an opportunity for them to invest in their own countries, not only this but also strong policy has been enacted to help in monitoring the activities done by the foreign investors so as to insure the local people or the country is benefiting through the establishment of an industry or investment done. This policy insure that the investors pay tax, employment of local people in both skilled and unskilled works as well as for an investor to contribute a certain percent to the development of local society which surrounds his place of work. Bhagwati, 2004
Political aspect this refers to the sphere which includes all governmental works whether being legislature, executive or judicial works. Nationalistic countries saw the need of having a periodic election which enable the citizen found in that particular country to be free to choose the leader of their choice. A lot of countries including Tanzania have adopted the multiparty system so as to increase the freedom of choice of the citizen when electing a leader of his choice.Also periodic election of 5 years in Tanzania has help the citizens to feel free to assess and elect another leader if the one in the government is not doing what he say he was going to all this has enable nationalistic countries to stay away from western oppression through siding with some of political parties as well as enabling the people to be in control of their own government through the power invested to them through election.
Amendment of the constitution of the country through involving of the citizens via the members of parliaments, the amendments of the constitution has enable the country to enact new laws which can be used to combat any type of fallacy which can be caused by the influence from other countries especially western countries over developing countries. The amendments include laws which will be used to punish the leaders and anyone who in one way or another has gone against it. Through this the nationalistic nations have been able to survive within the globalized world which involves a lot of crimes and corruptions which are being fixed through the act of no one is above the law.
Elected and appointed officials ought to be accountable and transparency to the people. They must make decisions and perform their duties according to the wishes of the citizens. Nationalistic countries have established a transparent system of transferring power from one political party to another. Alsopeople have rights to know what their leaders do for them.Nationalistic countries ensure political stability to their people so as to attract investors for investment. The Governments promote peace among the people, also make resolution for those misunderstanding among the people in order to prevent civil war and forced migration to the people, in which it would affect the both the economy and peaceful of the whole country and to the whole citizens.
Social aspects refer to all social activities which involve close interaction between people such as social services ownership of the land without forgetting the role of infrastructure in helping the country to develop. Nationalistic countries insure the provision of social services such as Health care, schools, water supply, and availability of power to people’s houses as well as to insure the community is safe by insuring the presence of Police stations. All this is done so as to enable the people to see the importance of having the government which up holds the vision of benefiting the citizens of their own country first before themselves, also the social services provided helps in building up a healthy and strong society which will later bring development to their own country.
The nationalistic countries though they collaborate with other countries they insure that other countries have no influence in their government this plays to their advantage unlike other countries especially developing countries like Tanzania. The concept of ownership of land has been a controversial issue in some of the countries mostly African countries, whereas the people of these countries have found themselves fighting for their own land in their own countries. But through enacting of strong laws and policy have enabled some of the countries to be able to avoid collision between people and the government or people with the investors or rather people against people in the question of land.
Nationalistic countries insure availability of transport network as well as good infrastructure, which not only insure the movement of people, goods and services but also the country with good infrastructure attracts investors from abroad who came within the country and invests and the country collect revenues from the taxes paid by the investors. The good communication lines enable fast movement of information from one area this enable the country and its people to be up dated on the fast moving globalized world.
Another aspect is cultural aspect whereas the nationalistic countries observe well the question of preserving the culture of the country this is done through holding of ceremonies or public holidays in favor of the country’s culture, Asia countries are good example of this. But also the government can enact laws which prohibit a certain dressing style, though this is hard to monitor but some countries have try to do so, countries such as United Arab Emirates. Also within the question of culture, nationalistic countries pays a great role in insuring the eradication of bad cultural practices such as FGM and early marriages in case of Tanzania. All this promote the country abroad on how successful it is in fighting against bad cultural practices, it also attract tourist to visit that country.
Until 20th century a lot of countries were already attain the independence but still some countries until today they lack nationalistic spirit and they have end up to be on the ruins of the globalized world. These countries has to adopt new ways of fighting the exploitation and oppression which is done by the developed countries it is in this way that we will be able to experience the true feeling of nationalism.
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