Job Title:Engager Worker
Department:Canning Street
Reporting to:Deputy Manager or Service Manager both managing 4 workers each
- The role involves building therapeutic relationships; developing independent living skills; supporting and enhancing social integration and community capacity.
- Providing person centred support focussing on presenting needs and challenges.
- To build resilience by supporting individuals to access local community services.
- To develop individual’s skills and confidence required to move onto independent living using an identified pathway to independent living
The post holder will primarily be based at Canning street.
The post has no direct supervisory responsibilities but there is of course a duty upon all employees to be aware of appropriate service standards and to report any breach of standards to someone in authority.
- Develop therapeutic relationships with individuals and utilise methods of communication skills informed by the mentalisation approach to support people experiencing a range of emotional states.
- Understand where behaviours are rooted detailed in psychological formulations and to provide consistent support along with colleagues and professionals working with individuals.
- Develop and review person centred plans (inc. partners involved in care and support),using planning tools encourage individuals to be fully involved in support planning which may include managing mental health; improving physical health/self-care; developing living skills; social skills;new social networks, accessing community opportunities; securing employment; reducing drug/alcohol dependency; improving self-esteem/confidence; developing trust and hope; taking responsibility.
- Access appropriate NHS services
- Encourage and motivate individuals to access/participate in socially inclusive opportunities inc. employment, education/training, volunteering; sports & leisure; faith & cultural communities; creative activities
- Encourage individuals to participate in specialist employment services; peer support including AA/NA offered by third sector substance misuse providers, specialist support including resettle services; drug and alcohol services and work in partnership towards identified goals.
- Communicate effectively with key partners statutory agencies including probation; police; resettle; mental health services; housing providers, MAPPA
- Support individuals to liaise with these agencies and attend & contribute to multi agency meetings
- Support individuals to access debt management, welfare benefit and legal advice, work with individual and services to address issues - to claim and maintain welfare benefits
- Support to organise utilities, to manage bills; live within budget and advice on managing finances on a day to day basis including the payment of any part of the rent and/or reducing rent arrears
- Support to understand the rights and responsibilities of holding a tenancy
- Managing themselves in their accommodation and maintaining any necessary appointments
- Support to source furniture and appliances etc.
- Acquiring the relevant domestic skills to manage their home such as cooking and cleaning
- Deliver person centred support according to support plans, ensure support is structured involving accessing services; community activities; on-site/other programmes; attending appointments
- Establish and regularly review progress against goals through“My Shared Pathway” plan
- Work through appropriate modules of the resettlement passport to develop practical skills and awareness to enable progress to independent living.
- To be made aware of the rights and responsibilities of holding a licence.
- To improve physical health, complete annual physical health checklist, promote 5 ways to wellbeing and support access and registration with NHS services.
- Provide consistent support starting prior to move-in whilst in supported accommodation and throughout the transition into independent living
- Positively manage relationships with others; encouraging individuals to consider the feelings and welfare of other people living in the service, re engage with family if appropriate and establish and maintain positive relationships with landlord.
- Undertake risk assessments and formulate comprehensive risk management plans required to enable positive risk taking. To be familiar with licence requirements and conditions of discharge and action to be taken is conditions/licence requirements are breached.
- To recognise signs of deteriorating mental health,contact relevant agencies and work in partnership to prevent relapse and risk of re-offending.
- Deliver small group activities on site including social events; interest groups; welcome and support external providers delivering programmes and sessions on site.
- Work with private/registered social landlords, Imagine’s housing department, care co-ordinators to assist individuals to secure accommodation; apply online for property - Property Pool/Mainstay)
- Promote and facilitate individual participation.
- To update records and maintain a data base to record KPIs and for evaluation purposes.
- To work as an effective team member ensuring that clients receive a high quality responsive service
- To ensure that any matter of concern relating to any individualis immediately notified to a manager
- REQUIREMENTS - All employees are expected to:
- Act with integrity at all times and with a proactive professional manner.
- Ensure that principles of quality are included in all aspects of work
- Always be responsive to client and partner priorities
- Adhere to all Imagine policies and procedures and work within ISO standards at all times.
- Comply with health and safety and any other statutory regulatory requirements
- Demonstrate working within the organisations objectives
- Undertake any other tasks which may be requested from time to time by the organisation
- Safeguard all organisation property or privileged knowledge.
- Meet targets and objectives as set by the line manager
- Undertake all duties and tasks in an efficient accurate manner resulting in excellent service provision.
- Commitment to continuous personal development and participate fully in relevant training and learning
- Attend and participate in staff meetings
- Attend and participate in regular supervision and an annual personal review
- To contribute to the learning of other staff
Imagine aims to provide high quality services to enhance the quality of life of people experiencing disadvantage. In order to fulfil this aim, it operates a policy of equal opportunities to ensure that no client, job applicant, employee, volunteer or carer is discriminated against either directly or indirectly on the grounds of gender, age, race, colour, sexuality, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origin, disability or marital status.
In the course of your duties you may have access to confidential information about individuals or about Company business. Under no circumstances must this information be communicated to anyone other than the authorised persons. These may include medical or other professional staff who are involved in the care and treatment of the person. If in doubt refer to the Line Manager.
Please note that this job profile may be amended to meet the needs of the service and does not preclude other tasks as directed by the team leader. Alteration will be discussed in advance with the post holder whose agreement will not be unreasonably withheld. The job description does not form part of your contract of employment.
Signed ______Date______
When completing your application form please bear in mind that short listing will be undertaken against the evidence presented by you of how you meet the essential criteria detailed in the person specification.
PERSON SPECIFICATIONEngager Worker / Essential/ Desirable / Method of Assessment
- Minimum NVQ Level 3 Health and Social Care
Experience (Paid/Voluntary)
- Working with Offenders/or people described as having multiple and complex needs.
- Working with multi agency/multi-disciplinary teams
- Managing a caseload of clients including people with complex needs.
- Working in a community setting in either the voluntary or statutory sector
- Experience of involvement in MAPPA/MARAC meetings
- Asset based Approach
- Working with a psycho social model
- Supporting people to retain and acquire accommodation
- Supporting people into inclusive opportunities
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Skills & Abilities
- Excellent communication skills including the ability to engage with individuals experiencing a wide range of multiple and complex needs.
- Person centred planning skills
- Ability to use mentalisation approach
- Ability to use motivational interviewing techniques.
- Ability to assess and manage risk using risk assessment tools
- Ability to communicate with a wide range of professionals from services
- Group work skills
- Planning and organisational skills
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- An understanding of the NSF and Mental Health Act/Mental Health Capacity Act requirements
- An understanding of recovery principles in drug and alcohol support
- Person centred planning processes
- Risk assessment and risk management processes
- Cognitive Analytical Therapy Model
- Knowledge and understanding of Personality Disorder
- Housing related support
- Pro social environment and enabling environments
- Relational security/psychologically informed environments
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Personal Attributes
- Reliable and trustworthy
- Flexible and responsive
- Non-judgemental
- Confident and self- aware
- Keen to develop skills
- Personal resilienceand positive
- The ability to remain optimistic in the face of a challenge
- The ability to remain boundaried
- The ability to reflect on the emotional responses and the challenges of working with this group of offenders
- Willingness to make use of learning, clinical/management supervision
- Interest in and commitment to working as part of a wider OPD pathway
- Partnership working to meet the needs of this complex group
E / Interview
Training Matrix
Aims and values
- Understanding the organisation aims, objectives, strategic goals
- Client pack
Canning Street Project
- Aims of service, targets inc. social inclusion and recovery targets.
- Communication and interaction with different parts of the organisation
- Internal and external customers – referring agencies, voluntary sector partners, CPAs
Role of Engager Worker
Key tasks within team
Role specific training
Onsite induction – intro to staff and relevant procedures
Organisation processes
Supervision, support & development; annual leave, sick leave, timesheets
Policies and procedures
Social Inclusion training
Client processes
- Initial assessment & review processes
- Person Centred Action planning & outcome and asset focused approach
- Shadowing and competency for visits/referrals and assessments
- GRIST (risk screening and assessment tool)
- Psycho-social intervention & psychologically informed approach.
- Challenging behaviour inc. de-escalation techniques
- Co-production & Client involvement – co-delivered by Imagine User Led Members
- My Shared Pathways person centred plan - empowering independence/move-on
- Dignity in Care – protecting rights of individuals in our care
- Mental capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty and Mental Health Act Law
- Specialist training (e.g. drug & alcohol); AD – self-harm reduction model, forensic support and working with probation, managing hoarding, Autism Awareness, Dual Diagnosis
Types of abuse; preventative action reporting abuse internal/ external; compliance with Mental Capacity Act/Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Whistleblowing on poor practice or unsafe care
Bullying & Harassment; Handling complaints
Equality & Diversity: recognising & combating discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity (Equality Act 2010)
Health & Safety: reducing risks to health, safety, and well-being; legislation (H&S at Work Act 1974), use of equipment, manual handling, reporting and handling accidents, injuries and emergencies; fire prevention
Lone Working: managing and minimising risk, personal safety and good practice, Guardian 24 lone working system
First Aid: Basic Life Support, scene safety, initial assessment, recovery position, CPR for children and adults
Cyber Security: different types of cyber threats, increasing cyber security, how to prevent & recognise cyber attacks
Display screen equipment: understanding regulations, how to use and correctly adjust work station, understanding how to keep healthy when using computers, smartphones
Document and record keeping: understanding standards and best practice, understanding legislation, client involvement in record keeping
Mental Health: understanding mental health, recognising and responding to symptoms, how to support someone, understanding stigma and discrimination
Protecting personal information – Data protection understanding responsibilities, principles, current legislation, data subject rights