Functional Skills English
Level 1 and Level 2
Speaking, Listening and Communication unit
Assessment Front Sheet
Complete this form for each claim you submit (a claim may include a number of candidates)
Centre number: / Entry Code:Please complete in block letters / Online claim number:
First candidate’s name in online claim:
Last candidate’s name in online claim:
Total number of candidates in online claim:
All candidate work must be assessed and complete before being submitted to the OCR examiner-moderator. Only work that meets all of the required assessment criteria should be submitted for moderation.
What should be submitted:
For Level 1: Completed Assessors Observation Records and any supporting discussion/exchange notes that cover one formal/informal discussion (within a group) about unfamiliar subjects and one formal/informal exchange (one to one) about unfamiliar subjects for each candidate.
For Level 2: Completed Assessors Observation Records and any supporting discussion/presentation notes that cover one formal discussion about unfamiliar subjects and one presentation about unfamiliar subjects for each candidate.
A Centre Authentication Form (CCS160) (one form per submission per level should be completed).
For OCR Examiner-moderator use only
Please tick unit numbers moderated and whether fully or partially moderated (FM – Fully Moderated, PM – Partially Moderated). Tick to confirm units awarded or cross to indicate units to be deleted.
Subject / Level 1 / Level 2 / FM / PM / Awarded / QAEnglish / SLC¨ / SLC¨
OCR Level 2 Listening and responding skills 9
/ Functional Skills EnglishAssessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 - Exchange (Between 2 people)
Centre name / Centre no.
Candidate name / Candidate no.
AC / The learner can:
(Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision.) / AC achieved
1.S.1 / Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to an other’s input
Assessor observation: Candidate makes relevant and extended contributions to an exchange, e.g. by saying, ‘It is important to look smart at an interview because first impressions are really important’ and ‘It is a good idea to prepare answers for an interview so that you can respond to the interviewer with confidence’. Candidate also allows the other person to speak (e.g. uses turn-taking conventions) and responds to the other person’s input, e.g. in a calm and rational manner and without causing conflict.
1.S.2 / Prepare for and contribute to the exchange of ideas and opinions
Assessor observation: Candidate prepares for and contributes to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions, e.g. actively expresses their ideas and opinions in relation to the topic in a formal way on more than one occasion.
1.S.3 / Make different kinds of contributions to an exchange
Assessor observation: Candidate makes different kinds of contributions to an exchange, e.g. asking questions, responding to questions, summarising key points and expressing opinions and ideas.
1.S.4 / Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language
Assessor observation: Candidate speaks clearly and at an appropriate volume to present information/points of view and uses appropriate language for the situation.
Functional Skills English
Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 – Exchange (Between 2 people)
AC / Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision
Centre assessor name (print) / Centre assessor signature / Date
I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work. / Candidate signature / Date
Internal moderator name (print) / Internal moderator signature / Date
Pass / Fail
/ Functional Skills English
Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 - Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)
Centre name / Centre no.
Candidate name / Candidate no.
AC / The learner can:
(Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision.) / AC achieved
1.S.1 / Make relevant and extended contributions to discussions, allowing for and responding to others’ input
Assessor observation: Candidate makes relevant and extended contributions to discussions, e.g. by saying, ‘Nelson Mandela was a great leader, who strongly believed in equality’ and ‘Martin Luther King was also famous for fighting against inequality and he won the Nobel Peace Prize for this in 1964’. Candidate also allows others to speak (e.g. uses turn-taking conventions) and responds to others’ input (e.g. in a calm and rational manner and without causing conflict).
1.S.2 / Prepare for and contribute to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions
Assessor observation: Candidate prepares for and contributes to the formal discussion of ideas and opinions, e.g. actively expresses their ideas and opinions in relation to the topic in a formal way on more than one occasion.
1.S.3 / Make different kinds of contributions to discussions
Assessor observation: Candidate makes different kinds of contributions to discussions, e.g. by asking questions, responding to questions, summarising key points and expressing opinions and ideas.
1.S.4 / Present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language
Assessor observation: Candidate speaks clearly and at an appropriate volume to present information/points of view and uses appropriate language for the situation.
Functional Skills English
Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 1 – Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)
AC / Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision
Centre assessor name (print) / Centre assessor signature / Date
I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work. / Candidate signature / Date
Internal moderator name (print) / Internal moderator signature / Date
Pass / Fail
/ Functional Skills English
Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 - Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)
Centre name / Centre no.
Candidate name / Candidate no.
AC / The learner can:
(Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision.) / AC achieved
2.S.1 / Consider complex information and give a relevant, cogent response in appropriate language
Assessor observation: Candidate listens to and considers complex information and gives responses in a relevant, cogent way using appropriate language, e.g. in a group discussion about how specific skills or personal attributes lead to success in a career.
2.S.3 / Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation
Assessor observation: Candidate adapts the frequency, length and level of detail of their own contributions to suit different people in the group, or any change in the direction of the topic and the direction/flow of the discussion.
2.S.4 / Make significant contributions to discussions, taking a range of roles and helping to move discussions forward
Assessor observation: Candidate makes significant contributions to discussions, taking on a range of roles (e.g. facilitator, timekeeper, innovator etc.) and intervenes on more than one occasion to move the discussion forward, using words and phrases that maintain the flow and forward momentum of the discussion.
Functional Skills English
Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 – Group Discussion (Between 3 and 5 people)
AC / Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision
Centre assessor name (print) / Centre assessor signature / Date
I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work. / Candidate signature / Date
Internal moderator name (print) / Internal moderator signature / Date
Pass / Fail
/ Functional Skills English
Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 - Presentation
Centre name / Centre no.
Candidate name / Candidate no.
AC / The learner can:
(Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision.) / AC achieved
2.S.2 / Present information and ideas clearly and persuasively to others
Assessor observation: Candidate speaks clearly and persuasively to present information and ideas to others, e.g. by saying, ‘Poverty can have a very negative effect on a person’s health, psychological well-being and put stress on their personal relationships’.
2.S.3 / Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation
Assessor observation: Candidate adapts the frequency, length and level of detail of their own contributions to suit different people in the group, or any change in the direction of the topic and the direction/flow of the discussion, e.g. by adapting the style of delivery and pace in response to audience needs.
Functional Skills English
Assessor’s Observation Record: Level 2 – Presentation
AC / Centre assessor: Record assessor questions, candidate activity, observations and responses in the ‘assessor notes’ section of this record, to support your assessment decision
Centre assessor name (print) / Centre assessor signature / Date
I confirm that the evidence provided is the result of my own work. / Candidate signature / Date
Internal moderator name (print) / Internal moderator signature / Date
Pass / Fail
OCR Level 2 Listening and responding skills 9