The trouble with sin
Narrator, Snake, Eve, God, Adam.
Narrator: Now God had made everything – absolutely everything. And it was all GOOD. How come then it is not all good now? This is the story of how things began to go wrong.
The snake was sneakier than any of the other wild animals that God had made. One day it came up to the woman and asked:
Snake: Did God tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the Garden?
Eve: God said we could eat fruit from any tree in the garden except the one in the middle. We must not eat it or even touch it, because if we do we will die.
Snake: No you won’t! God understands what will happen if you eat the fruit. You will know the difference between right and wrong, just as God does.
Narrator: The woman stared at the fruit. It was beautiful and tasty. She wanted the wisdom that it would give her so she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband. At once they saw they were naked and made clothes from fig leaves. Late that afternoon God came to the Garden and they were frightened and hid from him.
God: Where are you?
Adam: I was naked and frightened and so hid.
God: How did you know you were naked? Did you eat the forbidden fruit?
Adam: Eve gave me some. It was her fault.
God (to Eve): What have you done?
Eve: The snake tricked me, and I ate some of the fruit.
God: This changes everything.
Snake, from now on you will crawl on your stomach. But this isn’t the end. One of this woman’s descendents will come and finish your wickedness.
Woman, from now on you will suffer terribly when you give birth, and your husband will rule over you.
Man, you will have to struggle to grow food and sweat to make a living.
(then talking to himself) These people now know the difference between right and wrong. They must leave the garden so that they cannot eat the fruit that lets them live forever.
Narrator: So God made them clothes, but then he sent them out of the garden and put angels at the entrance so they could never get back.