1. V. I. Gurariy, M. I. Kadec. Minimal systems and quasi-compliments in Banach
Dokladi Academy Nauk USSR, 145, #2, 1962.
2. V.I.Gurariy. Inclinations of spaces and conditional Bases in Banach Space.
Dokladi Academy Nauk USSR, 145, #3, 1962.
3. V.I. Gurariy. Bases in spaces of continuous functions.
Dokladi Academy Nauk USSR, 148, #3, 1963.
4. V.I.Gurariy. On inclinations of subspaces and existence of an orthogonal base in
a Banach space. Scientific Notices of Kharkov Mathematical Society, v.30, 1964.
5. V.I. Gurariy. Some geometrical characteristics of subspaces and bases in Banach
Colloquium Math. , v.13, #1, 1965.
6. V.I. Gurariy, A.S. Marcus. On geometrical and operatorical definitions of opening
of subspaces. Research in Algebra and Mathematical Analysis, Academy of Science
of Moldavia, 1965.
7. V.I. Gurariy. On openings and inclinations of subspaces in Banach spaces.
Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Applications, Kharkov, v.1, 1965.
8. V.I.Gurariy. On uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces.
Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Applications, Kharkov, v.1, 1965.
9. V.I. Gurariy. On modulus of convexity and smoothness of Banach space.
Dokladi Academy of Science USSR, 163, #5, 1965.
10. V.I. Gurariy. Spaces of universal disposition.
Dokladi Academy of Science USSR, 163, #5, 1965.
11. V.I.Gurariy. On indices of sequences in C and on existence of infinite dimensional
separable Banach spaces without orthogonal basis.
Revue Roum. Math. Pure and Appl., v. 10, #7, 1965.
12. V.I. Gurariy. On basis for sets in Banach spaces.
Revue Roum. Math. Pure and Appl., v. 10, #8, 1965.
13. V.I. Gurariy, M.I. Kadec, V.I. Matsaev. New results in the theory of sequences in
normed spaces.
Theses of the reports at National Conference on Applications of the Methods of
Functional Analysis. Baku, 1965.
14. V.I. Gurariy. On spaces of universal disposition.
Theses of the reports at National Conference on Applications of the Methods of
Functional Analysis. Baku, 1965.
15. V. I. Gurariy, M.I. Kadec, V. I. Matsaev. On Banach – Mazur’s distance between
some Minkovski’s spaces.
Bull. of Acadamy of Science, Ser. Math, Mech, Astr. Vol.13, #10, 1965.
16. V. I. Gurariy, V. I. Matsaev . Lacunary degrees sequences in spaces C and Lp.
Izvestia of Academy of Science of USSR , ser. Math. v. 30, #1, 1966.
17. V. I. Gurariy. Strengthening of Dunkle – Williams’ Inequality.
Dokladi of Academy of Science of Ukrainian SSR , #1, 1966.
18. V. I. Gurariy. On subspaces and bases in spaces of continuous functions.
Dokladi Of Academy of Science of USSR, v. 167, #5, 1966.
19. V. I. Gurariy. Bases in spaces of continuous functions and some geometrical problems.
Isvestia of Acadamy of Science of USSR, v. 30, #2, 1966.
20. V. I. Gurariy. On dependence of some properties of Minkovsky’s spaces on modulus
of convexity.
Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Applications, Kharkov, #2, 1966.
21. V. I. Gurariy, M.I. Kadec, V. I. Matsaev. On Banach – Mazur’s distance between spaces
Mathematical Sbornic, v. 171, #4, 1966.
22. V. I. Gurariy. The spaces if universal disposition, isotropic spaces and Mazur’s
rotation problem.
Siberian Mathematical Magazine, v. 7, #5, 1966.
23. V. I. Gurariy. Subspaces of differentiable functions in the spaces of continuous
Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Applications, Kharkov, #4, 1967.
24. V. I. Gurariy. Differential properties of the convexity modules of Banach spaces.
Mat. Issled. V.2, #1, 1967.
25. V. I. Gurariy, Bui Min Chi. Certain characteristics of normed spaces and their
applications to the generation of the Parseval’s equality to Banach spaces.
Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Applications, Kharkov,v.8, #5, 1969.
26. V. I. Gurariy, N. I. Gurariy. A certain sequential property of the space lp.
Mat. Issled. v.3, #4, 1969.
27. V. I. Gurariy, M. A. Meletidi. Stability of completeness of sequences in Banach
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astron., Physics, V.18, 1970.
28. V. I. Gurariy, M. A. Meletidy. Estimates of the coefficients of polynomials that
approximate continuous functions.
Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Applications, Kharkov, #1, 1971.
29. V. I. Gurariy, N. I. Gurariy. Bases in uniformly convex and niformly smooth
Banach spaces.
Isvestia Acad. Nauk. USSR, v. 35, #1, 1971.
30. V. I. Gurariy, V. A. Rossiysky, E. M. Trusov. On one method of calculating of
Automobile Roads and Constructions, #7, 1071.
31. V. I. Gurariy, V. I. Sushinin. Application of vector parameterization to investigation
of ropes.
Mountainous and Highway Machines, #13, 1972.
32. V. I. Gurariy. Certain mathematical foundations of theory of criteria and standards
of water quality.
Problems of Water protection, Kharkov, #1, 1972.
33. V. I. Gurariy. Science and Chess.
Magazine “Chess”, Riga ##22,23,24, 1973.
34. V. I. Gurariy, A. S. Shain. The index of water quality.
Problems of Water protection, Kharkov, #4, 1973.
35. V. I. Gurariy, N. I. Gurariy, V. I. Liokumovich. Basis sequences in the space lp.
Functional Analysis. Ul’yanovsk, #1, 1973.
36. V. I. Gurariy, U. L. Gevorkian. On subspaces and sequences in Banach spaces.
Dokladi of Academy of Science of USSR, v.1, #1, 1974.
37. V. I. Gurariy, A. S. Shain. The complex estimation of water quality.
Problems of Water Protection, Kharkov, #6, 1974.
38. V. I. Gurariy, T. V. Pashkova. Summability of series that are nearly orthogonal.
Vestnik Kharkov. Gos. Univ. v.38, #93, 1973.
39. V. I. Gurariy, T. V. Pashkova. Lebesgue functions of biorthogonal systems.
Vestnik Kharkov. Gos. Univ. v.39, #113, 1974.
40. Ju. L. Gevorkjan, V. I. Gurariy. Certain theorems on subspaces and sequences in
Banach spaces.
Dokl. Acad. Nauk USSR, v. 217 , 1974.
41. V. I. Gurariy, A.S. Marcus. Several remarks on vector and operator series in
uniformly convex and uniformly smooth spaces.
Mat. Issled. V.10, #1, 1975.
42. Ju. L. Gevorkjan, V. I. Gurariy. p-Hilbert and p-Bessel systems in Banach spaces.
Mat. Issled. V.10, #1, 1975.
43. V. I. Gurariy, T. N. Naumenko. The application of the utility theory for making
decisions in water protection.
Problems of Water Protection, Kharkov, #9, 1978.
44. V. I. Gurariy. The existence of a nonhereditary complete family in an arbitrary
separable Banach space.
Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningrad. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. V. 92, 1979
45. V. I. Gurariy. Countably linearly independent sequences in Banach spaces.
( Solution of Dvoretski’s Problem).
Uspehi Mat. Nauk, v. 36, #5, 1981.
46. V. I. Gurariy, V. T. Levental. The finite representative sets in Euclidean space.
Siberian Mathematical Journal, v. 24, #6, 1983.
47. V. I. Gurariy, V. T. Levental. Theorem on polyhedral cones.
Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Applications, Kharkov, #42, 1984.
48. V. I. Gurariy, E. Chodosh. Mathematical methods of diagnostics in cardiology.
Therapevtical Archive, Kharkov, v. 56, #12, 1984.
49. V. I. Gurariy. Linear spaces composed of everywhere nondifferentiable functions.
Bulgarian Academy of Science, v.44, #5, 1991.
50. V. I. Gurariy, M. I. Kadec. On permutations of biorthogonal Decompositions.
Instit. Lombardo Accad. Sci. Lett. Rend., Milan, A 125 , 1991, #1 , 1992.
51. V. I. Gurariy, P. Terenzi. On individual and global properties of general sequences
in Banach spaces.
Rend Accad. Naz. Sci. XL Mam. Mat. XL, Roma, Italy, v. 17, #5 1993 , p.1-26.
52. P. Enflo, V. Gurariy, Yu. I. Liubich, V Lomonosov. Exponential numbers of linear operators
in normed spaces.
Linear Algebra and Applications, #2, 1995, p. 225-260.
53. V. P. Fonf, V. I. Gurariy, M. I. Kadec. An infinite dimensional subspace of
consisting of nowhere differentiable functions.
C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. v. 52, 1999.
54. R. Cramer - Benjamin, V. I. Gurariy, E.R. Tsekanovskii. Results as By – Products.
Alabama Journal of Mathematics, v.27, # 1&2, 2003
55. D. Barcenas, V. Gurariy, L. Sanchez, A. Ullan. On moduli of convexity in Banach spaces.
Quaestiones Mathematicae, Venezuela, #27, 2003
56. V. I. Gurariy, L. Quarta. On lineability of sets of continuous functions.
Journal of Math. Analysis and Applications, #294, 2004
57. R. Aron, V. I. Gurariy, J. B. Seoane. Lineability and spaceability of sets of functions on R.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, v.133, #3, 2004