Examples Group 2 - Chapter 7.10-7.12

Location / Example / √ / C* / Type ofResource / Mode of Issuance / AACR2 / Comments / / Book of Mormon
(Primary access point for: The Book of Mormon : an account written by the hand of Mormon upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi / translated by Joseph Smith, Jun.) / √ / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.37A / CA: okay, but may need to be revisited on release of Chapter 13 / Koran
(Primary access point for: The Koran / translated from the Arabic by J.M. Rodwell) / √ / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.37A / CA: okay, but may need to be revisited on release of Chapter 13 / Ādi-Granth
(Primary access point for: Śrī Guru Granth Sāhib : with complete index / prepared by Winand M. Callewaert) / + / Text (notation) / Simultaneous parts / AS: macron over the A in Adi; acute over S in Sri, macron over i in Sri, and macron over a in Sahib; OCLC #37613171, LCCN 96-914115 / Bible. O.T. Isaiah
(Primary access point for: The book of Isaiah) / √ / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.37A / CA: okay, butmay need to be revisited depending on outcome of Proposal LC8 / Bible. O.T. Psalms LI
(Primary access point for: Miserere mei, Deus : Psalm LI : the morning prayer (Day 10) of the Church of England) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.37A / CA: unsure if this should be under Miserere. Example may need to be revisited depending on outcome of Proposal LC8 / Vedas. gveda
(Primary access point for: gvedasahitā / sampādaka Śrīpāda Dāmodara Sātavalekara. Romanized title and statement of responsibility) / + / Text (notation) / Single part / AS; The R in Rgveda and Rgvedasamhita should have a circle below it. The m in Rgvedasamhita should have a dot below it. Macrons over the last a in Rgvedasamhita, the second a in sampadaka, the i and first a of Sripada, the first a in Damodara and the first a in Satavalekara. Acute over S in Sripada. OCLC #18469718, LCCN 83-902725 / Bible. N.T. Gospels
(Primary access point for: The life of Our Lord / compiled from the Gospels of the four Evangelists and presented in the very words of the Scriptures as one continuous narrative by Reginald G. Ponsonby) / ? / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.37B / CA: appears to be okay, but example may need to be revisited depending on outcome of Proposal LC8 / Shorter Catechism
(Primary access point for: The Assembly's Shorter catechism as used in the Presbyterian Church in the United States. The catechism of the Westminster Assembly of Divines) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.38A / CA: I don't think this is correct / Augsburg Confession
(Primary access point for: The Augsburg Confession / translated ... by Richard Taverner ... edited for the use of the Joint Committee of the General Council, the General Synod, and the United Synod of the South ... by Henry E. Jacobs) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.38A / CA: appears to be okay / Shema
(Primary access point for: Seder ḳeriˀat shemˁa ˁal mitato. Romanized title) / + / Text (notation) / Single part / AS; Note: dot below k in keri'at needed.Character afteri in keriat is an alif. Character in shem'a and in front of 'al is an ayn.OCLC #37842480 / United Methodist Church
(Primary access point for: The book of discipline of the United Methodist Church, 1972) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4B1 / CA: is this a liturgical work?
I don't know how official this work is.
RG: A liturgical work? There are later editions. / United Methodist Church (U.S.)
(Primary access point for: The book of discipline of the United Methodist Church, 2004) / + / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / RG: Changed for latest ed. Changed form of heading for LCNA. According to Cokesbury.com, a United Methodist publishing house, "The Discipline, the book of law for The United Methodist Church, sets forth the laws, plan, polity, and process by which United Methodists govern themselves." So we can certainly say it's official, and would fit well under;I'm still not 100% sure it's liturgical but I think so, as it includes the Doctrinal standards, the Social principles, etc. / Church of England
(Primary access point for: The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England) / √ / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4B1 / RG: Note: possibly the comma in the title should be deleted. The principal access point should be to a Name-Title: Church of England. Book of common prayer but we don't seem to be explaining about name-title entries. / Church of South India
(Primary access point for: The book of common worship as authorised by the Synod 1962. Liturgical work of the Church of South India) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A1 / CA: appears to be okay; explanation needs to be italicized / Church of South India
(Primary access point for: The book of common worship /as authorised by the Synod, 1962. Liturgical work of the Church of South India) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A1 / CA/AS; the records in OCLC for this have "as authorised by the synod, 1962" as statement of responsibility or as other title information; some have synod in capitalized, others not / Catholic Church
(Primary access point for: Horae diurnae Breviarii Romani ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restituti) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A1 / CA: appears to be okay / Catholic Church
(Primary access point for: Missale ad vsum sacri et canonici Ordinis Praemonstratensis) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A1 / CA: appears to be okay. Issue with Latin transcription? Only record for this in OCLC (dated 1622) has usum instead of vsum / United Lutheran Church in America
(Primary access point for: Common service book of the Lutheran church / authorized by the United Lutheran Church in America) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A1 / CA: appears to be okay / Church of England
(Primary access point for: The coronation service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A1 / CA: appears to be okay / Catholic Church
(Primary access point for: Epistles and Gospels for Sundays and holy days / prepared, with the addition of brief exegetical notes, by the Catholic Biblical Association of America) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A2 / CA: appears to be okay / Episcopal Church
(Primary access point for: Proper lessons for the Sundays and holy days throughout the year. Published with The book of common prayer . . . according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39A2 / CA: appears to be okay / Catholic Church
(Primary access point for: The liber usualis : with introduction and rubrics in English / edited by the Benedictines of Solesmes) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / CA: appears tobe okay / Catholic Church
(Primary access point for: The restored Holy Week liturgy : practical arrangement of the prescribed music for the average church choir / by Carlo Rossini) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / CA: appears to be okay / Bulgaria (Orthodox patriarchate)
(Primary access point for: Trebnik. - Sofi : Sv. Sinod na BÍlgarskata tsÍrkva. Romanized title and publication details) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39B1 / CA: not authorised form of heading; diacritics in document are incorrectly printed / Bŭlgarska pravoslavna ŭrkva. Sveti Sinod
(Primary access point for: Trebnik. -- Sofiu : Izd. Sv. Sinod na Bŭlgarskata TSŭrkva. Romanized title and publication details) / + / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / CA/AS: changed to authorised form of heading. Problem with diacritics. Character after the u in Sofiu is the candrabindu and belongs over the u. Ligatures needed over TS in TSŭrkva. See OCLC #41984621. Hasuniform title Euchologion. Church Slavic. Abbreviations in imprint may need reviewing once rules are finalized. / Orthodox Eastern Church
(Primary access point for: The ferial Menaion, or, The book of services for the twelve great festivals and the New-Year's Day / translated from a Slavonian edition) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39B1 / CA: appears to be okay / Jewish marriage service
(Primary access point for: The Jewish marriage service ...) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39C1 / CA: unable to verify heading / Service of the heart
(Primary access point for: Services of the heart : weekday, Sabbath, and festival services and prayers for home and synagogue / Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.39C1 / AS: should be Service not Services in title / Service of the heart
(Primary access point for: Service of the heart : weekday, Sabbath, and festival services and prayers for home and synagogue / Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues) / ? / Text (notation) / Single part / CA: corrected title. Unable to verify heading / Great Britain. Sovereign (1707-1714 : Anne)
(Primary access point for: A proclamation of Queen Anne for settling and ascertaining the current rates for foreign coins in America) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG / Great Britain. Sovereign (1707-1714 : Anne)
(Primary access point for: A proclamation of Queen Anne for settling and ascertaining the current rates for foreign coins in America.An official document) / + / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG: added note to state this is official, as I believe that every example under 7.11 should have this note, no matter how obvious. / New York (N.Y.). Mayor (1933-1945 : La Guardia
(Primary access point for: New York City at war : emergency services : report / by F.H. La Guardia, mayor) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / AS: missing closing parenthesis
RG: why is this example under the Mayor and the other one under his personal name? Notes are required here. / New York (N.Y.). Mayor (1933-1945 : La Guardia)
(Primary access point for: New York City at war : emergency services : report / by F.H. La Guardia, mayor.An official document) / + / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG: Closing parenthesis added. Note added. This example is old and the record in OCLC shows main entry under La Guardia's personal heading. A possible replacement follows. / New York (N.Y.). Mayor (1946-1950 : O'Dwyer)
(Primary access point for: Statement to the Joint Committee on Housing, Congress of the United States, by Mayor William O'Dwyer of the city of New York, November 12, 1947.An official document) / + / Text (notation) / Single part / RG: see previous; this example from NYPL; practically no examples in LCNA of NY mayors established as per 24.30C1; chief drawback is, less-known mayor; and, it was nice having 2 LaGuardia examples, one under function and one under personal name. / United States. President (1913-1921 : Wilson)
(Primary access point for: Proclamations and executive orders by the President, under and by virtue of the Food Control Act, of August 10, 1917.An official communication) / + / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG / Catholic Church. Pope (1939-1958 : Pius XII)
(Primary access point for: Fulgens Corona : on the Marian Year and the dogma of the Immaculate Conception : encyclical letter of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG: Again, should be a name-title example: Fulgens corona. English.
RG: Can find no example with this statement of responsibility.
Or replace with a recent encyclical letter such as one by Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia or Centesimus annus - possibly even in a different language as some comments required more foreign-language examples. / Catholic Church. Pope (1939-1958 : Pius XII)
(Primary access point for: Fulgens Corona : on the Marian Year and the dogma of the Immaculate Conception / encyclical letter ofPius XII.An official communication) / + / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG: fixed from previous. Statement of responsibility as per UAB record in OCLC. / Catholic Church. Diocese of Campos (Brazil). Bishop (1949-1981 : Mayer)
(Primary access point for: Carta pastoral sobre cursilhos de Cristandade / Antônio de Castro Mayer, bispo de Campos) / X / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG: Perhaps state in the example that this is a pastoral letter by a Bishop. The only record in OCLC shows main entry under the personal heading for the Bishop. (and so does the LC record for the English translation). Also, "bispo de Campos" isn't transcribed so I cannot verify it. Find replacement if possible. / Catholic Church.Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.Archbishop (1995- : Flynn)
(Primary access point for: In God's image :a pastoral letter on racism = A imagen y semejanza de Dios : carta pastoral acerca del racismo /Harry J. Flynn.An official communication, being a pastoral letter from a bishop) / + / C* / Text (notation) / Single part / RG: Possible replacement for previous.
AS: I agree this is a much better example. I checked and Flynn is still the Archbishop there / Franciscans. Minister General (1947-1951 : Perantoni)
(Primary access point for: Our vocation as children of Saint Francis : being the encyclical letter Divina Providentia of the Most Rev. Fr. General Pacific M. Perantoni, O.F.M.) / √ / Text (notation) / Single part / 21.4D1 / RG: Rule b) is unclear, giving "etc." and not stating which religious officials are covered by this rule. Are heads of sects covered by this rule? To help make this clear, we could suggest a non-Roman-Catholic example, such as: Raël: The final message (1998) which certainly sounds like an "official communication" and is from the founder of the sect. I have not seen Chapter 11.6.X and so cannot know if a cataloguer could establish the corporate access point. If we don't want sects covered, then perhaps have this example here and say: Primary access point under Vorilhon (or Raël), not under the corporate body.