Agenda Item 10
/HELCOM publications, implementation and reporting
Document code: / 10/2Date: / 22.10.2013
Submitted by: / Secretariat
HELCOM Assessment on Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea region
The Ministers of the Environment of the Baltic Coastal Countries and the EU Environment Commissioner have recently agreed, as part of the 2013 HELCOM Ministerial Declaration adopted during the Ministerial Meeting of the Helsinki Commission, on 3 October 2013 to comprehensively assess the status, environmental risks and opportunities of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea region within HELCOM by 2016.
A draft outline for a HELCOM Assessment on Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea region is included as Attachment 1. A draft work plan for the assessment is included as Attachment 2.
The Meeting is invited to:
-consider, amend and if possible approve the draft outline for a comprehensive HELCOM Assessment on Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea region to be completed by 2016,
-consider, amend and if possible approve the draft workplan for a comprehensive HELCOM Assessment on Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea region to be completed by 2016,
-consider possible sources for supporting funding and the establishment of the assessment as a HELCOM project,
-designate interested co-authors to write the assessment.
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Attachment 1
Attachment 1: Draft Outline
HELCOM Assessment on Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea region
VERSION 08-01-2015[FN1]
- Preface
- Table of contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction[FN2]
- Baltic Sea traffic in numbers
- Transportation of cargo
- Transportation of passengers
- Global processes behind the increasing Baltic traffic
- Developments in other types of maritime activities
- Policy framework beyond HELCOM
- Accidents and Accidental pollution
- Overview of shipping accidents
- Environmental impact
- Routeing measures, re-surveys and Electronic aids to Navigation
- Existing routeing measures
- Re-survey progress
- ENCs
- The HELCOM AIS network
- e-navigation
- Illegal pollution
- Overview on Illegal pollution in the Baltic Sea
- HELCOM cooperation on aerial surveillance
- Other Existing regulations and regional cooperation
- Airborne Emissions
- Overview of airborne emissions from Shipping
- Alternative fuels
- Economic incentives
- Sewage Emissions discharges
- Overview of sewage from passenger traffic
- Status of sewage PRFs
- Transfer of alien species and Ballast Water
- Overview of alien species and Ballast water
- Recent developments
- Submerged hazardous objects
- Overview of Submerged hazardous objects
- Chemical Munitions
- Polluting wrecks
- Other objects
- Leisure boating
- Overview
- Leisure boating in numbers
- Cruising grounds
- Anti-Fouling Systems
- Marine litter and
- uUnderwater noise[FN3]
- Windpower, pipeline and cable developments
- Reference list
- Annexes
- Glossary
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HELCOM MARITIME 13/2013, Document 10/2
Attachment 2
Attachment 2: Draft workplan
Draft workplan for HELCOM Assessment on Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea region 2016
Time / MilestoneHELCOM MARITIME 13/2013 / Start, agreed draft outline and draft workplan, consider possible supporting funding and designation of interested co-authors to assist Secretariat
December 20143-January 2014 2015 / Finalise consideration regarding possible supporting funding and designation of interested co-authors to assist Secretariat
Spring-Summer 20142015 / Writing of Draft 0 by author team -Secretariat and interested co-authors
HELCOM MARITIME 14/2014 15/2015 (Autumn 20142015) / Consider Draft 0
Autumn 20142015 / Elaboration of Draft 1 based on comments by author team
Spring 20152016 / Intersessional consultation to MARITIME contacts and work by author team to create Final Draft
HELCOM MARITIME 2015 2016 and subsequent HOD / Consider and approve for printing as a HELCOM BSEP
Late 2015-early 2016 / Release of the Assessment as BSEP
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[FN1]Modification added following the minutes of MARITIME 13-2013
[FN2]An additional chapter on necessary steps to implement the HELCOM
BSAP and other commitments will be added to this index (after the introduction or as conclusion).
[FN3]Should be put in square brackets as topics for the
assessment as the HELCOM Maritime Group has not focused on these issues lately,