Ms. Kelly / Language Arts 8

Grammar: Compound-Complex Sentences

In the following compound-complex sentences, underline the dependent clause and circle the coordinating conjunction.

  1. Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I haven't found anyone to go with.
  2. Remember to thank the host before you leave the party, and tell her you had a good time.
  3. Unless your parents can drive me, I don’t have a ride to the dance, but I still really want to go.
  4. It’s polite to listen to other people even if you don’t agree with them, so stop interrupting me.
  5. While I’m cleaning up, you should start the car, so that way we can leave sooner.
  6. I have to babysit my cousins until my aunt gets home from work, but we can hang out afterwards.
  7. Whenever I run into him, it’s so awkward, so I hope he’s not there tonight.
  8. We should go see a movie later once everyone is free, or you guys can just come to my house.


  1. The right hemisphere of the human brain typically controls muscle movement on the left side of the body.
  1. Leonardo da Vinci, who was a renowned painter and sculptor, was also an inventor and scientist.
  1. Annual plants survive only one season and must be replaced each year, but perennials return each year with new flowers and foliage.
  1. The maple leaf, which is Canada's national emblem, has been associated with the country since the 1700s.
  1. After a parrotfish eats algae-covered coral, the coral travels through the fish's digestive system, and then it is deposited in the reef as white coral sand.
  1. Lorraine Hansberry wrote the widely acclaimed 1959 Broadway play A Raisin in the Sun, and her accomplishment opened the door for other African American playwrights.
  1. As cold weather approaches, you must protect your water pipes against freezing, or they can rupture and cause significant damage to your home.
  1. Since it takes approximately one thousand years for a used printer cartridge to decompose, recycling these plastic ink dispensers helps the environment.
  1. Mika is a competitive horseback rider, and she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games, which are held every four years.
  1. The award-winning writer Maya Angelou composed "On the Pulse of the Morning" at the request of President Bill Clinton and recited the poem at his inauguration in 1993.
  1. Joel took several incredible panoramic photographs of the sweeping view from the top of Table Mountain.
  1. Variations of bowling have existed for centuries, but a standard form of the game wasn't established until various regional bowling clubs formed the American Bowling Congress in 1895.
  1. Because most wild orchids naturally affix themselves to trees and branches, planting an orchid in soil will likely kill it.
  1. We can watch the presidential debate, which will be broadcast at nine o'clock, or we can view the documentary about the greatest innovations of the twenty-first century.
  1. Aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart, whose first flight across the Atlantic in 1928 was as a passenger, made her historic solo transatlantic flight in 1932.
  1. Mulberry leaves are silkworms' natural food preference, but silk farmers will often feed the caterpillars a specially designed artificial diet.
  1. The basenji, which is a dog breed native to central Africa, doesn't produce a traditional bark, but it instead makes yodel-like sound due to the shape of its larynx.
  1. As Leon sat down on the rickety old chair, it abruptly collapsed beneath him.
  1. An avid reader, Abe attends weekly book club meetings, and he finishes several novels every month.

20. Astronauts can experience bone loss, muscle weakness, and diminished heart function when they are exposed to environments with reduced gravity for a prolonged period of time.