Guardian Scholars Program
CityCollege of San Francisco
Partner Evaluation Survey Form
Directions: Please take five to ten minutes to complete the following series of questions regarding your involvement as a Partner to the Guardian Scholarat City College of San Francisco. All information will be kept confidential and used for program improvement purposes. Thank you for your time in helping us to evaluate and improve this program.
1. Which type of partner are you with the CCSF Guardian Scholars Program? (circle one choice):
a) on campus internal partner
b) off campus external partner
c) other: (please describe)______
2. How many years have you been involved as a partner to this project? (circle one choice):
a) less than on year
b) one to two years
c) more than two years
3. Overall, how well do you think the CCSF Guardian Scholars Program serves its students? (circle one choice):
a) extremely well
b) very well
c) somewhat well
d) not very well
4. What type of resource do you think is most important to helping the CCSF Guardian Scholars? (circle one):
a) financial assistance
b) counseling assistance
c) housing, food or transportation assistance
d) mentorship assistance
e) Other: please describe: ______
5. How likely are you to continue being involved with the CCSF Guardian Scholars Program for another year? (circle one):
a) Very likely
b) Somewhat likely
c) Somewhat unlikely
d) Very unlikely
6. In your opinion, which of the following is your most important goal the CCSF Guardian Scholars helps its students to achieve? (circle one):
a) earning an associate’s degree
b) successfully transferring to a four year college
c) helping students declare a major
d) helping students get a good job
e) other: (please describe): ______
7. If you have the opportunity to recruit additional partners for the CCSF Guardian Scholars Program, how likely are you to ask them to become involved? (circle one):
a) very likely
b) somewhat likely
c) somewhat unlikely
d) very unlikely
8. Please rate the performance of the CCSF Guardian Scholars Program Director, Mr. Michael McPartlin (circle one):
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Fair
d) Poor
e) Don’t know well enough to rate performance
9. Please choose the TOP THREE (3) services that you believe are the most helpful to CCSF Guardian Scholars Students (circle 3):
a) financial aid assistance
b) academic counseling assistance
c) food cards and bus vouchers
d) textbook vouchers
e) CalWORKs services
g) SummerAcademy
h) Other: ______(please describe)
10. Please estimate the overall quality of service that you feel students receive from the Guardian Scholars Program Staff overall during your time as a partner to the program: (circle one):
a) Excellentb) Good c) Fair d) Poor