CCSS W 7.2a : Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, andcause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
CCSS W 8.2a : Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
Proficiency Levels: / Level 1 (Entering) / Level 2 (Emerging) / Level 3(Developing) / Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing / 6.2a-8.2a: I can design a multimedia presentation on research findings including: at least one caption per slide, introducing a topic, organizing ideas, definitions, classifications, comparing/ contrasting, cause/effect, headings, and graphics with my group.(Research may be done in native language.)
(W,L,S,R) / 6.2a-8.2a: I can design a multimedia presentation on research findings including: at least one completed sentence starter per slide, introducing a topic, organizing ideas, definitions, classifications, comparing/ contrasting, cause/effect, headings, and graphics with my group.
(W,L,S,R) / 6.2a-8.2a: I can design a multimedia presentation on research findings including: at least two compound sentences per slide, introducing a topic, organizing ideas, definitions, classifications, comparing/ contrasting, cause/effect, headings, and graphics with a partner.
(W,L,S,R) / 6.2a-8.2a: I can design a multimedia presentation on research findings including: multi-paragraphs, introducing a topic, organizing ideas, definitions, classifications, comparing/ contrasting, cause/effect, headings, and graphics with a partner.
Resources: /
Functional Vocabulary: / Multimedia, research findings, classification, compare, contrast, cause, effect,graphic, compound, topic, definition, slide
CCSS: W 6.2b – 7.2b: Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
CCSS: W 8.2b: Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
Proficiency Levels: / Level 1 (Entering) / Level 2 (Emerging) / Level 3(Developing) / Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing / I can use visual images to create a visual focus on a given topic working with a small group.
I can select a quote from a bank to align to the visual that explains a given topic.
(L, S, R, W) / I can complete three parts of a 1Pager (see resources) when presented with a checklist and working with a small group.
(L, S, R, W) / I cancomplete a jigsaw in response to a set of questions in order to create a Bloom’s Taxonomy report (See resources for directions).
(L, S, R, W) / I can create a Bloom’s Taxonomy report to develop a topic (see resources for directions) working with a partner.
(L, S, R, W)
Resources: / 1Pager Directions
Bloom's Taxonomy Book Report
grade level informative and explanatory
Scholastic Action (leveled passages)
Junior Scholastic
the paragraph song
Functional Vocabulary: / Visual, checklist, align, jigsaw, clincher, details, topic, quotes, quotation marks,
CCSS: W 6.2c : Use appropriate transitions to clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts
CCSS: W 7.2c: Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.
CCSS: W 8.2c: Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.
Proficiency Levels: / Level 1 (Entering) / Level 2 (Emerging) / Level 3(Developing) / Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing / I can select transition words cards to connect a sequence of illustrated events and write a sentence per card with my group.(L,S,R,W) / I can complete sentence starters using appropriate transition words to ensure relationships between ideas and concepts with my group.(L,S,W,R) / I can construct 2-3 paragraphs including appropriate transitional words and phrases to ensure relationships between ideas and concepts with a partner.(L,S,W,R) / I can construct a multi-paragraph essay including appropriate transitional words and phrases to ensure relationships between ideas and concepts with a partner.(W,S,L,R)
Resources: /
using transitional phrases, Learn Zillion
Functional Vocabulary: / Construct, multi-paragraph, sequence, transitional words, phrase, relationship, concept, select, event
CCSS: W 6.2 – 8.2d: Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
Proficiency Levels: / Level 1 (Entering) / Level 2 (Emerging) / Level 3(Developing) / Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing / I can create vocabulary cards and match them to their pictures in a small group using a word bank. (R,W, L, S) / I can complete simple sentences using specific themed vocabulary to describe graphs or pictures with a partner using a word bank. (R,W, L, S) / I can create a three paragraph essay using specific themed vocabulary to explain a topic individually or with a partner with the use of the internet.
(R,W, L, S) / I can create an original piece of writing like an essay using specific themed vocabulary to explain a topic individually or with a partner with the use of the internet.
(R,W, L, S)
Resources: /
Functional Vocabulary: / Create, topic, essay, paragraph, graph
CCSS: W 6.2e – 8.2e: Establish and maintain a formal style.
Proficiency Levels: / Level 1 (Entering) / Level 2 (Emerging) / Level 3(Developing) / Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing / I can identify and label formal register in a variety of printed sources (i.e.: business letter, argumentative essays, complaint letters, persuasive essays) given a word bank with both formal and informal register.
(R, W) / I can complete an online persuasive graphic organizer (see resources for link) with a partner using signal words commonly used in persuasive writing.
(L, S, W) / I can write a letter of complaint to the mayor of my town using a graphic organizer working with a group.
(L, S, W) / I can critique the introduction, body, and conclusion of an informal literary essay and rewrite it using formal register with a partner.
(L, S, R, W)
Resources: / Readwritethink
Persuasive Map
Writing samples K - 8
Writing Resources
Scholastic magazines
Times for Kids
punctuation, dependent clauses
Functional Vocabulary: / Formal, informal, register, persuasive, establish, argumentative, complaint, essay, signal, mayor, critique, literary.
CCSS: W 6.2f – 8.2f: Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented.
Proficiency Levels: / Level 1 (Entering) / Level 2 (Emerging) / Level 3(Developing) / Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing / I can list key words from a text and illustrate the main idea into one concluding picture with a partner.
(W, R, L, S) / I can restate main ideas by completing sentences starters with a small group. (R,W,L,S) / I can contribute one sentence to a concluding paragraph that summarizes expository text. (R,W, R, L) / I can examine an expository text and synthesize information by collapsing main ideas into a closing paragraph with a partner. (R,W, R, L)
Resources: /
Restate thesis
Reason 1 / Reason 2 / `Reason 3
Final plea
- Highlight what will happen if things go unchanged
- Final chance to convince reader
Persuasive Example
Middle School Prompts
Persuasive Writing Unit
Functional Vocabulary: / Examine, expository text, synthesize, collapse, contribute, summarize, summary, restate, illustrate, informational text, main idea.