Saturday July 9, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

Homewood Suites, 3001 Advantage Way, Sacramento, CA 95834


Ian Duncan, President

Nancy Newlin, Secretary

Carol Ludlow, Treasurer

Elizabeth (Liz) Fleischer, Conference Chair

Carlo Perez, Newsletter, Fundraising Chair

Debra Hollis, Professional Standards Chair

Peter Luong, Fundraising Chair

Galen Hammond, Membership Chair

Vanessa Watson, Education Chair


Carl Knoll, Vice-President

Maureen McCready, Publications Chair

Regina Van Hecke, Legislative Chair


Connie Crockett, Robin Schmacher, Susan Volpe, Lois Isenberg, Tracey Booth, CALDA Administrator, Helen Bellamy.

By telephone Marcel Neumann, Diana Wade.

The meeting is called to order at 10:34 President Ian Duncan.

Vanessa Watson states that she was present for the June 16th telephonic board meeting.

It is moved by Debbie Hollis, seconded by Carlo Perez to approve the Minutes of the June 16, 2016, as corrected. Motion carried: All yes.

Carol Ludlow presents the Profit and Loss Statement as well as the Balance Sheet through June 30, 2016. She speaks to the increase in membership and the Mediation Seminar.

Tracey Booth states that CALDA now has 247 members. Discussion is held.

It is moved by Galen Hammond, seconded by Debbie Hollis to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Motion carried: All yes.

Carol Ludlow speaks to a proposed resolution regarding reimbursement for board travel as follows:

Exhibit A

RESOLVED, reimbursements to Director Vanessa Watson for $401.48 and to Director Galen Hammond for $369.36 for their travel expenses to the regular meeting of the Directors on February 13, 2016 are approved;

RESOLVED, the specific reimbursements provided in this resolution to Directors Watson and Hammond are a special and necessary one-time reimbursement for their travel to the February 13, 2016 meeting and are not part of the corporation’s regular reimbursement policy; and as such these reimbursements shall not be counted against the reimbursement budget provided to Directors Watson and Hammond for their normal attendance at regular meetings of the Directors of the corporation;

RESOLVED, the Directors of the corporation will be reimbursed up to the total sum of $200.00, for the actual costs they incur for traveling to the meetings of the Directors of the corporation scheduled for July 9, 2016 and October 13, 2016;

RESOLVED, after the conclusion of the October 2016 annual Conference, the Directors of the corporation will be reimbursed for the actual travel or lodging costs they incur for travel to regular meetings of the Director of the corporation up to $500.00 per year, which consists of the period from Annual Conference to the next Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, a Director seeking reimbursement must submit his or her request for reimbursement to the Chief Financial Officer on the approved expense form within 5 days from the end of the meeting. The chief Financial Officer shall mail reimbursement checks to Directors seeking reimbursement within 20 days of receipt of the expense form.

Discussion is held, with a majority of the Board concurring that paragraph three be amended to include the words per meeting.

It is moved by Galen Hammond, seconded by Liz Fleischer to approve the Resolution as amended. Motion carried: All yes.

It is moved by Vanessa Watson, seconded by Debbie Hollis to adopt the following Resolution:

Exhibit A

RESOLVED, reimbursements to Director Vanessa Watson for $401.48 and to Director Galen Hammond for $369.36 for their travel expenses to the regular meeting of the Directors on February 13, 2016 are approved;

RESOLVED, the specific reimbursements provided in this resolution to Directors Watson and Hammond are a special and necessary one-time reimbursement for their travel to the February 13, 2016 meeting and are not part of the corporation’s regular reimbursement policy; and as such these reimbursements shall not be counted against the reimbursement budget provided to Directors Watson and Hammond for their normal attendance at regular meetings of the Directors of the corporation;

RESOLVED, the Directors of the corporation will be reimbursed up to the total sum of $200.00, per meeting, for the actual costs they incur for traveling to the meetings of the Directors of the corporation scheduled for July 9, 2016 and October 13, 2016;

RESOLVED, after the conclusion of the October 2016 annual Conference, the Directors of the corporation will be reimbursed for the actual travel or lodging costs they incur for travel to regular meetings of the Director of the corporation up to $500.00 per year, which consists of the period from Annual Conference to the next Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, a Director seeking reimbursement must submit his or her request for reimbursement to the Chief Financial Officer on the approved expense form within 5 days from the end of the meeting. The chief Financial Officer shall mail reimbursement checks to Directors seeking reimbursement within 20 days of receipt of the expense form.

Motion is carried: All yes.

Debbie Hollis speaks to the Education Task Force Report, whose members are Maureen McCready, Ch., Debbie Hollis, Regina Van Hecke and Galen Hammond. The “Educational Events Task Force Report, dated July 6, 2016 submits the possible “next steps” list as follows:

1. Event Planner

2. Instructor/Presenters

3. Curricula

Discussion is held.

Ian Duncan distributes a hand out entitled “Calda’s Proposed Education Program.”

Susan Volpe speaks to a paralegal program verses Legal Document Assistant program.

She states that continuing education is a must for LDAs and the possible development of a “School for LDAs.” She states that 50% of the program would be a “face to face” program with the other portion to be online.

Lengthy discussion is held regarding who would teach the classes and how the instructors would be chosen. The type of curriculum to be taught, law verses form completion.

Vanessa Watson speaks in support of the proposed school and and how a QDRO class could be utilized.

Helen Bellamy speaks to the form work that LDAs perform for the public and to the passion for the profession.

Debbie Hollis highlights the “Event Coordinator Standardized Checklist” prepared by the Task Force, which outlines an overview and specifics for any educational opportunities presented by CALDA.

Galen Hammond speaks in support of the proposal. He states that more time is needed at CALDA events for networking.

A possibility is suggested that the Fund Raising Chair be eliminated and replaced with an Event Planning Chair, who would manage over-all “quality control” for all CALDA educational events. It was also suggested that a Hospitality Committee be formed for the various events.

Susan Volpe speaks to a class on how to train instructor for the ongoing education of CALDA’s members.

Present: Jerri Blatt by telephone

Lengthy discussion is held on the pros and cons of the Bay Area Seminar and how improvements could be implemented.

Jeri Blatt speaks to the need to market CALDA to a broader audience.

Tracey Booth questions the differences between this recent seminar and previous seminars. She states that she had not received many negative comments in the past.

Marcel Neumann speaks to the apparent disconnect between the instructor and the material presented. He also reminded everyone that with every organization, growing pains were bound to occur. It was agreed that class materials should be reviewed and approved prior to dissemination to members.

Carlo Perez suggests that the experience of the recent seminar is an isolated case and that CALDA does have a reputation for meeting expectations of its members.

A recess is declared at 12:34 p.m. to reconvene at 1:07 p.m., with all those previously present.

Connie Crockett highlights Business and Professions Code 6402.1, requirement to become and LDA and speaks to same.

She states that it appears that we are “putting the cart before the horse,” in that an education plan should be developed in depth prior to establishing a school.

Lengthy discussion is held regarding the Board’s goals for the future, the wisdom of having input from the Advisory Board. Further, that the UPL class should be taught by an attorney.

Helen Bellamy speaks in support of maintaining a professional presence to the public, and that CALDA is all about helping people who should have access to the law and courts.

Discussion is held regarding a name for the proposed education arm of CALDA, i.e., LACE (Legal Access for Continuing Education or LEAD (Legal Education And Development). Following lengthy discussion a majority of the Board concurred that the acronym LACE did not convey the strong education position that CALDA would like to project.

Carlo Perez states that he observes that CALDA members need to learn how to run a business, complete forms, etc. He speaks in support of the local chapters and using the chapters to reach additional potential members.

Lengthy discussion is held regarding the possible cost for a school, non-profit verses profit organizations and the general consensus that CALDA must own any proposed education program it generates.

A recess is declared at 3:00 p.m. and reconvenes at 3:15 p.m.

Susan distributes a projected cost sheet. Discussion is held.

Ian speaks to a proposed Policy and Procedure Manual Carl Knoll and he are developing. He states that when a draft is ready, it will be distributed to the board members for consideration and input.

Liz updates the Board regarding the Conference to be held in Sacramento, CA in October 21-22, 2016. The theme is “Setting The Standard – Education – Excellence. Brief discussion is held.

It is announced that the next Telephonic Board meeting will be August 18, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

It is moved by Galen Hammond, seconded Debra Hollis, to adjourn at 3: 55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy L. Newlin