Data Protection and Handling Walk
DateTime of day
Member of staff
This form takes you on a journey around school to expose any concerns over data protection and handling. Imagine you are a visitor to the school and be as objective as possible.
- School Entrance and Reception
What personal information is on display or available in reception, is it being shared lawfully and are there any concerns?
Personal data / On display or available? / Lawful basis for processing / Are there any concerns? / Action pointFor example:
Pupil photographs / Yes / No / Consent / Level of detail in privacy notice and if explicit consent has been gained and recorded / Yes
Pupil names / Yes / No / Consent
Pupil photographs / Yes / No / Consent
Staff names / Yes / No / Consent
Staff photographs / Yes / No / Consent
Other / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Behind Reception
Is there any information you can see behind the reception desk or area? This includes information on desks, on computer screens or on walls as well as if you can over-hear staff conversations.
Note down anything of concernVisitor books and signing in systems
Visitors / Explanation and concerns / Action point?What system is used for visitors to sign in and out of school?
Is all of the data collected required?
Is there an available privacy notice?
Is visitor information available to others?
How long is visitor information kept for?
Are there any other security concerns about this information?
Anything else of note?
Pupil and staff signing in and out procedures
Look at how members of the school sign in and outof school and how the data is protected
Note down anything of concern- The Staffroom
Walk around the staffroom to see what personal data is on show and accessible, either intentionally and unintentionally.
Consider the following
- Who has access to the staffroom, are visitors and interviewees taken in there?
- Is the staffroom locked?
- What personal information is shared on notice boards and why?
- Is personal data left around the staff room such as on tables? This could be in the form of printouts, staff handbooks, planners, memory sticks, laptops and tablets
- Are staff pigeon holes open or secured?
- Are recycling bins open or secured? Check near printers and photocopiers
- Do printers and photocopiers have a memory so that you can printout another person’s printing?
- Are computers locked and can other people read what is on the screen when they are in use?
Areas of concern / Explanation / Action point?
- School Walk
Walk around the school to see if there is anything on show that is of concern. This is similar to how you have approached the reception area and staffroom.
Consider the following
- What information is shared on notice boards and who can see it.
- Are offices manned or locked when empty?
- Is there anything outside offices of concern?
Areas of concern / Explanation / Action point?
Key Action Points
Write down, in order of importance if possible, the key action points from your walk.
Key point / Member of staff responsible / Date to be addressed byPage 1 of 1
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