50001201 /

Senior Information Officer

/ One ONLY
R458092 CTC
Per Annum

Reporting to: Information Specialist- Information Provision


To provide a dedicated Library and Information services to designated stakeholders. To also provide information consultancy in the selection and building of appropriate material for the identified sector and helping clientele to retrieve and search for relevant information.

Required Competencies:

  • Analytical Thinking: the ability to gather and analyze data and different sources of information; identify key issues, trends and relationships. Provide alternative solutions to challenges.
  • Organizational ability: allocate human, financial and other resources such as time and equipment according to goals and objectives, evaluating progress against plan and adapting resources to changing situations
  • Flexibility: Demonstrate willingness to embrace change; ability to adopt new ideas, approaches and insights.
  • Goal Orientation: Undertake goals with enthusiasm and focuses on the achievement of personal and organizational goals and participate in the strategic leadership of the GPL
  • Proactive: the inclination and nature to take responsibility and action, without having to be told, to respond to the situation, having considered the long-term implications
  • Teamwork & co-operation: the ability to identify with team purpose, goals and objectives. Encourages harmony and co-orperation within a team
  • Customer Service Excellence (internal & external): demonstrating awareness and commitment to identifying customer expectations and strives towards consistently exceed them.
  • Coping with pressure: Maintains composure and focuses on achieving objectives in a high-pressure environment.

Knowledge and Skills

  • Knowledge and Information Management
  • Building and maintaining co-operative networks
  • Familiarity with information materials in different media and formats
  • In-depth knowledge of Library systems for application of information science techniques
  • Sound content knowledge of subject fields
  • Comprehensive knowledge of electronic information sources and commercial databases and their use in supporting research
  • Knowledge of current trends and developments in web publishing technologies for effective provision of online library services
  • Good grasp of subject area
  • End-user computer skills
  • Report Writing
  • Familiarity with the Weeding process, principles and practice
  • Searching and retrieval skills
  • Cataloguing, indexing and Classification
  • Research skills
  • Communication skills


KPA 1: InformationManagement

  • Disseminate alerts and summary of alerts to all stakeholders
  • Update the Information Centre Portal
  • UseOnline databases, internet sites and AMLIB to retrieve relevant information for the stakeholders
  • Compile bibliographies on specific topics relating to information needs of Members, Researchers, Committees and GPL Administrative Staff on request and in anticipation of needs
  • Cataloguing of information materials
  • Apply Knowledge Management Practices within the Information Centre
  • Timely provide accurate information in respond to information requests
  • Create Subject Index File
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Distribute Table of contents pages of new journals
  • Provide information support to Members, Researchers, Committees and GPL Administrative Staff

KPA 2: CollectionDevelopment

  • Source and update information materials
  • Identify and recommend information materials
  • Respond Information queries
  • New publications in assigned portfolio competency sector
  • Disseminate specialised information brochures and guides

KPA 3: User Education and Training

  • Ensure the Information Centre materialsare utilised and prepare subject specific instruction manualsfor the allocated stakeholders
  • Train Stakeholders on Databases and Information resources

KPA 4: Internal and External stakeholder relations

  • Develop Information needs profiles
  • Perform Surveys to determine user satisfaction of allocated stakeholders
  • Analyse information needs of Stakeholders
  • Attend and participate in Committee activities
  • Identify platforms of professional networking and such pursued to benefit the stakeholders served

Qualifications/ Experience Required:

  • Bachelor’s Degree Library & Information Science or equivalent
  • Minimum of 3 years working experience in an automated Information Centre/Library environment preferably in the Parliamentary / Academic / Research Sector
  • Experience with electronic information sources and technologies and their use in supporting research
  • Evidence of exposure to new developments in research and applications in the information organisation and retrieval field would be an advantage

Closing date for applications:17 May 2018

NB: The Gauteng Provincial Legislature is committed to the achievement and maintenance of employment equity and diversity especially in respect of race, gender and disability. People with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply. Appointment will be made subject to completion of background/reference checks. Potential candidates for the post will be subjected to security vetting and screening by State Security Agency, and appointment to the post will be determined by positive results from such screening and vetting. The Provincial Secretary of Gauteng Legislature reserves the right to approve or decline the appointment.

TO APPLY FOR THIS POSITION, SUBMIT YOUR CV TO WITH YOUR CERTIFIED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (i.e. ID, certified Copy of qualifications with at least two contactable references)