Extra Credit: This will only be awarded if you follow these instructions.
No name is necessary on this form. It’s optional.
1) You have 10 votes to distribute any way you want. Distribute them amongst your favorite readings in the boxes to the left of the readings. You can vote all 10 in one box or spread 5 in one and 5 in another or any combination that you like. This is really a much better way to do democracy. One person, several votes.
Optional: If you like, you may also cross off up to 3 readings that you really didn’t like. E.g. Book.
McClellan and Dorn (the textbook)Genesis
Enuma elish-Tiamat and Marduk
Newsome on Plato
Pythagorean numerology and harmonics
Plutarch’s On Eating Flesh
Lucretius- On the Nature of the Universe (Atomism)
Grant on Medieval Education and Aristotle in the Middle Ages
Ibn Tufayl’s Story of Hayy
Readings on labor conditions in Industrial Revolution
Darwin readings
Newsome’s Darwin thing
Gamow on the Planck and Bohr
Eisenhower’s Farewell Address
Pollan’s thing on cows and corn
Leigh and Mann on Nitrogen and corn and agricultural practices
Davy reading for take home essay
Bown’s book, A Most Damnable Invention
Other: name reading here:
Please feel free to comment on this class or whatever topic you want. [Do you love or hate icecream and why?] Feel free to suggest changes that I might make or topics you wish we could have covered. Or you could comment on things that you liked or disliked about this course that were different from most courses you have taken at Stevens. Perhaps suggest how I could make assignments less complicated or how I could use the internet more efficiently. Suggestions and/or comments will not affect your grade in any way unless you tear me a new one or the equivalent and anyway, I don’t require names on this sheet.
Please fill out the end-of-semester surveys for this class using the ACE system at I don’t really know how this works, but the administration tells me that it is something everybody is supposed to do.
You may also feel free to make anonymous suggestions by either putting a letter in my mail upstairs in the humanities division mail room, or by sending me an email from an anonymous account or some other creative way.
I really do want your comments because I genuinely want this course to be interesting and relevent to the lives of the student and not just another throw-away humanities course.