Monthly Incident Report

Campus Enforcement & Patrol

October, 2012

Theft from Motor Vehicles

  1. 10/01/12 CEP responded to Burtons Pond where three vehicles had been broken into and a quantity of personal items stolen. The police were contacted. The complaint was closed by the police as there were no witnesses, no suspects, and no physical evidence.

Medical Emergencies

  1. 10/01/12 CEP responded to Doyle House in relation to a male student who was feeling sick. He refused medical attention. The RA of the House agreed to monitor the student’s health.
  2. 10/07/12 CEP conveyed two female students from Blackall House to the HSC for assessment. One of the students was suffering from a migraine while the other from an ear infection.
  3. 10/10/12 CEP responded to the Phy. Edu. Bldg. where a student had fainted. An ambulance was contacted and the student conveyed to the HSC for examination.


  1. 10/01/12 CEP responded to the UC where a male thought he recognized a student who assaulted him some weeks previous. He could not positively identify this person as the person responsible after all thus this matter was closed.
  2. 10/03/12 CEP investigators received complaint regarding a MUN vehicle being operated in a reckless manner in the area of the OSC. A check of the cameras in the area did not reveal the vehicle in question.
  3. 10/03/12 CEP investigators were requested to assist Human Resources regarding the termination of a male employee. There were no issues during this meeting.
  4. 10/03/12 CEP assisted the Sexual Harassment Office regarding the serving of formal documentation on two male students in relation to an investigation being conducted by their office.
  5. 10/06/12 CEP officers on routine patrol in the new parking garage discovered three old car stereos. These were passed over to the police.
  6. 10/07/12 CEP responded to a burglar alarm sounding at the Sexual Harassment office. There was no issue upon the arrival of CEP.
  7. 10/10/12 CEP received a complaint of several persons smoking at the entrance to the Education Bldg. They were gone upon the arrival of CEP officers. A memo was sent to all officers requesting extra patrols of this area.


  1. 10/03/12 CEP received a complaint from a male student who had used the ATM machine near the Breezeway Bar to withdraw a small quantity of money. He left before the transaction was complete. Upon his return the money was missing. A check of the camera in the area did not show anyone near this ATM for this time period only the complainant. He was advised to check with the bank as the money may have been drawn back into the machine.


  1. 10/03/12 CEP responded to a motor vehicle accident in area 18 by the clock tower. A parked vehicle had been hit by another vehicle which was backing up at the time. There no injuries: minor damage to both vehicles.


  1. 10/04/12 CEP received a complaint regarding a stack of chairs which was tipped over in the Food Court. The cameras were checked however there was no useful video available.
  2. 10/04/12 CEP received a complaint regarding graffiti on the bathroom wall at the UniversityCenter. No suspects, no witnesses, no video available.
  3. 10/04/12 CEP received a complaint of smoke in the sky link near the Earth Science Building. CEP officers responded and discovered a fire in a garbage container near the sky link. They also discovered that someone had set fire to paper material on a bulletin board in the tunnel beneath the clock tower. The RNC were notified. CEP investigators reviewed cameras in the area the following day and discovered that two young boys were responsible for setting both fires. These young boys age 10 and 11 years were known to investigators. The RNC were contacted, they have an ongoing investigation.

Inappropriate Behavior

  1. 10/04/12 CEP received a complaint regarding a male urinating in a garbage container at the UC. The cameras were checked however CEP investigators were unable to identify the male responsible.

Malicious Damage

  1. 10/05/12 CEP received a complaint regarding a vehicle having its window broken out while parked on the Inco lot. There was nothing stolen from the vehicle.
  2. 10/04/12 CEP observed a “stop sign” broken off at the intersection of Russell Road and Burton’s Pond Road while on routine patrol.
  3. 10/07/12 CEP responded to Curtis House regarding damage to a bathroom located on the third floor. A suspect was interviewed by CEP investigators and a report forwarded to Housing and Student affairs.
  4. 10/07/12 CEP responded to Squires House in relation to damage to a male washroom located on the second floor. A soap dispenser and a washroom vent were damaged. A suspect was identified and will be interviewed

Alcohol Offence(s)

  1. 10/05/12 CEP officers on routine patrol discovered a lady sitting behind the wheel of a severely damaged vehicle on lot 9C. During questioning of the lady, signs of alcohol impairment were observed as a result the police were contacted. The lady in question was subsequently charged with impaired driving and hit and run.
  2. 10/07/12 CEP responded to Squires House regarding a student consuming alcohol near the residence. He was identified and a report forwarded to Housing and Student Affairs.


  1. 10/05/12 CEP received a complaint of persons smoking marijuana outside Bowater house.
  2. 10/06/12 CEP officers on routine patrol of residence discovered a smell of marijuana on the second floor of Squires House. There was no one in the area at this time.
  3. 10/06/12 CEP observed a suspicions vehicle parked on lot 8. Upon questioning the occupants, a smell of marijuana was detected. As a result the RNC were contacted; upon their arrival they did speak with the persons in question who left the area a short time later.

Fire Alarm(s)

  1. 10/06/12 CEP responded to a fire alarm sounding at the C-Core Building. This was the result of contractors working in the area and dust setting off the alarm.

Suspicious Person(s)

  1. 10/08/12 CEP received a complaint regarding a suspicious male adult who was in front of the University Center. The male was identified, there were no issues regarding this male as he was waiting for a DRL bus at the time.


  1. 10/08/12 CEP responded to the Arts Bldg. regarding a female who was being assaulted by a male. There were no issues upon the arrival of CEP. The cameras were viewed however they were not of any assistance. There were no other reports received.