Terrestrial Biomes Window Foldable
Due ______.
There are seven major terrestrial biomes in the world. We will be making a foldable in class that will display your knowledge of all of the terrestrial biomes.
Below you will find the instructions for how to make the foldable (in case something catastrophic happens to the one I show you how to make), instructions for what information is to be placed where on the foldable, and how you are going to be graded on the foldable. This paper is your copy to keep so please refer to it for any questions.
Directions for construction:
Fold your large sheet of paper in half (hamburger). Then fold one edge back toward the center and the other edge back toward the center. When you lay the paper down horizontally, you have four equal columns with a “mountain peak” in the middle. Take your “mountain peak” and use your scissors to make three equal cuts in the mountain cutting in towards the center. That is where you get your eight equal sized rectangles in the middle.
Now for the weaving. Take your 8 1/2 x 11 paper and cut it in half (vertically/hot dog). Use one of the strips to weave your paper through the center of the foldable. On the left hand column start weaving under your first flap.
On the right hand column do the same, but start your weaving opposite the other side.
Directions for location of information:
Cover: Illustrated cover of the World’s Biomes with your name and period number.
Inside: On the inside of your foldable there will be eight rectangles, four on each side. This information may be found in your text or in the Coach books you can use in class. I suggest using the Coach books first, as you cannot take these home. Here is the information that should be included in the rectangles:
Definition of terrestrial biome – name the two major factors used to classify biomes / Tundra informationTaiga information / Temperate deciduous forest information
Temperate grasslands information / Savanna information
Desert information / Tropical rainforest information
The information to be included with each type of biome is:
· Temperature
· Amount of precipitation (lots of rain, lots of snow, no rain, etc)
· Location (north pole, Georgia, Arizona, Africa, etc)
· Length of seasons (short winters, no winters, no summers, etc)
· Description of the land (grass, ice, sand, etc)
· One interesting fact
· One example of an organism that may live here (any biotic factor)
When you open the foldable by pulling the back two flaps you will get a large piece of paper (with the weaving in the center). This is where you will draw an illustration of your favorite biome. The picture must portray what that biome looks like, as well as being labeled with specific physical characteristics of the biome. The physical characteristics that must be drawn and labeled in the illustration are listed below:
1. At least two animals and their names
2. At least two plants and their names
3. What is the ground made of (trees, sand, ice, etc.)
4. Is there rain?
5. Describe the temperature (write cold, scorching, warm, etc) and give a temperature number within range (degrees Celsius or Farenheit)
Name: ______
*Terrestrial Biomes Window Foldable*
Rubric: Use the checkmark column to help you keep track of whether you have included everything J
√ / Points available / Comments / Points earned / Total Points:Creativity / 5
Spelling / 5
Neatness/ organization / 5
Followed directions/ turned in rubric with project / 5
Information in 8 rectangles is accurate and complete / 40
Illustration is accurate and is labeled correctly / 40