Elkridge Landing Middle School
Rolling Thunder Newsletter
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Friends of Elkridge Landing,
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 15. The basket auction/raffle was a huge success last year and thanks to your generosity, we raised over $1400 to fund our school store during the quarterly socials. Please get your donations in as soon as possible so we have time to get the baskets ready for auction. We are counting on everyone to help us make this auction as successful as last year’s. We are also currently running a Gold Party fundraiser. There will be a table set up at Back to School Night for community members to set up appointments to see what the old gold and silver you may have laying around the house might be worth. Thank you to the parents and staff that have already checked it out- I only had a few pieces to get rid of and made $200! Gold Party will make a donation to the school based on the percentage of sales. The donation comes from Gold Party, not out of your sales. Please consider supporting this and the basket auction.
Please make sure you have logged in to the HCPSS Connect site as soon as possible. The link is http://www.hcpss.org/connect/ and we still need updated emergency info for many of our students. If you have any questions or need help, please call school and we will assist you. Setting up your Connect account is essential to accessing all of the features in Canvas and Synergy that will be available for parents this year.
I am pleased to share that all students have set up their school emails and were trained through their classes to set up and use their Canvas/Synergy accounts. We do not have a date yet for signing out iPads as our management system for them is being updated. We will be sure to let everyone know what day the technology rollout will happen. We will also be sending home a link for parents to use to when students bring their iPads home and inspect them to report any damage found. ELMS is very proud of the leadership roll our students and staff have taken in technology use and we continue to set an example for the rest of the county.
I want to put in another plug to invite all interested parents to our first PTSA meeting on Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 in the media center. Your students are welcome to attend with you.
The ELMS Administrative Team
Gina Cash, Sam Davis
Gina L. Cash
Elkridge Landing Middle School
Phone: 410-313-5040
Fax: 410-313-5045
Make-Up Work policy
Absent students are encouraged to check Canvas for assignments. If a student is absent three or more consecutive days the parent can request work by contacting Student Services (410-313-5043.) If a parent contacts Student Services by 8:00 AM, the work will be available for pick up in the front office between 2:45-3:30 PM. If the request is after 8:00 AM, the work will be available for pick up the next day between 2:45-3:30 PM.
From Health Services:
Flu Shot permission slips will be sent home next week. Return the permission slip by September 9th if you would like to have your child receive the flu shot at school.
Health Education Announcements:
Human Sexuality Unit: Materials of Instruction
Approved resources and materials of instruction for the Human Sexuality Unit will be available for perusal at Back-to-School Night, September 15th, in Room 214. Parents are invited to stop by to review these materials. For more information, please call or e-mail Deborah Johnson, Health Educator.
Any parent who wishes to exclude his/her child from the Human Sexuality Unit in health class this year may download the exclusion form from our school website. The form must be signed and returned to Ms. Johnson, Health Educator, by Friday, September 16, 2016. Parents may also contact the school directly at 410-313-5040 to request a copy of the exclusion form.
In the Howard County Public School System, HIV/AIDS Education may be included in a variety of content areas to include: Health Education, Science, Social Studies, and Family and Consumer Science. HIV/AIDS Education is a required content area in the Health Education curriculum. It may be a required or elective topic in the other content areas. Each school is required to inform parents of their right to exclude their child from instruction in HIV/AIDS prevention. Parents who wish to exclude their child may download the EXCLUSION FORM from our school website or request a copy from the school. All exclusions must be returned to Ms. Johnson, the Health Educator, no later than Friday, September 16, 2016.
Gold Party Event Fundraiser:
We have an extremely exciting fundraiser to share with you! Please participate in this TRULY Win-Win Fundraiser!
Gold Party Event fundraising offersfree, easy and no pressure evaluations on gold and silver COLORED items to identify whether they are gold, silver, platinum and of what karat.
The items are then weighted and valued. Shouldyouchoose to sell your items,youwill keep 100% of the money!
Gold Party Event works hard to offer the highest payout rates around, so you are sure to receive great return on your unwanted items.
The donations come from Gold Party Event. 10-20% of all sales will be donated from their profit and NOT your sale money! Please participate and help spread the word!! We can raise a lot of money for our school through this program that is designed to put money BACK into the pockets of the participants!!
WHEN:Thursday, September 15 at Back toSchool Night and at the September and October PTA meetings. Proceeds will be used to support PBIS and Technology initiatives. Please ask friends and family members to participate with you … Everyone KEEPS the Cash!
How to Participate?
Step1- Gather your old, broken or unwanted gold, silver or platinum items andRSVP.
Step2- Bring your baggie of items to school
Step3- Watch as your items are evaluated and weighed (free service)
Step4- Decide ifyouwould like to sell all, some or none of them, knowing thatyouget to KEEP ALL OF YOUR MONEY!
Step 5- You will be given options as to how to go about cashing your items in and receiving payment.
PLEASE RSVPdirectly to Tara Carbo (443)
Gold Party Event is proud to have been creating pleasant experiences for our clients for 5 years! *NOTE: Gold Party Event only conducts transactions in our licensed locations (MD only.) Gold Party Event License #2500.
HCASC invites All Middle and High School students interested in
-Sharing the Student Voice on School Policy and Community Issues
-Gaining Leadership Skills
-Practicing Community Service
-Working with student leaders from across HCPSS
To attend the Howard County Association of Student Councils (HCASC) meetings the 2nd Wednesday of every month 7-8:30 at the Homewood Cafeteria 10914 MD 108 Columbia, 21042. First Meeting this Wednesday 9/14. For more information please contact
From the Howard County Library/Elkridge Branch Express
The Elkridge Express library location opened on Saturday August 27. Our hours are the same as the full service locations, and our Sunday hours, from 1-5 PM, resume September 11. The Express library features a browsing collection for all ages, 9 public computers networked to a B & W printer, and a small photocopier, 8.5 x 11 only. We ask that computer users sign up and observe a 30 minute use limitation when others are waiting. You can reach us at 313-5077 during open hours.
Our staff is very glad to be back in the Elkridge community, and we all look forward to serving you and your students.
Phillip R. Lord
Elkridge Branch Express
Boys Basketball Try-outs - Howard County Youth Program (HCYP)
Tryouts for students in grades 6-8 will be held September 13 and 20, 6-8 p.m., at Elkridge Landing Middle School Gymnasium and black top. Interested players should email name, grade, parents phone #, email address and indicate if "dual-team" player to no later than Sunday, Sept. 11. Bring a basketball, water (no Gatorade) and reversible jersey (with white side) to the try-outs. Season lasts November - March (with possibility of Spring tournaments depending on regular season performance). Cost: $350 per player due after team selection (covers uniforms, equipment, county and referee fees for 16 Sat/Sun games). Any unused funds will be refunded. For more information, contact Quenton Rodgers at 443-924-4594 or . Additional information can be found at www.hcyp.org.
Dates to Remember:
September 12 Professional Learning Day – school closed for students
September 15 Back to School Night -7:00 pm
September 15 Gold Party Event during Back to School Night
September 20 PTA meeting 6:30 pm
October 3 Schools and Offices closed
October 6 Interim progress reports issued
October 7 School Pictures
October 12 Schools and Offices closed
October 13 GT Parent Orientation 7:00 pm
October 18 PTA meeting 6:30 pm
October 31 Professional Learning Day – school closed for students