Name: ______

Period: ______

Waves Tic-Tac-Toe Project Guide

A.L.C.O.S. Objectives:

12. Classify waves as mechanical or electromagnetic.

Examples:mechanical—earthquake waves;
electromagnetic—ultraviolet light waves, visible light waves

  • Describing how earthquake waves, sound waves, water waves, and electromagnetic waves can be destructive or beneficial due to the transfer of energy
  • Describing longitudinal and transverse waves
  • Describing how waves travel through different media
  • Relating wavelength, frequency, and amplitude to energy
  • Describing the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of frequencies

Example:electromagnetic spectrum in increasing frequencies—microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X rays


Each student is responsible for completing three activities from the following choices. Your three choices must follow the rules of tic-tac-toe (i.e. three in a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally)

Students must turn in this sheet with their three choices and a parent’s signature by ______. (10 points)

Reports are due ______and should be turned in a folder.

You get to choose what grade you would like to achieve. Each activity has a different point value. Choose wisely.

I choose the following three projects:

1. ______Point value ______

2. ______Point value ______

3. ______Point value ______

Parent Signature: ______

Teacher Signature: ______(Signifies that you have received your 10 points)

Waves Tic-Tac-Toe Board

#1 Explore one of the following topics and write a one-page typed report on your findings be sure to include examples of recent events and types of destruction caused:
a. Tsunamis
b. Earthquakes
25 points / #2 Create a graphic organizer to help you better understand the differences between the two types of mechanical waves. Include: the major parts of each, the relationship between frequency and period. The more you include the better. You should turn in a blank graphic organizer and one that is completed.
40 Points / #3 Create a crossword puzzle of at least 20 vocabulary words found in Chapters 15, 16 or 17 of your textbook. (Pages 486-585)
25 Points
Create an ACROSTIC poem about the Electromagnetic Spectrum using the term ‘electromagnetic’ Use the characteristics in your text for your poem
25 Points / Create a Jeopardy game with all of the content we’ve covered in class about waves. You may also use your textbook. Use a poster-board to replicate the actual Jeopardy game-show question board. (We might use this as a review game later on.) You should have at least 5 categories with 5 dollar amounts.
40 Points / Find a current events article on something that has to do with waves. Write a 1 page summary of the article. Be sure to describe its relevance to our unit related to waves.
25 Points
Make a list of 5 careers that require a deep understanding of waves. For each job, write a paragraph describing the job, the education required to perform this job and explain how this job relates to waves.
25 Points / Create a brochure about the different types of waves. Each panel mush have information and at least one picture that relates to the topic. Attractive neat layout, correct spelling, folded with important points highlighted.
40 Points / Develop a mnemonic device to aid you in remembering the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Develop a story that goes along with your mnemonic device (ex. King Henry Died Unexpectedly Drinking Chocolate Milk)
25 Points