Earthquake Project

This project will be your test grade for the Earthquake unit. We will spend three days in the lab collecting data from these websites. You will take notes from websites and then use this information on your poster. We will work on our posters in class for 3 days. You have a total of 6 days to complete this project. Be prepared to give a presentation with your team on a specific topic. You will be told that topic the day before the presentation.

You will create a poster project with the following requirements:

1.  List and tell about 3 great earthquakes. You need to include detailed information along with pictures. Explain where most earthquakes occur.

2.  Tell about how scientists know about earthquakes and how they are recorded. You must define and use the words seismic wave, Richter Scale, seismograph, epicenter, and focus. You must also include how scientists collect the data and how many collecting stations are required. Include pictures

3.  Explain the difference between S, P, and L waves. Include pictures and detailed explanation.

4.  Explain the 3 different faults (strike-slip, reverse, normal), the type of plate motion associated with each fault, and earthquake characteristics for each. Include pictures.

5.  Include information on predicting and warning of earthquakes. Include information on Tsunamis.

6.  Include information and pictures about how we can make buildings safer in earthquake areas. Define liquefaction and how it happens.

7.  Include information and pictures on evidence of earthquakes on other cosmic bodies.

Name: ______Period: ______

Make sure you review this rubric after you complete your poster to make sure your project includes everything. REMEMBER THIS IS A TEST GRADE!

Earthquake Poster Rubric

Requirement / Points
3 Most Recent Earthquakes / 15
Where most Earthquakes occur / 5
Knowledge about Earthquakes / Seismic wave / 5
Richter Scale / 5
Seismograph / 5
Epicenter (picture) / 5
Focus (picture) / 5
Collecting stations / 5
P Waves (picture) / 5
S Waves (picture) / 5
L Waves (picture) / 5
Faults and comparisons of motions and characteristics (pictures) / Strike-slip / 5
Reverse / 5
Normal / 5
Predictions/Warnings / Include Tsunami (5 for predictions/warnings, 5 pts. For Tsunami information) / 10
Safer Buildings (picture) / Liquefaction / 5
Cosmic Bodies / 5