
Kathie Mann



Ann Rudolph



Tom Price


Board Members

Term thru 6/14

Tim Dake


Candy LoBue

463 -2677

James Neely


Tim Ogle

463- 4694

Ann Rudolph


Term thru 6/15

Earl Chambers


Carrie Giomi


Dennis Rechel


James Schreiber


Kerry Stevens



Prices 463-3794

Program Schedule:

Feb. 11 Tina – Jim O’Banion

Fish Hatchery

Feb. 18 Student of the Month

Feb. 25 C. Baker – Kim Bull on


Dates to keep in mind:

March (first week) Lucy’s Bulls

for the 21st Century

March 29 Spring Dinner/Dance

Greeter List:

2-11 Earl Chambers

Walter Breese

2-18 Gary Hardesty

Jeff Page

2-25 Peggy Bitler &

Tina Breese

3-4 Kathie Mann &

Bev Hanson

3-11 Skip Bolton &

Al McNeil


The Super Bowl Party is over, but Some of the bills are not in yet so there is no report on how we did financially. We did get all 100 squares sold. Without Peggy’s effort we probably would have been in serious trouble. Selling 100 squares gives us $10,000 which is most of the gross income from the event. We pay $5,000 of that back in quarterly prizes. The two TVs that we gave away cost almost $1,400. We pay some fees to Boys and Girls Club for using their facilities and while some of the food is donated by Rotary members we have to pay for some of it (especially the Tri-tips, chicken wings and garlic bread). We should net at least $2,000, hopefully a little more.

Hats off to the club: The tri-tip was great, the food spectacular and we had many happy eaters. I don’t know about the dye your lips superbowl cake??? It made a lasting impression.

Spring Dinner Dance: Put this date on your calendar. We will need as many Rotarians as possible to make this one a success. At this time we need to know the really great silent auction items Rotarians will be bringing. If we know we can take the advantage of advance advertising. Please let Peggy, Kathie or Tom know what you have in mind. Tickets for the dance and raffle will be available at the next meeting. It’s usually easier to sell these than the $100 Superbowl party tickets. Let’s get busy now or Peggy will be after us!

Snyder Bull Sale: The club helps with the grazing after the seminar part of the program. Snyders pay the cost of appetizers and make a donation to our scholarship fund in return for our preparation and serving efforts. Last year this was a lot of fun as well as good for our scholarship program. Be ready to help.

Vicki’s Thank you: This is an abbreviated version of District Governor Vicki Puliz’s letter. Our Club donated $103.50 towards sponsoring her. If you want to read all of her letter, please let Tom know and he will forward it to you via email.

I am so honored that the clubs and Rotarians in District 5190 sponsored me to walk with the Rotary Float in the 2014 New Year’s Day Rose Parade. It was truly a “once in a lifetime” experience.

Tim and I arrived in Pasadena two days early in order to participate in the events leading up to the Parade itself. We stayed at the home of a Rotarian in Burbank, Jim and Dawna Miceli, and enjoyed this extra advantage of getting to know Rotarians from Southern California.

On January 1, we assembled at 4:30 a.m. and were transported to the float staging area by our special van. To see all of the floats lined up on the street pre-dawn was surreal. Float drivers stay in the floats all night, and some were sitting in camp chairs with heaters beside the floats. There were spot lights here and there, but it was dark, chilly, and quiet—even with hundreds of people walking around. The wonderful smell of all the flowers wafted through the darkness.

The turn onto Colorado Boulevard was incredible! This is where all the television cameras, commentators, cameras and other media are
stationed. It was a bit overwhelming to be walking, waving with both hands, and yelling “Happy New Year from Rotary” with microphones on booms over my head and video cameras on all sides.

It was an incredible experience for me, and I want to thank you again for your generous sponsorship that allowed me to walk with the float. Also, your sponsorship helps build the public image and awareness of Rotary

I did my best to represent you and Rotary in a positive and enthusiastic way during the Rose Parade festivities, and want to thank you
again for the experience of a lifetime.

Rotary Club Foundation Meeting: On February 6, the Foundation Board met. The Board discussed the Malcolm Rountree Scholarship bequest. The result of this discussion was the decision to increase the number of Rountree scholarships to two. The discussion brought home the point that this use of Malcolm’s money would be what he would have liked, rather than saving the money and using it as long as possible. This money must be used for Malcolm Rountree scholarships. The previous meeting of the Board increased the amount of the 4-year scholarship to a total of $5,000. It was Malcolm’s direction that the scholarships be awarded to students interested in the fields of science, engineering, mathematics or technology. The first two years of the scholarship, the recipient will receive $1,000 per year. The third and fourth years the amount will increase to $1,500 as long as the recipient continues in the stipulated fields of study.

Gerry Boschert the scholarship committee representative was ecstatic about this additional scholarship. The number of scholarships available at YHS has decreased in recent years as money has become scarcer.

District 5190 Grant Progress: Last summer the club received a District Service Grant to do the roofs at Buck Aiazzi ball field and to plant trees at Mountain View Park. The roofs were done last Fall and have been well received by the community. The second part of the grant is underway with trees being ordered. The next part will be digging holes and planting the trees when the weather cooperates. We will be planting larger trees so we need to get ready to dig bigger holes. More to come.

Fallon Foundation Dinner Money: The club received a lump sum payment of $1,600 from the Fallon Club for TRF credit based on all purchases by club members attending the dinner. We will have to take club credit unless individual donors come forth to let Tom know what they paid for at the Foundation Dinner for silent auction items and place in line for dinner. Please contact Tom so we can give individual credit for Paul Harris recognition.