Western Area Governors’ Forum
Date: / Tuesday 25 April 2017
Time: / 7.05 – 9.00pm
Location: / Winchester Professional Centre
Deborah Martin / Broughton Primary School
Sue Mussell / Cherbourg Primary School
David Sheilds / Grateley Primary School
Keith Bastin / Hatch Warren Infant School
Julie Skinner / Marchwood Junior School
Andy Sutton / Oakfield Primary School
Michelle Hayward / Pennington Junior School
Martina Humber / Pennington Junior School
Liz Wagner / Romsey Abbey CE Primary School
Janet Feat / Romsey Primary School
Roger Coveney / St John the Baptist School
David Wright / Sun Hill Infant School
A Clark / Swanmore Secondary School
Jemma Kwint / The Westgate School
Peter Higgs / Wallop Primary School
Marian Clutterbuck / West Tytherley Primary School
Tony Ewer / Wherwell Primary School
In Attendance:
Tony Quinn / Hampshire Governor Services
Sue Savory / Computing Inspector/Advisor, Hampshire County Council
Julia Burton / Hampshire Governor Services, LA Clerk
Apologies for absence
Rob Gardner / Fair Oak Infant School
Amanda Tanner / Milford on Sea (CE) Primary School Academy Trust
Chris Mason / Norwood Primary School
Peter Jackson / Nursling (CE) Primary School
Keith Akerman / Tiptoe Primary School
1. / Apologies for absence and Welcome
The meeting opened at 7.05pm.
David Wright (Chair) welcomed everyone. Apologies for absence were received and noted.
2. / Social Media and its use by parents/community to comment on schools/schools’ staff
David Wright introduced Sue Savory, County Computing Inspector/Advisor, Hampshire County Council.
Sue gave a short presentation on Social Media. A copy of the presentation is attached to these minutes and governors can contact Sue for further information and advice on .
The presentation summarised how social media can be an effective tool for parental engagement, together with the different forms it takes. It also summarised areas other uses and how social media is changing the way society thinks and acts. The key points were:
· Developing the culture – this highlighted other forms of social media and their use.
· Impact of negative comments – this demonstrated the destabilising effect and undermining professional status of staff members and senior leadership together with how it can also affect the emotional wellbeing of pupils.
· What’s illegal – this provided a summary of the relevant Acts of Parliament that cover social media and its use.
· Privacy Settings – this explained how privacy settings can be applied and how far posts on Facebook can be shared.
· How should schools respond – this provided clear information on how schools should respond to any Facebook posts/comments.
· Online support – this provided details of the support and guidance network available, together with links.
· Other stakeholders – this provided details on other stakeholders.
· Face to face conversation – the importance of this was explained in detail.
· Next Steps and Preventative Action – this summarised the actions that can be applied to prevent a situation and also what the next steps would be if it is not resolved.
· Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) – Governors’ attention was drawn to the importance of the AUP statement.
· Other Policies that can be applied – the list of policies that can be applied to social media was provided.
· Positive use of Social Media
Governors discussed social media issues and it was noted that some Hampshire schools are now setting up their own Facebook and Twitter accounts to monitor and act on any comments made. These are usually monitored by the Headteacher/Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Governors can also be given access to these accounts. It was agreed that this provides a forum for parents and it was noted that in some cases this approach has countered negative comments. Governors further discussed the administration rights to these sites and how clear monitoring can be applied to provide an open approach, but also monitor and act on any negative comments that may be made.
Governors also discussed how “closed group” Facebook accounts can be approached and how any issues that arise through this type of forum can be addressed. Safeguarding also needs to be maintained.
It was acknowledged that social media needs to be embraced, rather than allowed to be a barrier to the ethos of schools.
David Wright added that his school has a social media policy, a copy of which will be shared with Forum members for information.
Governors then discussed other applications i.e. Instagram and Snapchat, and ways in which these can be accessed and shared, together with what controls can be put in place to avoid wider sharing of posts. The benefit of the use of these applications was also discussed.
It was agreed that the key message is that safe and sensible use should be applied at all times by all parties. It was acknowledged that there are both negative and positive ways in which social media can be used and in some cases, it is about a change of mindset and reconnecting with parents to avoid any negativity. It is also about good positive self-behaviour and ensuring these are applied across all areas.
It was also noted that Ofsted now look at social media evidence prior to any inspections.
Governors were informed that the induction for new governors has also been updated to include case studies on the use of on social media and appropriate ways to respond.
There was no further discussion or questions and Sue Savory was thanked for her very informative presentation.
8.15pm Sue Savory left the meeting.
3. / Open Forum
There were no items for discussion under Open Forum.
4. / Minutes of last meeting – 28 February 2017
The minutes of the last meeting held on 28 February 2017 were approved.
5. / Reports from Representatives
Hampshire Governors’ Association (HGA) – 9 March 2017
The Apprenticeship Levy was discussed and the minutes provided an update for governors. David Wright summarised the details.
Peter Higgs also provided the following update on the levy:
· A levy of 0.5% of the pay bill of each school is paid into a digital account from 1 April 2017. This account will be managed Hampshire Futures (part of Children’s Services). Anyone employed by the school can be an apprentice and have training funded from the account. It also provides opportunities for new and existing staff to be trained at a higher level or in some cases, gain qualifications in a different area where they will gain substantive new skills.
· Hampshire Futures are also developing an Apprentice Programme and higher or degree apprenticeships are planned with new Teaching & Learning Apprenticeships under development nationally.
· Employers can get more than they pay in through the levy through a 10% top-up of their account.
· Funds are available for 24 months after being paid into the digital account and it is a case of “use it or lose it”.
County Governor Forum – 23 March 2017
The following matters had been discussed at County Governor Forum (CGF).
· New agreed County RE Syllabus
· Integrated Business Centre representative had attended and it was noted that more schools are now moving to Model 1. CGF also discussed the process for dealing and responding to queries from schools.
· IR35 – this relates to taxation of people who work in school, ie sports coaches or music teachers and explained the new regulations required for them to be taxed at source.
· Exit payment - new sliding repayment scale.
· English Language duty.
· Gender pay gap.
Schools’ Forum – 21 March 2017
Peter Higgs reported that it was not a busy agenda and he updated governors on two issues:
· Education Centres – a paper was presented which suggested that all 7 of Hampshire County Council (HCC) Centre operate differently and HCC is currently looking at a different formula and rebalancing of numbers.
· Local Authority response to National Funding Formula. The key impact is the effect on small schools. This issue has been taken up in the consultation and the Leader of Hampshire County Council has corresponded with the Secretary of State for Education. The outcomes will likely have an effect on budget revision decisions made in November.
6. / News from Governor Services
Governors were updated on the following publications:
· Clerking Competency Framework – April 2017
· Education Select Committee report on Multi-academy trusts.
· Education Select Committee report on post-Brexit issue for higher education.
Links for these documents will be provided on the Hampshire Governor Services website.
7. / Any Other Business
Defibrillators – it was noted these are now recommended in all schools and it was noted that they can be purchased through the Department for Education. A governor informed Forum members that the Ambulance Service is providing free training to governors for this use and schools were advised to make contact to arrange this free provision.
There were no further items for discussion at this meeting.
8. / Future Agenda Items
· Confirm dates for Spring & Summer Terms 2018 Forum meetings:
- 27 February 2018 or 6 March 2018 (WPC)
- 26 April/1 May/8 May 2018 (JFS)
If governors have any other items in the future they wish to be included on the agenda, to let David Wright know.
9. / Date and Times of future meetings
All meetings will start at 7.00pm and take place at the Winchester Professional Centre (WPC) and Foxhills Junior School (FJS)
· 26 September 2017 (FJS)
Meeting closed at 9.00pm