CMRSB Minutes

September 16, 2009


David Senter, ChairmanNorth MS District

Patsy BoydSouthern Communications District

Janie SheltonCellular South

Charlie Young AT&T Mobility

Gloria GreenAttorney General’s Office

Joel BoboHorne LLP

Carolyn VarnerHorne LLP

Bob WedgeworthRankin CountyEOC

Melissa BryantRankin CountyEOC

Board reviewed minutes of the August meeting. A motion toacceptAugustminutes was made by Patsy, seconded by Janie, and carried unanimously. Copies of the documents discussed at the meeting are attached to the minutes.

Joel Bobo presented Horne’s financial reports for the month of August. A total of $797,246.85 in invoices and expenses were passed out and approved for payment. A motion to accept reports and pay invoices, within limits, and expenses, was made by Patsy, seconded by Janieand carried unanimously. A copy of the financial report is attached to the minutes.

Joel reported to the board that Southern Linc had submitted their audit report and that no exceptions were noted.

Attorney General's Office Report –Gloria Green discussed possible options available to the Board to get AT & T to comply with the reporting and collection of the CMRS service charge from prepaid wireless service. Charlie Young recused himself from any discussion or action regarding the AT & T matter.
Technical Committee Report –Nothing to report.

Floor Items – Janie reported that Cellular South found a glitch in their Customer Setup software. Cellular South has corrected the problem.

Charlie asked how many counties were Phase II. It was reported that there are over 50% of the counties that are Phase II. Charlie's comment was that if the other 40+% wanted to go to Phase II, then the CMRS funds would be depleted.

The board discussed the problem with not being able to meet when there is not a quorum present for a Board meeting. After discussion by the Board of the need to timely pay the providers' reimbursement invoices. Patsy Boyd moved that David Senter be authorized to approve invoices from providers with a Board approved plan, when the Board does not hold a monthly meeting. The motion was seconded by Janie and carried unanimously.

Bob Wedgeworth and Mellisa Bryant with the Rankin Co. EOC talked to the board about possible legislative changes.

Being no further business, motion to adjourn was made by Janie, seconded by Patsyand carried unanimously.