
Ray Wheeler (President), Harry Kirby (Chair), Aly Townend (Treasurer),Kate Ednay, Jaimie Unsworth, Carl Joyce, Simon Butler, Adam Payne, Leeya Roovis, Jon Kirby, John Pearson


Apologies had been received from: Alison Austin and Derrick Austin

2Approval of Minutes (15 November 2016)

It was proposed by AP and seconded by AT that the Minutes from the meetingheld on 15 November2016constituted a true and accurate record. This was agreed unanimously.

3Matters Arising

  • Smallbrook Pitch Hire (September): AT reported that this had now been sorted and the club billed correctly
  • Outstanding Bill (HMS Temeraire):AT reported that this was an historical issue which had been addressed and no payment would be made
  • Men’s Teas (outstanding to Vanessa, Smallbrook): This had been addressed
  • Goals (Rew Valley, Junior Training): These had now been purchased on behalf of the club and would remain the club’s property with training likely to continue at RV after the 12 months free use had expired
  • Teas (hot meals for umpires):AP and AT noted that this was addressed on a game by game basis by liaising with umpires prior to the ‘home’ match if played away from Smalbrook
  • Yellow Cards: It was noted that information re yellow cards was now routinely being passed on to DA for action if necessary

4Chairman’s Report (Tabled)

The report was received. Discussion ensued re appropriate club gestures for Mark and Derrick in the light of serious illness. Agreed action was unanimously endorsed.

Action: HK/AT

5Secretary’s Report (Tabled)

The report was received.

Matters arising:

New Members: Neil Riley, Mike Dodds, Scott Bashford. It was proposed by JK and seconded by AP that their membership be confirmed. This was agreed unanimously

England Hockey AGM: It was confirmed that IWHC would not be sending a representative. AA to inform EH and send apologies on behalf of the club

Action: AA

Men’s 2nd XI: The viability of the 2nd XI continuing in the Hampshire League Division 8 was discussed at length. Representations were heard from AA (via email), JK, SB, JP and CJ. It was agreed that there were insufficient members regularly available to warrant the side continuing (two matches having already been conceded). An email from the League Secretary in which he insisted games were to be played on the date allocated exacerbated the situation (with penalties should this not be applied). This was despite agreement for a change having been made with the club concerned (no local pitch had been available for the fixture on 04 February). In any event it had been established that IWHC would be unable field a side on the new date, so a third cancellation would result in expulsion.Consequently, it was proposed by CJ and seconded by JP that IWHC inform the league that the Men’s 2nd XI would be withdrawing from the Hampshire League with immediate effect. This was agreed unanimously.HK would contact the league and also write separately to all club members.


It was also agreed to copy the email to Gaynor Toms (EH Relationship Manager based in Gosport who was aware of our pitch needs) as further evidence of the club’s pitch issues and the League’s intransigence towards our unique problems

Action: HK/AP

It was also noted that the Men’s 1st XI would have a slightly bigger pool of players to call on if needed from now until the end of the season.

It was further agreed that the club would apply to enter a Men’s 2nd XI in Division 10 for season 2017/18. This was with the proviso that the club would make a concerted effort to involve the junior boys from the successful Monday night training. There would be some logistical hurdles to overcome and the need to establish positive links between the junior and senior set ups (as had been effective with the Ladies) was crucial for this to be successful. There was some concern expressed re the divisional gap between the 1stand 2nd XIs, but it was felt that the younger boys would cope better in the lower league and hence would be more advantageous for their long term development (although it was argued that the gaps between the lower leagues were not significant). Further, AT noted that there were enough boys at U14 level currently to form a team and they would need something to aim for to give them continued motivation.As a start to this process, it was agreed to investigate using the slot booked at Smallbrookon 25 February (for the Men’s 2nd XI league match) to have a ‘club session’ involving any players without a game and the junior boys. AP would also contact Ryde School to reduce the booking time

Action: CJ/JM/RC/AP/AA

6Treasurer’s Report (Verbal Report)

AT reported that she was unable to provide a full documented report as she was currently unable to access the Wightlink account (re paid bookings). There was approximately £1,500 in the main working account. CJ passed £25 (2nd XI match fees) on to AT at the meeting. December bills to pay amounted to £900. AT questioned the £54 weekly Men’s training costs with so few members attending. Regarding the withdrawal of the Men’s 2nd XI, it was agreed that AT would carry out a reconciliation at the end of the season and reimburse members’ subscriptions (based on the number of games played)


Social (Verbal Report)

LR reported the success of the Christmas social. £44 was added to club funds (earmarked to ‘new pitch’ account). It was suggested that the Festival a/c could also potentially be utilised for this fund (this could be debated in due course on a future Agenda). The next event for the committee to address was the end of season dinner (updates would be issued to members as appropriate)

Action (future Agenda item): AA

HK thanked LR and the Social Committee for their endeavours.

Facilities (Verbal Report)

  • A link to ‘Notts Sport’ in respect of pitch funding was discussed:
  • AP reported thatRyde School was intending to build a new Astroturf on the school site and hire out the Smallbrook site for community use
  • Although there had been no concrete response to date, it was felt the potential of the IW Community Club site (West Cowes) – a former home of the IWHC - should be further explored:

Action: AA

  • AT noted that the Sandown Broadlea Primary School site would also have scope for an Astroturf pitch

8Officer Reports

(Tabled reports available as a separate document)

Fixture Secretary (Tabled):AP reported that with the Men’s 2nd XI withdrawing from the league, the pitch problems were resolved

Ladies’ Section Captain (Tabled)

Men’s Section Captain (Tabled)

Press Officer: Nothing to report

Disciplinary Officer (Tabled)

Head Coach: Coach not present (no updates to report)

No further reports had been received.

9Any Other Business

Training: With numbers at men’s training currently in single figures, it was agreed to inform members that if attendance over the next two Wednesday evenings (01 and 08 February) did not exceed 10 on each occasion, then men’s training would be aborted until next season. JK would post a note to that effect on the club members’ facebook page. Following the 08 February session JK would inform members via the same means of the club’s decision


Hampshire Open League Trophy - Men’s 2s: It was felt that withdrawal from the league would not affect the team’s participation in the cup as it was a separate competition. The team had a walkover in the second round when Havant 5 withdrew and the next round (quarter final) was scheduled for Sunday, 12 March in Basingstoke against Basingstoke 4s (Hants Div 6) starting at 12.30. As the fixtures were held on a Sunday, a ‘club team’ (made up from members who had played for 2nd XI at some point during the season) would participate. The team would remain in the competition until told otherwise.

Umpires: It was reiterated (see Chairman’s Report above) that the Ladies had recruited a new member (Elaine Spear), a Level 3 Umpire and Assessor/Coach (Level 2). It was hoped that at some point before the end of the season SB could be assessed by Elaine to join HK who had recently successfully completed his own assessment (Level 1)

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.20 pm

10Date & Venue of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 04 April 2017 at the Hare & Hounds, Downend, Newport commencing at 7.00pm
