St. Augustine North Davis Shores (SANDS) Neighborhood Association
Article I: Name, Purpose, and Type
Section 1: The name of the Association shall be Saint Augustine North Davis Shores (SANDS) Neighborhood Association. This Association is and shall remain a non-profit organization and no part of the net earnings thereof shall inure to any member.
Section2: The purpose of this Association shall be:
- To promote community pride in the beauty and historic significance of our neighborhood.
- To identify common concerns and to be a voice articulating these concerns to our City government.
- To facilitate citizen input and influence regarding issues and decisions affecting our neighborhood.
- To take appropriate action to protect the quality and residential and historic integrity of the neighborhood.
- To work with other St. Augustine Neighborhood associations to promote resolution of common concerns.
- To engage in other lawful activities, which the Association deems to be in the best, interest of the neighborhood.
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Membership shall be open to any household member at least 18 years of age, or business owner who resides in and /or owns a property the geographic area:
North of Anastasia Blvd. (SR AIA) from the east end of the Bridge of Lions to the east side of Comares Avenue, bounded by the waters of Salt Run and Matanzas Bay.
Section 2: Submitting contact information to the Board makes a Request For Membership (RFM). Submission may be done by: online (completing membership information on the SANDS website), emailed to the SANDS email address, or in written form.
The SANDS mailing list and e-mail contact list shall be kept confidential and used only to conduct SANDS purposes as listed above. The lists shall not be made available for any marketing, commercial or private use by anyone.
Section 3: Fees, (but not for membership), will be determined by a vote of the Association.
Article III: Government
Section 1: SANDS will be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of at least 3 and up to 6 members of the Association. Vacancies occurring during term will be filled at the discretion of the Board, and requires a vote by the Association.
Section 2: SANDS shall elect a President, Vice President, a Treasurer, and Secretary; and two Members-at-Large. Board members shall be selected by a vote of the Association and shall serve two-year terms.
Article IV: Process
The election of Board Members shall be held at the 4th Quarter meeting of the Association and will be the first item on the agenda.Nominees to the Board must submit their interest in writing using methods outlined (Article II, Sec. 2), no later than three weeks prior to 4th Quarter meeting. The Board must publicize to theAssociation, a slate of all interested candidates and any antidotal information (experience, interests and background) at least two weeks prior to election. Voting for the Board will be by secret ballot.
Article V: Term of Office
Section 1: The Term of Office is two years, commencing January 1, and ending December 31, of the second year.
Section 2: Each year’s election will replace specific Board members. Positions will be filled on alternating years. Vice President, Secretary, and Member at Large (X,Y) commencing 4th quarter 2015.The President, Treasurer, and Member at Large (Z) will be elected the following year.
ARTICLE VI: Duties of the Officers
Section1: President
The President shall preside at all Association meetings of the membership. The President shall also have general oversight of activities of the Association and perform all other duties pertaining to the office. The President shall have the power to call meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Association as needed. The President will serve as the delegate to the Neighborhood Council (NC). An Alternate to the NC will be solicited from the membership, which may be a Board member and elected and appointed by the Board.
Section 2: Vice-President
The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and when performing these duties, shall have the power and duties of the President. The Vice-President shall perform other duties applicable to the office as requested by President or the Board of Directors.
Section 3: Secretary
TheSecretaryshall keep a proper record of all meetings (minutes, sign-in sheet, copy of agenda and any handouts) of the Association and the Board of Directors and, shall handle all correspondence. The Secretary shall be custodian of the Association records, perform other duties applicable to the office and other duties as requested by the President or the Board of Directors.
Section 4: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive all funds due the SANDS Neighborhood Association, pay all bills and be responsible for all securities of the Association at banks and other financial institutions. All funds of the Association shall be deposited in the above to credit theAssociation. The Treasurer shall keep books and render an accurate account at each Board meetingand shall perform other duties applicable to the office as requested by the President or the Board of Directors. These records of the Association may be audited at the request of the Board of Directors and will be submitted to the NC annually, per NC Bylaws.
Article VII: Committees
The Board may establish standing or special committees, as it deems necessary or desirable to accomplish its purposes. The Board shall give that committee a charge, and appoint from among the membership or Board itself, a Chairman of the committee.
Section1. Regular Meetings
The Board of Directors meetings shall be considered as regular meetings. These meetings are to be held a minimum of one during each quarter as called by the President.
Section 2. Special Meetings
ASpecial Meetings of the membership may be called by the President by a majority request of Board members, or upon written request of 20 of the Association members sharing a concern. Such request to be submitted to the President who shall call the special meeting within thirty calendar (30) days, unless a regular meeting is held within that time. No business shall be transmitted except as detailed in the call for the special meeting.
Section 3. Voting
Any association business requiring a vote must be conducted at announced meetings of the SANDS membership, and require a quorum and shall be conducted by simple majority (50%, plus 1), unless otherwise stipulated. Each member as defined in Article II, Sec. 1, has one vote.
Section 4. Quorum
A Regular or Special meeting Quorum is twenty (20) association members, exclusive of Board Members. A simple majority of all members present shall be required for any action. Attendance by the President, or, the Vice President is required.
A quorum of the Board will be three of a five-member Board; or, four of a six or seven member Board. Attendance by the President, or, the Vice President is required.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments
All changes to the bylaws may only be proposed and discussed at the first regular meeting of the calendar year.These Bylaws may be amended at by a simple majority vote of the Association present.