Your Parent Organization at Forestville School and Academy


Mission Statement- “The specific purposes of which this corporation is organized are… to raise and distribute funds to support and enhance the educational experiences of students attending school in the Forestville Union School District.”

Meeting Called to Order: 6:10 pm

Officers and Directors in Attendance:

-Eleanor Gorman -Fran Oliver -Jenny Mccord

-Jean Bullard -Linda Strauss

-Carol Swanson -Aprille Vera

Officers and Directors Absent:

-Mary Ellen Palmer -Sarah Dungan

Public Present:

-Ed Tollefson -Amy Nultemeier

Open Grants Application Presentation: Carol Swanson presented details regarding a proposal for an upper grade field trip.

Quorum Verified: Yes.

Treasurers Report: In Sarah Dungan's absence, Eleanor provided a brief overview of the state of the Foundation's finances.

Action: Eleanor will send out the official Treasurer Reports (from Sarah Dungan) via email to all Directors once she has had a chance to review.

Summary: Though the approved budget is higher, the actual expenses for the Foundation for the 2013-2014 year are likely to fall around $38000. The Foundation has raised about $12,000 to date and realistically should raise another $4-$6000 before the end of the school year. The Foundation has over $50,000 in reserves in the form of CDs.

Approval of Minutes: Motion-Carol/ Second-Fran; November 20, 2013 minutes approved unanimously.

Announcement: Fran Oliver announced that Phyllis Parisi requests meeting with the Directors of the Foundation.

Action: Eleanor will follow up with Phyllis and the Directors to schedule a date and time.

Open Board Position/ Nomination for Marketing:

Eleanor nominated Gillian Hayes as a director/Fran seconded. Unanimous approval.


Marketing: Appeal Letter to the community to be revised by Eleanor and distributed to parents/staff at the school late February/early March.

The Forestville Water Agency approved distributing a Foundation flyer by means of an insert into the water bill. FEF volunteers will need to help stuff envelopes at the water agency on February 27. Amy Nultemeier and Eleanor volunteered.

A sign or thermometer in the circle, or main entrances was discussed for the coffee social and other events. It was believed that we have a thermometer sign.

Action: Eleanor will locate the thermometer sign.

Fundraising: Fundraising meeting was held on Wednesday, January 15 at Tiny Town Cafe. Present at the meeting were Eleanor Gorman, Aprille Vera, Katie Specht, Amy Nultemeier, Ed Tollefson, and Stacy Noble. One of the main ideas discussed came from Katie Specht, who is offering to host a private house party with proceeds benefitting the Foundation.

Action: Jean Bullard is going to look into the guidelines for the Foundation insurance and homeowner insurance policies and how that would apply to Foundation Policies.

Action: Eleanor is going to look into the rules for non-profits and raffles.

An online silent auction was discussed. Jean reminded us that it’s not as easy as it would seem. Storage and inventory of all the items, description and photos are all needed.

Aprille Vera and Amy Nultemeier asked that they have a teacher to go to for events and distribution of information. Eleanor mentioned that Carol Swanson is the Teacher/Staff Laison for the Foundation and is the go-to person.

Events: Window painting fundraising total was about $1,100.

Craft Fair fundraising total was about $1,455.

Coffee Social is scheduled to be a “Meet and Greet” event in the afternoon on February 11 at 1:30pm.

Talent Show- A BBQ on the day of Talent Show was another idea raised at the fundraising strategy meeting. Talent show is scheduled for April 12th.

Someone heard that Kristin Fish is organizing fundraising for the sun sails that the school wants to install over the outdoor eating area-- possibly a See's candy drive and a movie night.

Linda Strauss reported that Tanner has launched the Foundation web page updated our website. We would like to give Tanner a small gift.

Action: Linda will look into what the Foundation gave Tanner last year and propose a similar or commensurate gift.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm