APPENDIX 15 – AfC Permanency Policy
Were we involved in the placement /in making an arrangement =LAC
Names of report writers:
Parts A-C
For information about the child and birth family
To be completed by the child’s social worker
Parts D and E.
For information about the prospective friends and family Special Guardian’s.
To be completed by the fostering or permanence social worker
Date of report:
The full assessment of friends, family and other people connected with a child is intended to be completed following a Family Group Conference in which viable Special Guardian ’s are identified by the family and friends of the child(ren). One referral per family is then made to the fostering team manager for an assessment. A joint visit must be conducted by the child’s social work and the allocated assessment worker to ensure that there are no issues that would prevent the applicant being assessed, and that they are aware of the assessment process and fully committed to sharing the information required. Once the assessment is started it should be completed in 10 weeks. If at any time an issues arises which means the assessment is not positive it will be stopped at that point.
This is an in depth piece of work; the social worker and applicant should allow for between six to ten visits with the family to explore in depth the areas outlined in the assessment and issues pertinent to the case. The assessing social worker will also need to conduct interviews with referees and ensure the statutory checks have been completed, including on other members of the household over the age of 18 years.
Because a child is already known to the prospective Special Guardian s this does not mean that an assessment needs to be less rigorous than that of stranger Special Guardian’s – although the focus will be different. At each stage in the process the assessing social worker should consider the child's assessed needs both in the present and in the future. Appropriate recommendations and decisions can only be made with full knowledge and assessment of potential Special Guardian (s)' capabilities to meet those needs.
Parts A - C of the form are completed by the child’s social worker and comprise factual information about the child and the birth family. The information provided needs to be full and clear to provide context to the assessing social worker, and enable them to address relevant issues with the applicant and ensure that they meet the competencies required in the case and needs of the child(ren).
Part D
This should take the form of a concise and relevant narrative; it should provide an analysis, of the significance of the Special Guardian (s) past and present experience against their capacity to meet the child’s needs: there is no need to give a detailed description of all aspects of the Special Guardian (s) life history. Both research and practice knowledge suggest that adults own experience of being parented, and the sense they have later been able to make of this experience, have a major impact on their capacity to offer good care to children.
Using a competence framework, such as that provided by BAAF, or case studies can be useful assessment tools when working with potential Special Guardian (s) who find it difficult to provide examples, or to engage with a semi structured interview method of assessment.
This is for additional and support evidence that can be referred to in part D – eco map, family tree, safer caring practices, health and safety assessment, pet questionnaire, competencies (if used), attachment style assessment (if used).
In preparing this report the writers have read the following documents:
Date of FGC:
Date of Referral for Assessment:
Date of Joint Visit:
Date assessment started:
Date report completed:
Details of any problems or delays in the assessment process:
Meetings with the applicant(s) and other members of the household
Date / Name of person(s) seen / WorkerSG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
Referees; / SG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
SG Social Worker
(a)Name :
Date of birth:
Nationality and immigration status:
(b)A photograph and physical description
(c)Ethnic, cultural and linguistic background
(d)Religion (including parents’ wishes for upbringing)
(e)Reason why child is looked after/cannot live with birth parent/s
(f)Legal status
Details of any order made by a court with respect to the child under the Act
The name of the court
The order made
The date on which the order was made
(g)Birth Family composition
Name / DOB / Relationship to child / Address / Legal status e.g. has PR. If sibling whether adopted etc(h)Contact – current and proposed
Current and proposed contact arrangements with birth family any other significant person
(i) A description of the child’s personality, likes and dislikes, social development, emotional and behavioral development and any related needs.
A health history and a description of the state of the child’s health including any treatment the child is receiving;
Please attach the latest looked after medical.
Names, addresses and types of nurseries or schools attended with dates; Please attach most recent PEP or school report and include whether the child is subject to a statement of special educational needs under the Education Act;
(a)An assessment of the child’s wishes and feelings (considered in light of age and understanding) regarding the proposed placement with the family being assessed to include
(i)religious and cultural upbringing
(ii)contact with relatives and any other person significant to the child
(iii)The date on which the child’s wishes and feelings were last
(a)Name, date and place of birth and address (and the date on which their last address was confirmed) including local authority area of each parent of the child and her siblings under the age of 18;
(b)A photograph, if available, and physical description of each parent
(c)Nationality (and immigration status where relevant) of each parent
(d)Ethnic heritage and origin and cultural and linguistic background of
each parent;
(f)Where the child’s parents have been previously married or formed a civil partnership, the date of the marriage or civil partnership, if divorced the date of the Decree Absolute and date seen.
(g) Where available, the following information in respect of each parent:
Health history, including details of any serious physical or mental illness, any hereditary disease or disorder or disability
Religious persuasion
Educational history
Employment history
Personality and interests
(h) The wishes and feelings of each parent
The proposed placement;
The child’s religious and cultural upbringing;
Contact with the child and the date on which the wishes and feelings of each parent were last ascertained.
The wishes and feelings of any of the child’s relatives, or any other person the local authority consider relevant regarding the child and the dates on which those wishes and feelings were last ascertained.
Special Guardian Part;
Date of birth;
Place of birth;
Date of birth;
Place of birth;
(b)A photograph and physical description
(c)Personality & interests
- How does the prospective special guardian describe their identity, personality and how do they relate to adults and children?
- Who (own children) do they feel closest to and why?
- Have you observed the prospective Special Guardian with adults and children, and if so then what was observed?
- Are they able to sustain long-term relationships and friendships – give examples
- How have they related to the assessing SG Social Worker and other social workers?
(d) Religion
- Include whether the prospective Special Guardian is willing to follow any wishes of the child or their parents in respect of the child’s religious and cultural upbringing.
- Baptised? Member of a church?
(f)Prospective Special Guardian’s relationship to the child
(g) Special Guardian’s family and household composition
Please attach a family tree in the appendix
Name / Date of birth / Relationship to Special Guardian / Address / Part of the household?Further details of all members of the household and extended family who will have significant contact with the child;
- Information about their partnership status, employment, children etc.
- Attitude of the children in the household to the proposed placement and their views about how this will affect them.
- Do they have any plans for having more children?
- Any current or previous domestic violence between members of the household including the Connected Person
(h)Current partnership
- Strengths and vulnerabilities of the present relationship including how they make decisions,
- How they support each other and manage disputes.
- How will caring for the child affect their relationship?
- What children have they cared for, when was this including the duration?
- Comment on how they reflect on that experience.
- For parents, what does being a parent mean to them? How did they adjust to becoming a parent? What have been their biggest challenges?
- What do they consider their strengths in caring for a child, examples of these?
- If difficulties with parenting in the past, what do they see as different now?
- What difficulties do they anticipate? And how will they manage/resolve such difficulties?
- How did current relationship develop? How do you see yourself in say 10-20 year’s?
(g)Details of any previous marriage, civil partnership, or significant relationships.
- Assess ex partners if they have lived together over 6 months in the past, or if children have been present in their relationship.
- Factual information names and dates.
- What did the prospective Special Guardian learn from these?
- If there are children of the relationship; what contact is there
currently between them and the prospective Special Guardian’s
and how will this affect the child?
- How, when and where they met and how their relationship has developed.
- What they consider makes the relationship successful, how they see themselves in the future.
- Qualities they bring to the relationship, the time they spend together.
- How they resolve conflict and what causes stress in their relationship.
(i)Where the prospective Special Guardian is a member of a couple and is applying alone for an order, the reasons for this;
- Ask their views separately from the outcome of the medical.
- Health history of the prospective Special Guardian ’s including details of any serious physical, emotional or mental illness, any hereditary disease or disorder or disability,
- Any current or past issues of domestic violence or substance misuse. Please attach the adult medical assessments including the agency medical advisor’s comments.
- Summarise information from the health assessment.
- State how any health needs will or will not impact on ability to provide care for the child, now and in the future
- Where there are specific health needs, what support is in place from other people, including professionals, to help manage these.
- (Mental)health children- learning disabilities. learning difficulties.
- HIV aids
- Sexual abuse/physical abuse /emotional abuse in childhood- upbringing?
- DV
- Sick leave work?
- Stress related illnesses?
- Smoking, alcohol and Class A or B drugs?
- Dylexia?
(k)Statutory Checks
Check / Date completed / Details / ResultDBS first applicant
DBS second applicant
Medical first applicant
Medical second applicant
Referee 1*
Referee 2
Referee 3
Ex Partner Reference
Health and Safety
Local Authority Check
School if applicable
Nursery if applicable
Health visitor if applicable
Other checks if applicable
Verification of Special Guardian ’s identity
Financial assessment
Pet questionnaire
*Please attach reports of interviews with the referees separately
- Particulars of any criminal offence of which the Connected Person has been convicted or in respect of which they have been cautioned. (DBS/NSPCC checks)
Details of income and expenditure and how these have been verified;
- Factual information to be listed
Monthly income;
- Benefits
- Salary
- Lodger
Total income
Monthly expenditure;
- Tv package + license /Rent/Council tax/Utility bills/Phone/Leisure/Car
- Public transport
Total Expenditure
- State how they describe their current financial situation
- Are there any debts, how are they managed?
- Comment on general attitude towards money and managing finances?
- Any anticipated changes to working arrangements which will impact on income?
- Plans for significant expenditure in the future?
- Information about the prospective Special Guardian s’ home and neighbourhood. Please attach health and safety checklist and pet questionnaire if relevant. Include whether the accommodation and home environment is suitable with regard to the age and developmental stage of the child.
- Describe the accommodation and garden.
- How long have they lived here?
- Privately rented or owner? If rented, security of tenancy? Is Landlord aware of plan to take on care of the child?
- Suitability for children, any alterations or adaptations required?
- Will the child have their own study and or bedroom, if not, what will the arrangements be, how will it impact on other children in the family?
- Describe the neighbourhood, in what ways is it suitable for children.
- What resources and amenities are there in the local area?
- Ease of access to other areas/regions if appropriate?
(m)Background and family history of the prospective Special Guardian’s
- Any previous Social Services involvement?
- Write down factual information about their own family composition
- Employment parents, money issues.
- Summary of background paternal and maternal side incl. their jobs, relationships, children and their age.
- Significant life events prospective guardians.
- Previous experience of caring for children.
- Experience of own childhood and being parented- what they would change and what they have valued.
- Current relationship with their parents, siblings, and extended family members.
- Losses? Traumas? Ever felt rejected by your parents yourself? Dates!
- Moving house?
- Moving job?
- Break ups/new relationships?
- Major changes to be expectedin the nexth (6) months?
- How did they deal/overcome significant life events and do they minimize, dismiss its significance, are they pre occupied with the past.
- Describe quality of relationship with your parents?
- How would you describe your parents parenting style?
- Influence childhood experiences on your adulthood and own parenting?
- Have you experienced abuse or separation issues yourself?
- Why do you think your parents behaved themselves as they did /background of their problems?
- How did you lost touch with your grandparents, parents, other family.
- Unloved and abused? How does it impact on your ability to form attachments?
- Their educational achievements and any specific learning difficulty or disability.
- Include the prospective Special Guardians’ views on their own experience of education and the relevance of this to the child.
- How did (lack of) education influence/impact your life?
- Work experience including voluntary and unpaid; present employment; importance of work; attitude to/experience of unemployment as it relates to family life/family roles. Include other sources of income.
(p)Ability to offer a safe and secure home to the specific child
- The prospective Special Guardians approach to boundary setting and discipline.
- Family lifestyle including interests and how they celebrate special occasions; incl. sports and leisure activities.
- Attitude to personal space and attitude to (special) food wishes.
- Details of any previous family court proceedings in which the prospective Special Guardian has been involved.
- Understanding of child development including adolescence and to promote their learning and development,
- Their capacity to provide for the child’s physical needs and appropriate medical and dental care.
- How will they ensure that the child will remain safe in their household including protection of child from any person who presents a risk of harm to the child?
- Are there any implications for other children in the home? E.g. if the child has been sexually abused or comes from a violent background how do they understand the impact this could have on their behavior and the risks for other children in the household?
- What is the Special Guardian (s) understanding of the continuing importance of the child's birth parents and others to whom the child is attached, e.g. foster Special Guardian ’s
- How they will manage contact between the child and the birth family – and any risks for the Special Guardian , their family and the child
- What are their expectations of the future relationship and contact between the child and their birth family? E.g. reunification.
- Do they or have they experienced disruption of the pavements by the birthparents?
(r)Diversity & Identity
- The Special Guardians ethnic, cultural and linguistic background.
- Understanding and experience of racism and discrimination and how they would support a child to deal with this.
- Their ability to promote a positive self-image and identity for the child- including their attitude towards the child’s birth family; what will they call the child?
- How will the child call them? Grandma/pa? Auntie? Father- mother? By forename?
- What story to tell to the outside world? To school? Peer group? Especially when different race?
- How they would promote the child’s cultural, religious and ethnic background if different from their own?
- Identity; class, ethnicity, sexuality, culture, language, spirituality.