2017 Order of Joyful Feast
Thursday March 2nd
Introduction and Storytelling: Library
Supplies Needed:
A booklet for each child
1. Take attendance, introduce yourself, pass out booklets and have kids put their name on the front cover.
2. Outline what we will be doing.
Having class
Staying in church to have communion and learning from pastor Laura
Making clay chalices
Having a special Seder Meal
Going to another church to see how they celebrate communion
Painting our chalices and having a pizza party (gluten free crust for one)
Standing up in church to be recognized
Celebrating Communion with your chalice on Maundy Thursday
2. Read page 2 to the children and ask if they have any questions.
3. Have the children take turn reading paragraphs on page 3.
Stop after each paragraph and ask questions or answer some.
4. Show the kids page 4 and explain that they will use this page on March 5th when they stay in church for communion with their parents.
5. Have Nancy do the storytelling.
6. Discuss what will happen at the next meeting.
Comparing communion stories in the Bible
Making clay chalices
7. End in Prayer: God thank you for loving us so much that you invite us to your family table. Please help us to understand how important it is to have communion with you. Thank you for sending us wonderful teachers like Mrs. Taylor to help us along on our journey of faith. Amen.
Thursday March 9TH
Comparing Communion Stories and making Chalices: Parish Hall
Supplies Needed:
Shaping tools
Scratching tools
Water dishes
Paper towels
Box to hold chalices
1. Outline what you will be doing tonight
Comparing Communion Stories and making Chalices
2. Play a game of Telephone. Let everyone have a turn making up the sentence.
3. Discuss how the Jewish people remembered entire stories. They were not written down until much later.
4. Have each child read one of the scriptures out loud.
5. Spend some time discussing the differences and the connection between what we do in church and the Bible verses.
6. Make clay chalices
7. Discuss next week’s Seder Meal
Remind the children to dress appropriately
Read pink pages together if time allows.
8. End in Prayer: Almighty Father the feel of the clay reminds us of the Earth. You shaped the Earth, and everything in it, just as we shape our chalices. We enjoy expressing ourselves in clay and we know you enjoy it when we are happy and having fun and learning about You. Amen.
Thursday March 16th
Seder Meal: Parish Hall
Supplies Needed:
Matzo crackers
Matzo Ball Soup
Rice pilaf
Haroseth: Apple/nut mixture
Salt water
Grape juice
Bitter herb (Horseradish)
Merange cookies
Jelly sweets
Dishes/glasses/table clothes/ flat wear/ candles
Seder plate
1. Outline what we will be doing tonight:
a. Having a meal and doing a word search about Seder
2. Have a Seder Meal
3. After the meal have the children help clean up.
4. While the adults finish have the children do the word search
5. Discuss the next meeting: observing communion at St James in Groveland
a. Remind then to bring their booklets (or keep them and transport them all)
b. Remind them to dress for church
c. Read the first three paragraphs of page 17.
6. End in prayer: We thank you Adoni (God) for this wonderful meal, and for Mr. and Mrs. Levensen helping to teach us about Seder. We give you praise for helping the Hebrews to escape the Pharaoh and for helping us when we need it. Help us to remember this important story of our faith. Amen.
Thursday March 30th
Reflecting on our trip to St. James, Chalice painting and pizza party: Parish Hall
Supplies Needed:
Pizza (one gluten free)
Fruit salad
Water and juice
Dessert- (Ice Cream?)
Newspaper or disposable tablecloth
1. Outline the events for tonight
a. Discussing our trip to St. James
b. Play the matching game
c. Pizza Party
d. Painting chalices
2. Discuss the answers to the questions asked of the St. James congregation
3. Play the matching game
4. Spend time reflecting on the similarities and differences between our churches way of celebrating communion.
5. Eat pizza and fruit salad
6. While the adults clean up write your reflection of the whole Joyful Feast program.
7. Paint your chalices
8. Eat dessert while the parents clean up
9. End in Prayer: Dear God, as we look at these beautiful chalices we know that next time we see them they will look different, but they will still be ours. Just as people who look different or change are still the same to you. You love us all. Thank you for the wonderful experiences we have shared these past few weeks. Amen.
Joyful Feast Class Program
Class 1
Storytelling and introduction to the Joyful Feast program, pages 2-9
Class 2
Stay in church for communion with family and fill out page 4. Stay after to meet with the pastor. Have a tour of Deacon’s closet and learn from the pastor.
Class 3
Compare different versions of the last supper from the Bible, pages 10-11
Chalice making
If time allows read together the pages about the Seder meal, pages 12-14
Class 4
Seder Meal
Seder word search, page 15
Class 5
Observe communion at another church. Ask the congregants questions at fellowship, page 16
Class 6
Matching game, page 17
Reflection on similarities and differences, page 18
Journal Entry, page 19
Pizza Party
Chalice painting
Class 7
Recognition during church
Class 8
Celebrating communion with your chalice on Maundy Thursday
This order changes depending on when Eater is and where February vacation falls. I reorder the pages according to the schedule. This schedule is for 2017. Class 1 and 8 do not change order.