The Town Council of Snowville Town held its regular monthly meeting at the Snowville Town Hall on WednesdayMarch 8, 2017.

Council Present Others Present

Tim Heyder, MayorPheonix Stephens

Michael Morgan, Council Hanna Webecke Marv Fikstad, Council Aubrey Stephens

Tammie Morgan, Clerk/Recorder Shae Stephens

Stacey Hill, Treasurer Eric Dursteler

Jessica Stephens


Jennifer Webb

Alan Terry

Randy Branch

Mayor Tim Heyder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He welcomed the council and all others present. Tammie Morganled us in the pledge of allegiance and Tim Heyderoffered the opening prayer.

Next month’s volunteer assignments:

Mayor Tim Heyder called for a motion to accept the agenda.

Marv Fikstadmade a motion to accept the agenda. Mike Morgan2nd. All council members present voted yes.

The minutes were approved from last town council meeting.

Mike Morgan made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Marv Fikstad 2nd. All council members present voted yes.

Deputy Jordan

Not in attendance.

Dog Licensing

The clinic will be on April 22nd. It will be posted at the Post Office and in the Water Bills. Mayor would like a special letter sent out to all of the dog owners letting them know of the dog licensing. Mayor asked Tammie to set up an appointment with our attorney Malone to find out how to prosecute. Tammie mentioned that she had been approacged about having a spay and neutering clinic for the dogs. She will see what she can find out.


Everyone came together and helped with all of the flooding that has gone on. Jennifer and Alan are at a meeting in regards to the flooding in the county and will report back the information. There were several pictures submitted that could be used for some grant funding. We need to identify the low spots and get them fixed and repaired so we don’t have a problem in the future. Some discussion on future flooding was discussed. The water is coming down from the Idaho side and will probably head down the same direction as the last flood that we had. Down cemetery road and through the dairy.

Marv Fikstad stated he wanted on record that Jennifer Webb needs to be thanked for her efforts in the sandbagging. She did a great job. It was a huge project and the flooding brought the community back together. Mayor Heyder mentioned he would like to draft a letter to the county commissioners and the Emergency Management team to thank them for their help and efforts and their prompt response in the flooding situation.

Mayor indicated that there are several culverts that need to be repaired. Marv mentioned maybe get the property owners involved in a meeting with the Box Elder County Road, Bill Gilson. Mayor Heyder thanked Marv Fikstad for his efforts in the flooding. Tammie thanked Tim Heyder also for his efforts.

Eric Dursteler

Eric stated that

Marv stated that he walked the project and didn’t see any cracks or anything yet. AAA will come out in 3 weeks when things get dried out to start working on the project again. Eric will contact Boyd to find out exact dates.

Eric gave Tammie a copy of the FEMA 2017 Pre-Disaster Midigation Grant Program Appl,ication. There was a 3 day training March 6.7.8. It has already passed. We will have to do this next year if the town would like to do it. The application takes approximately 21 days to go through. Tammie will file the information for next year.

Eric also gave Tammie some information to give to Alan in regards to the system that they went and looked at. It is an approved system. Alan was wanting more information. Tammie will get the information to Alan.


Mayor Heyder stated that Chief Heyder would like to step down and resign as being Fire Chief. The council would like to appoint Andrew Webecke as the new Fire Chief. The council all agreed on this. Mayor would like to have a meeting Monday with William Heyder and Andrew Webecke on Monday at 10:00 am

Andrew stated there were a couple of runs that they responded to with the squad truck. Andrew thanked the council for the training that they were able to have during the flooding.

Andrew stated there is and EMT class available in Garland. Corey Barton is coordinating the class. Upon completion of the class there is a fee for testing and also if someone doesn’t finish the class there is a $250 fee for books. There is 9 people that have signed up for the class.

Willie stated there is an advanced EMT class in fielding the cost is $350.

There was much discussion about the new EMS Class. Mike Morgan and Andrew Webecke will get together and decide what the best thing to do is to make people be committed to the class. They will present it next month at town council.

Neighborhood Watch

Mayor Heyder state that we need to get the program up and going again. There is a lot of movement and things happening all hours of the night.

CDBG 2017 Grant

We have not received any official notice yet for the awarding of the grant.


There was a major problem with the 6-inch line during the flooding. There was a major leak in the system and the town was without water for a day. It was difficult to find the leak. Mayor suggested we need to be proactive and we need a warning system.


Tammie stated that Jennifer asked her to let the council know that she has submitted the tourism grant for the corner of Outsiders Inn. Phoenix stated they are planning on planting some trees in the entrance of Snowville so we can remove the cement barriers. The youth council has a lot of great ideas that they are wanting to do to beautify the town.

Old and Other New Business

Mayor Heyder stated that we need to go

Mayor Heyder stated that he keeps getting emails in regards to ICS training. This is a training course for council members and emergency personnel to help with what the role is for each person in case of an emergency. Mayor will find out about this and let everyone know if this is something we need to attend.

Citizen Concerns

Randy stated he had a question about the meeting minutes last month and the dog catcher. He asked if Lonnie is no longer the dog catcher? Randy thought Lonnie was doing this. Randy stated that he got a call from the Sherriff Dept. to come pick them up. So, Randy went and got them and they were Tom Tanners dogs and he was upset because he lives in the county and he had no right picking them up. Randy had nowhere to put the dogs so he had to take them home. Mayor asked Randy what he would like to do about the dog catcher position? Randy is going to talk to Tremonton City and see if we can contract with them. Tammie will not post the job right now until we get more information from Tremonton.

Acceptance of Expenses

Mike Morganmade a motion to pay the expenses with the addition of Bear River Health Dept. Marv Fikstad2nd. All council members present voted yes.


Mike Morganmade a motion to adjourn. Marv Fikstad2nd. All council members present voted yes.

The meeting adjourned at 7:47p.m.

______Tammie Morgan, Clerk/Recorder

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