Retention Completion Proposal

Introduction: The new Student Success Steering Team (formed following the November 2013 UA Summit on Retention) invites proposals for initiatives focused on improving student retention and completion. This is an exciting opportunity for members of our campus community to think about submitting an idea or set of ideas aimed at improving student learning, retention and/or completion.
Directions: Please use the template below to submit a proposal. The length of the proposal should not exceed 4 pages. Please state explicit goals and measureable outcomes. Proposals should be sent to by Friday, April 11. Criteria for evaluation of proposals will include 1) empirical literature-based support or an existing theoretical basis for potential success; 2) an existing infrastructure needing additional resources to reach more students; 3) alignment with recommendations made by Vincent Tinto in his published work and/or during the UA Summit on Retention; and 4) a focus on first-year students where the highest percentage of attrition occurs.
Proposals may receive up to $50,000 in each of the next three years. It is anticipated that no more than three proposals will be selected for funding. If you have questions, please contact Stacey Moore, ext. 5770 or Julie Burdick, ext. 8365. Proposals selected for funding will announced on or before May 2, 2014.
1. Proposal: Describethe initiative and the anticipated outcome(s).
[Describe proposal]
2. Identify the measurable goals.
[Goal(s) of proposal]
3. Describe how the goals will be achieved.
[List work that will be necessary]
4. Who will be responsible for implementing the initiative?
[Who will do what]
5. What support already exits and what additional support is needed? (e.g. training, resources, recognitions)
[What is needed to allow work to begin]
6. Where will this initiative be carried out?
[Where will work be done, is space available/accessible]
7. How large is this initiative? (e.g. estimate the number of students, programs, colleges involved)
[Define scope of initiative]
8. What group(s) of students does this initiative serve? (e.g. first year, second year, developmental, first generation, students in gateway courses, etc.)
[List student group(s)]
9. What steps will you take during implementation to help ensure that the initiative, if successful, can be sustained over time?
[How will the initiative be documented to determine sustainability]
10. Required equipment.
[List equipment needed for this proposal, if any]
11. Cost estimate: Please include a three-year budget summary of anticipated costs.Please indicate cost type, such as faculty stipend, part-time coordinator salary, equipment, etc. Note: if your proposal is about expanding a program that currently exists, please show current budget, as well as additional funds requested to expand the program.
[List anticipated budget of cost/support/equipment needed]

Signature of employee with primary responsibility of initiative:
______Date: ______

Signature of supervisor:

______Date: ______

Retention completion proposalPage 1 of 2March 2014