The Office of Education Outreach

is pleased to announce

The Shenandoah University


Teacher of the Year Award

Application Packet

Program Facilitators

Ms. Kelly Burk

Loudoun County Public Schools Liaison



Goal: Shenandoah honors teachers working in specialized areas of education. Quality teaching is the most important aspect of student achievement. Therefore, Shenandoah University has created the Teacher of the Year Award to recognize quality teaching in the Loudoun County Schools.


1. Nominees must have five years of teaching experience in Loudoun county AND teach full time in the specialized areas of Loudoun County elementary, middle or high school education and are limited to following areas of endorsement:

·  Special Education

·  Art

·  Music

·  Physical Education

·  Drama

·  English as a Second Language

·  CTE

·  Gifted and Talented

2. Minimum supporting documentation to include (2) peers, (2) students, (1) parent, (1) parent organization, (1) administrator.

Nomination Criteria

Nominees must:

·  be committed to students and their learning;

·  know the subject they teach and how to teach it to students;

·  be responsible for managing and monitoring student learning;

·  think systematically about their practice and learn from experience; and

·  be active members of the community.

Nomination Process:

1.  Teachers, students, former students, parents, administrators, or the general public may submit nominations. They should first confirm with the nominee that he or she is interested in the Award and then work with the nominee to complete the nomination packet. NOTE: Teachers may not nominate themselves. A maximum of two nominees per school will be accepted.

2.  Nomination packets should include:

a)  completed application;

b)  brief career summary;

c)  a portfolio highlighting the creative and unique contributions from each of the nomination criteria; and

d)  support documentation from peers, students, parent, parent organization, and/or administrator.


All nomination packets must be received by March 21, 2014. Nomination packets must be mailed (or hand delivered) by the deadline to:

Mr. Dennis Keffer

Director, Office of Education Outreach

Shenandoah University

School of Education & Human Development

44160 Scholar Plaza - Suite 100

Leesburg, VA 20176





City State Zip

Telephone number E-mail address

Present school location

Subject(s) taught ______

Years at present school ______

List other schools and locations of employment (include years of employment)

List degrees and institutions attended

List any special awards or achievements

List any community activities or involvement

Name of nominating individual or organization

Any additional information to be included in consideration of this award may be attached. All nomination packets must be received by March 21, 2014. Nomination packets must be mailed (or hand delivered) by the deadline to:

Mr. Dennis Keffer

Director, Office of Education Outreach

Shenandoah University

School of Education & Human Development

44160 Scholar Plaza - Suite 100

Leesburg, VA 20176

A screening committee from the University & community will make the final selection

in accordance with the criteria and nomination process.