Instructor: Mr. Wade Fadness

Phone: 480-224-2100 x2192 (voice mail)


Room: D-102

Course Description:

Television Production I is a year long course that will provide students with a basic understanding of video production. The students will build on their video production skills by producing a music video, a public service announcement, and other video projects, using non-linear editing equipment. This course is creative, engaging, and rewarding, as students are able to produce several video projects from beginning to end. At the completion ofeach video project, the students can make a copy of their work onto a Dvdprovided by Mr. Fadness.

Course Objectives:

Students will demonstrate an understanding of video production by identifying video equipment, producing storyboards, writing scripts, performing basic camera shots and camera movements, and use non-linear editing equipment.

Grading Policy:

Grading will be based on a 40% (first qtr. Grade) + 40% (second qtr. Grade) + 20% (final exam grades) = 100% semester grade.

A student’s total points earned will produce an average score to reflect a percentage:

100-90% = A

89-80% = B

79-70% = C

69-60% = D

Below 60% = F

The final exam will cover the objectives learned throughout the semester.

*Extra credit points will be available for extra work and Basha Video Club attendance.

Tardy Policy:

Tardies are not acceptable in my class. The only excused tardy that I will accept must be in the form of a written pass or email, from a teacher, administrator, or counselor.

Tardy Consequences: (if you skip a # you will go to the next # or an immediate referral will be issued for “Defiance of Authority”) per semester

Tardy # 1 Student contact

Tardy #2 Student contact

Tardy #3 Clean the prop room

Tardy #4 Letter explainingtardy policywritten to and then signed by the parent

Tardy #5 Parent contact

Tardy #6 Referral to administration

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is required during every scheduled class period. Absences must be excused or the student will be given a “0” for any graded assignment given on the day of the absence. Make-up work will be given a grade of 50%. Absences should be called in within 24 hours of the absence.

Make-up Work

  1. Full credit for make-up work will be accepted only for EXCUSED absences. Unexcused absences will receive a zero with the opportunity to earn a 50%.
  2. It is the absent student’s responsibility to ask classmates or the teacher what was missed on the day of the student’s absence.
  3. The student may ask to meet with the teacher after school or during conference by appointment.
  4. The amount of time the student has to makeup missing work is doublethe number of days the student has been absent.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in make-up work on time. There will a 10% deduction for every day that the work is late.
  6. Makeup quizzes or tests will be givenONLY, before school, after school, or during conference period; not during regular class time.

Classroom Rules

  1. Respect (teacher, classmates, equipment)
  2. No food or drink (except water) in the classroom
  3. Cooperate with peers.
  4. Set high goals for yourself
  5. Be prepared (come to class with a positive attitude, ready to learn, participate, and have fun)
  6. Obey all school rules (Student Handbook)

Consequences for Poor Behavior and Use of Profanity (NO PROFANITY)

  1. 1st time - Student will be spoken to one-on-one.
  2. 2nd time - Parents will be notified (via phone/email).
  3. 3rd time - Referral will be submitted to administration.

For extreme violations all 3 steps will be taken on the day of the infraction.


Notebook with pockets to store handouts

Pen or pencil

Flash Drive of 8 GB or bigger ***(recommended but not mandatory)

Conference Policy:

Conference period will be on Thursday and Friday from 9:17 - 9:45.Students will not leave conference period classroom without a pass signed by a teacher or a properly designated color club pass. The library is not available during conference. Students should use this time to study or read. Students must arrive at their conference pass destination by 9:22

Diversity Statement:

All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Basha High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.

STI Availability/Access: :Parents can access their child’s grades and assignments by going to the school’s website and clicking on Parent Connect. Student’s information is only accessible by using an individualized password assigned by the school. Parents may contact office personnel/counselor for their child’s password.

Equipment Policy:

***VERY IMPORTANT*** The cost for repair or replacement of any damaged or stolen equipment will be the responsibility of the student. It is a privilege to use the television production equipment. It is very expensive. Irresponsible or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

I have read and understand the Syllabus including the:

Course Description

Course Objectives

Grading Policy

Tardy Policy

Tardy Consequences

Attendance Policy

Makeup Work

Classroom Rules

Consequences for Behavior and Use of Profanity


Conference Policy

Diversity Statement

STI Availability/Access

Equipment Policy

My signature acknowledges receipt of the Television Production Syllabus and Management Plan.

Student Name ______Date______

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Easy $$$ - You will receive points for returning this signed document on time.