NDP Scrip Gift Card Program
Enrollment Formrev. 8-10-17
Program Rules and Guidelines
1)Your daughter’s name and homeroom, or your name (if you are a faculty/staff member) must appear on all orders you submit to ensure your purchases are accurately recorded. No other information is needed. You do not need a customer number.
2)All gift card orders must be accompanied by a check or money order made payable to NDP Scrip Gift Card Program. Please do not send cash. Orders must be placed in the blue box outside Mrs. Kaiser’s Office or in the Middle Level Office by 3:15pm on the Order Due Date. Scrip payments are not tax deductible because you receive dollar for dollar value.
3)If your check is returned because of non-sufficient funds (NSF), you will be charged a $25 fee payable to NDP Scrip Gift Card Program. After two NSF checks are tendered on your account, your scrip ordering privileges will be limited to money order only.
4)Periodically, the NDP Scrip Program will provide a summary of each participating family’s Scrip earnings.
5)Scrip gift cards are purchased on your behalf, and are not returnable.
6)When you receive your Scrip gift cards, open your order and verify its accuracy. In the unlikely event you should find a discrepancy in your Scrip order, please contact the NDP Scrip Program coordinator within 5 business days of distribution of gift cards.
7)Scrip gift cards are the same as cash, and should be handled accordingly. Notre Dame Preparatory School and the NDP Scrip Gift Card Program will not be responsible for certificates that are lost, stolen or misplaced while in your possession.
8)You must register your daughter(s) and sign theENROLLMENT AUTHORIZATION(copy on the next page) each school year before gift cards will be released to your daughter. This authorization will be kept on file.
9)Funds earned from participating in this program will be credited toward your daughter’ssenior year or 8th grade year end expenses. Senior year expenses which Scrip earnings can cover include;senior year NYC trip fee, senior year music adjudication trip,graduation fee, prom tickets, your daughter’s senior class gift to NDP,senior year yearbook page(s) (or portion of a page), other senior expenses paid directly to NDP as approved. Bychoosing the yearbook page option, you may only submit your yearbook page and payment directly to NDP. You may not order your yearbook page through Josten’s online when using Scrip earnings to cover the cost. Contact the Scrip Program Chairperson for the approval process. For Middle Level students, funds may be used to pay for the 8th Grade Synchronized Swim Show fee and 8th Grade Parent/Daughter Dinner or rolled over to Upper Level to be used senior year. No payments will be made directly to the parents or girls from this program. Funds may not be withdrawn for any purposes other than those outlined in the Program Rules and Guidelines. If the student leaves NDP prior to utilizing these funds, the money banked by that family will be contributed to Notre Dame Preparatory. Once you finish NDP excess earnings not utilized in any of the above manners can be handed down to a sibling, donated to the Annual Fund or the Danko Helping Hand Fund. The Danko fund helps current NDP students, when necessary, to participate in quintessential NDP activities in junior and senior year.
10)Each family will have access to a master list of all participating retailers through the NDP website or on the GLScrip website . In addition, you will have access via the NDP website to our Family Order form which lists selected participating retailers. You may order from any retailer on the master list. If their names do not appear on the Family Order form simply add the name, quantity and total due to the blank spaces on the last page of the order form. The master list of participating retailers is subject to change based on availability. The master list and Family Order forms will be continuously available on the NDP website.
11)A charge of $5.00 per family will be withheld from your earnings this school year in order to maintain the Scrip Program. This withholding amount covers all supplies needed to run the program and all shipping cost. If necessary, this withholding amount may be adjusted as needed.
12)Detailed below is the Scrip calendar for this school year 2017-18. All order dates are Mondays and distribution dates are Fridays, excepted where noted.
Order Due DateGift Cards Distributed
September 11, 2017September 15, 2017
September 25, 2017September 29, 2017
Tuesday, October 10, 2017October 13, 2017
October 23, 2017October 27, 2017
November 13, 2017November 17, 2017
November 27, 2017December 1, 2017
December 4, 2017December 8, 2017
December11, 2017December 15, 2017
January 8, 2018January 12, 2087
January 22, 2018January 26, 2018
February 5, 2018February 9,2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018February 23, 2018
March 12, 2018March 16, 2018
April 16, 2018April 20, 2018
April 30, 2018May 4, 2018
May 14, 2018May 18, 2018
Detach and send in to school to participate in Scrip
Enrollment Authorization
Yes! I’m ready to participate in the NDP Scrip Program
Parent First Name / Parent Last NameEmail Address of Parent
Phone (will be used in case of questions with order) / Daughter’s name and Homeroom
Waiver of Responsibility
Gift Cards will be distributed through your daughter(s) homeroom/advisory on pre-set distribution dates (see calendar above item #12). Notre Dame Preparatory School, NDP Scrip Gift Card Program and the NDP Parents’ Association will not be held responsible for gift cards that are lost, stolen or misplaced once they have been distributed to your daughter(s).
Funds earned while participating in this program will be credited toward your daughter’s parent sponsored senior year or 8th Grade year end expenses. These expenses are detailed above in item #9. No payments will be made directly to parents or students from this program. If a student leaves NDP for any reason, prior to utilizing these earnings, the money will be contributed to Notre Dame Prep.
I have read and understand the policies and guidelines and Waiver of Responsibility listed above, and I agree to abide by these policies
Signature Date
*All families participating in the Scrip Program at NDP need to complete this Enrollment Authorization and submit it with your first order before gift cards can be released and sent home with your daughter.
8-10-17 (dy)