Compiled and Edited by
Susan M. Chase
Rebecca J. Siders
Bernard L. Herman
Center for Historic Architecture and Engineering
College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
ABBOT, GEORGE (child-Stephen/David/Sally/Ann) IJ136 (1803) Cedar Creek Hundred
...two small houses in sorro Repare with twenty five appel trees in different places with seven hundred pannels of worm fence in sorro repair and the gardeen to cut log timber to repare the said fence and fire wood to rase his yearle rent with out waste...
annual value £12.0.0
ABBOTT, WILLIAM (child-John/Sarah) L-241 (1814)Broadkiln Hundred
On Sarah Abbott's Land old dwelling House with tow Rumes in bad repair and fifty Seven Apple trees on decline and about four or five hundred Pannels of fence in bad repair...
annual value $20.00
On John Abbott's Land
...One small field cleared and About four hundred pannels of fence round the same...
annual value $10.00
ABBOTT, WILLIAM (child-Tabitha) L-250 (1814)Broadkiln Hundred
...a small clearing and About three hundred Pannels of fence...
annual value $10.00
ABBOTT, WILLIAM (child-John/Sally) L-412 (1817)Cedar Creek Hundred
John's portion
...eight acres of cleared land enclosed with a fence much out of repair and Surrounded with Swamp, there are not any improvements on it and the land Poor...
annual value $8.00
Sally's portion
...fifteen or twenty Acres...under bad Old dwelling House in bad repair a few apple Trees,...North end of the House should be Weatherboarded with some half pine plank and some little repairs done to the sides...
annual value $18.00
ADAMS, JOHN (child-Mary) L-331 (1815)Nanticoke Hundred two Story House thirty four by eighteen feet, Cook House and peazza forty two by Sixteen, one Barn eighteen by fourteen all in good order and repair, one Stable, one Corn House, Still and Smoke House in bad order out of repair, three thousand and twenty pannels of fence bad order, Nine hundred and fifty peach Trees on the decline, one hundred and fifty Apple Trees good order...
annual value $200.00
ADAMS, JOHN (child-Andrew/John/William D./James W./George W.) L-333 (1815) Nanticoke Hundred
...One frame Dwelling House two Story thirty four feet by eighteen, Cook House and piazza forty two feet by Sixteen one Barn eighteen by fourteen all in good order and repair, One Stable, one Corn house Still House and Meat house all in bad order, Three thousand and twenty pannels of fence bad repair, Nine hundred and fifty peach Trees on the decline, one hundred and fifty Apple Trees in good order...
annual value $200.00
ADAMS, JOHN (child-Andrew/John W./William D./James W./George W.) L-516 (1818) Nanticoke Hundred
...fifteen hundred and thirty five pannels of fence in bad repair...
annual value $120.00
ADAMS, MANLOVE (child-Nelly) L-204 (1813)Northwest Fork Hundred Single Story framed Dwelling House with a brick Chimney in good repair 16 by 20 and one old log house with a Brick Chimney in Very bad repair 16 by 20 and one Small Milk House in Bad repair and fifteen hundred and twenty Six pannels of fence in bad repair and Sixty five Apple Trees old and in bad repair...
annual value $60.00
ADAMS, MANLOVE (child-Eppy Broom) L-275 (1814)Northwest Fork Hundred old loged house fourteen by Sixteen with an earthen floor and in bad repair Also fifty eight Apple Trees and twenty peach trees with eight hundred and Seventy Seven pannel of fence in bad repair...
annual value $28.00
ADAMS, ROGER E-[18] (1789)Northwest Fork Hundred
...a framed dwelling house, sixteen feet by twenty in good repair, an old kitchen twenty feet by fourteen in bad repair, a milk house ten feet by eight in midling repair, a stable twenty seven feet by ten in midling repair, two old corn houses, a log smoak house eight feet square, in good repair, a hen house twelve feet by ten in good repair, and a framed barn thirty feet by twenty in midling repair, and likewise two thousand three hundred and ninety two pannels of fence in midling repair...
annual value £20.0.0
ADAMS, ROGER (child-Cannon) H-130 (1799)Northwest Fork Hundred
...A Framed Dwelling House 16 feet by 20 with a Brick Chimney in Midling Good Repair A framed Cook House 20 feet by 15 with a Brick Chimney in Midling Repair A framed Milk House 8 feet square between the two above house is in Midling Repair, A log Smoke house 12 feet by 10 in midling Repair a small log smoke House 8 feet by Square in Bad Repair Two log Stables 10 feet Square with an interval between them of 10 feet Square making in all 30 feet by 10 all under one Roof in Bad Repair, a Walled Garden in bad Repair [ ] Bearing Apple Trees & 259 peach Trees & 36 Chery Trees on the home plantation & 28 Apple Trees and 32 peach Trees on the Out Place & 3290 pannels of fence on the home plantation & the Other Out Place In Midling Repair, a Log House on the Out Place 14 feet by 14 in midling Repair...
annual value £27.10.0
AKE, RILEY (child-Caty) K443 (1810)Baltimore Hundred old framed Dwelling house in midling repair, Two old framed Out houses, one Corn Crib, fifty Six old apple Trees, Thirty Seven peach Trees, Eight hundred and Eighty two pannels of worm fence about six good rails to the pannel...
annual value $9.00
AKE, POLLY (child-Polly) K-214 (1809)Baltimore Hundred old framed dwelling House in Midling repair, two old framed out houses One small Corn Crib Eight hundred and eighty two pannels of worm fence about Six rails to the pannel fifty Six apple Trees Chiefly old and decayed, Thirty Seven peach Trees, also we find but a small proportion of wood land...
annual value $18.00
ANDERSON, JAMES (child-Theophilus/Walter/Peter/Frederick/William) K464 (1811)
Broadkiln Hundred
53 acres
...Six hundred and seventy three pannel of worm fence in bad repair...
annual value $20.00
Baltimore Hundred
460 acres
...a framed Dwelling house Sixteen by twenty feet one Story with a brick Chimney, one Barn thirty by twenty four feet, there being about one hundred Acres cleared also about Seventeen hundred and fifty pannels of worm fence in very bad repair, also twenty five Apple trees & about two hundred and fifty Peach Trees...
annual value $30.00
Broadkiln Hundred
...two Lotts of ground situate on the square at George Town also two
out Lots in said Town on said two Story framed House about Sixteen by fifty feet, one Store House One and an half Stories high Sixteen by eighteen feet, one granary one and a half Stories high eighteen by twenty feet one old granary one Story fourteen by Sixteen feet, one Kitchen one Story fourteen by sixteen, a smoke house, Carriage House and Stable, two Lotts inclosed with Ceedar Board & the other two with posts & rails all in good repair...
annual value $110.00
ANGE, JOHN E-[19] (1793)Northwest Fork Hundred
...fifty old declining apple trees and one old dwelling house and wooden chimney in very bad repair, small garden very bad repair & two hundred pannel of old fencing in very bad repair...
annual value £0.40.0
ANGE, JOHN (child-Nancy/Peggy) G-84 (1798)unknown hundred
...One log Dwelling House about 12 feet by 14 in very Bad repair Forty nine Pannels of fence in Bad repair Eighty apple Trees & one Sixth part of a Sawmill in midling repair...
annual value £6.0.0
ART, BAILEY (child-Hetty W.) O261 (1827)Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred
...fifty acres of land in one tract, adjoining lands of William Harris's others without any building thereupon, enclosed by Four hundred Pannels of fence in bad repair...
annual value $15.00
...a tract of land near the deep valley containing fifty acres. with an old untenantable house there on enclosed with Five hundred pannels of fence in tolerable good repair...
annual value $12.00
...a house and Lot in Pilot Town...
annual value $22.00
...the grave yard lot on the Bank...
annual value $4.00 acre of marsh...
annual value $1.00
ATKINS, DANIEL E-[4] (1787)Baltimore Hundred good framed house, hipproofed, with a brick chimney, twenty feet by sixteen, not finished inside. four hundred fifty six pannels of worm fence, five good rails to a pannel. fifty five old apple trees and twelve old peach trees...
annual value £5.0.0
AYDELOTT, JAMES (child-Samuel/Eber/Betsy/Polly/John/David/Ruth) H-186 (1801) Baltimore Hundred frame house fifteen feet long and Eighteen feet wide the House much out of repair also we find seven Hundred pannels of fence thereon at about five good rails to the pannel forty two apple trees two Hundred and twenty eight peach Trees & eight Cherry Trees...the Guardian shall repair the Chimney in a good like manner and glaze the windows of the house & under pillow the House Sufficiently well with good bricks within the Space of Two years from the date hereof for which said Repairs we do allow her the sum of Four Pounds ten Shillings...
annual value £3.0.0
AYDELOTT, JOSEPH E-[84] (1791)unknown hundred
...a tolerable good dwelling house twenty two & half by twenty but wanting some repairs, one old cook house wanting a new roof, and the brick chimney taken down and put up anew, and one old smoak house,... fifty three good apple trees and ninety three old apple trees, thirty seven cherry trees, fifty two old scrubby peach trees, and three pair thousand four hundred and fifty eight pannels of old fence with about five rails to the third of the plantation to be put in corn per year...
...[Guardian] shall repair all the dwelling house windows with sash and glass, and put a good new shingle roof to the cook house, and take down the old chimney and put it up anew--
annual value £3.10.0
AYDELOTT, WILLIAM E-[5] (1783/1788) Dagsborough Hundred hous 15 feet square the flores laid and no fireplace but just covered in and dors...174 pannels of division fence in sorrey repair 5 good rails to each pannel to the southward of the plantation 212 other fence in the same repair...57 old apple trees...
annual value £0.40.0
BACON, DAVID (child-Levin) F358 (1796)Broad Creek Hundred
...One dwelling House in tolerable good repair One Smoke House in Bad repair two Hundred & Sixty Apple trees 170 Good and 90 Sorry Sixteen Hundred and eight Pannels of fence in Bad repair...
annual value £15.0.0
BACON, JOHN (child-Henry) G-186 (1799)Little Creek Hundred
tenant-John Morris
...2025 panel of fence 103 Apple Trees One Dwelling house in Good repair, One Kitchen One Corn house One Smoke house One Stable and One Milk house; all in Bad repair...
annual value £10.0.0
tenant-John Horsey
...1116 pannel of fence in Bad repair; and 87 Apple Trees and a Dwelling house and a Small Garden...
annual value £7.0.0
tenant-Levi Callaway
...309 pannel of fence...
annual value £2.10.0
...two ninths of a Saw mill on the S.E. fork of Little Creek...
annual value £8.0.0
BACON, JOHN (child-John) G-187 (1799)Little Creek Hundred
tenant-Phasna Bacon
...Eighteen hundred and five Pannels of Fence in Tolarable Good repair, and two hundred and twenty five Apple Trees the Dwelling house in Good repair One Kitchen in Good repair One Stable one Straw house and one Cyder house all in Tolerable Good repair...
annual value £15.0.0
...Small Plantation at the Mill having three hundred and forty Pannel of Fence and fifty Apple Trees and a Small house on it all in Bad repair...
annual value £3.0.0 third of the Saw mill on the South East fork of Little Creek...
annual value £12.0.0
BADLEY, GIDEON (child-Elisha/John) H-190 (1801)Little Creek Hundred
lands of Elisha Badley
...two hundred and fifty six pannels of fence in tolerable good Repair that there is no house or Orchard on the afsd lands...
annual value $1.00
lands of John Badley
... one frame dwelling House Twenty six by sixteen feet one Story high with brick Chimney in tolerable good Repair, one log Kitchen sixteen by Eighteen feet with brick Chimney in bad Repair; one smoke House ten by ten feet in good Repair; one Old Corn House nine by Nineteen feet in bad repair, one Old barn sixteen by sixteen feet in bad Repair; one Old shop fourteen by fifteen in Bad Repair four hundred and seventeen pannels of fence in Tolerable good Repair and three hundred and fifty nine pannels of fence in bad repair and that there is one hundred and sixty three Apple Trees in very bad Order...
annual value $20.00
BAGWILL, WILLIAM (child-Eliza/Samuel/Lydia/Nancy) L-356 (1816)Indian River Hundred framed single Story House twenty by eighteen feet glazed but not finished upon the inside one Corn Crib not roofed, and inclosed by Six hundred and Ninety two pannels of wormed fence in bad repair...
annual value $40.00
BAILEY, LOWDEN (child-John) L-254 (1814)Little Creek Hundred framed dwelling house 24 by 19 feet Midling repair, one loged Kitchen 14 by 16 feet bad repair, one loged Oven house 10 by 10 feet Bad repair, One loged Out house 14 by 14 feet bad repair one loged Meat house 9 by 9 feet Bad repair, And Also Apple Trees on said minors premises, there is 318 peach trees on the said premises 421. And on the said Land of fencing there is in the whole 960 pannels, the whole of the fencing in Midling repair...
annual value $45.00
BAILEY, SAMUEL (child-John Hiram Hilan) L-435 (1817)Little Creek Hundred Dwelling House twenty feet by Sixteen in good repair one kitchen twenty feet by Sixteen midling Repair, one smoke House Bad repair Nine feet by Ten, One Carriage House twelve feet by Sixteen Midling repair One Corn House fourteen feet by Eight in Good repair One ditto Ten feet by Six in bad repair, One Cyder house eight feet by eight in bad repair, One Stable Sixteen feet by fourteen in bad repair, and two hundred and Seventy Eight Apple Trees in Midling repair and One hundred and four peach Trees in Bad repair and on the premises there is two Thousand One hundred and Ninety pannels of fence in midling repair, and one Crab Milk House five feet by four in Bad repair...
annual value $48.00
BAILY, STEPHEN (child-Elias) IJ223 (1803)Broadkiln Hundred
tract near Coolspring hundred and Nine acres or thereabouts with a framed dwelling house a log'd Barn and corn Crib thereon, the cleared land enclosed in three fields, all of which improvements are in bad repair...
annual value $50.00
tract of land at the Black Swamp
...about thirty acres enclosed in two fields, without any buildings...
annual value $30.00
BALEY, STEPHEN E-[64] (1795)Broadkiln Hundred framed dwelling house wanting sundry repairs one old smoak house one loged barn without a floor two corn cribs & one stable six hundred pannels of worm fence in bad repair...
annual value £8.0.0
BALEY, STEPHEN E-[85] (1795)Broadkiln Hundred
Manor Plantation framed dwelling house, one smoke house, one milk house, two corn cribs, one lodged Barn without a floor, one lodged stable in bad repair, and six hundred pannel of worm fence in tolerable repair...
annual value $40.00
...three hundred pannel of worm fence in tolerable repair...
annual value $20.00
BALEY, STEPHEN (child-John/Elisa/Mary/Stephan) F214 (1796)Broadkiln Hundred
...on the Manner Plantation and the Lands adjoining the same One framed Dwelling House, One smoak House, Two Corn Cribs, One loged Barn Without a floor, One logded stable in bad repair, and six hundred Pannel of Worm Fence in Tolerable repair...
annual value $40.00
BARKER, BAGWELL (child-James) O-13 (1826) Indian River Hundred
...Six hundred and Seventy Six panels of fence in bad repair, and no other improvements...
annual value $10.00
Dagsborough Hundred
...a one story house about Thirty Six feet long and Sixteen feet wide in bad repair, about Two thousand two hundred and Ninety five panels of fence in bad repair and Ninety apple Trees...
annual value $30.00
BARR, MARGARET (deceased minor) F396 (1797)Broadkiln Hundred logged House and one Kitchen not in Good Repair, the land is partly inclosed with a tolerable Good fence there are about Seventy fruit Trees...
annual value £9.0.0
BARR, WILLIAM E-[63] (1792)Broadkiln Hundred old log dwelling house & one old out house, some wormed fence all very much out of repair...