Freedom of Information Team

The Great Western Hospital

Marlborough Road



Tel: 01793 605675

Direct Fax: 01793 605852

Our ref: FOI/16/0063

27 October 2018


What Do They Know

By Email:

Dear MsAtkinson


Further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 that was received on 04/02/2016, the Trust’s response is as follows:

  1. Is there training provided to non-clinical, front-facing staff about human trafficking and modern slavery in your Trust?

A: This is currently included in induction Level 1 for Safeguarding Adults at Risk for all staff. – This is mandatory for all staff who must complete the e-learning module prior to commencement of employment with the Trust.

  1. If training is delivered in your Trust, which staff receive or are eligible to receive this training?

A: A Safeguarding Adults at Risk training strategy with a three year implementation plan is in place, including development of case studies/scenariosforLevel 2 training (this will include a case scenario re modern slavery and indicators) and Level 3 and 4 bespoke passport style evidenced competence. In the Integrated Community Health Division (ICHD) this will include a presentation and bespoke session from the Regional Lead to the Division’s Safeguarding Adults Practice Influencers (a core group of staff who have additional training and attend a bi-monthly Safeguarding Adults Forum; they lead and cascade learning across their teams/areas).

  1. Is the training compulsory and how is attendance / completion measured?

A: All the levels are mandatory and Level 1 and 2 completion is monitored via the e-learning system (Taining Tracker™) and will be recorded in staff records. The competency passport will be reviewed and signed off by verifiers; in ICHD this will be the Practice Influencers. A mentor programme will be developed in the Acute site (Great Western Hospital). Both are overseen by the Trust’s Safeguarding Adults Leads

  1. What format does this training take (e.g. e-learning, face-to-face, etc.)?

A: A mixture of both e-learning and face-to-face training.

  1. How long does the training take to complete?

A: Unable to give an exact time as it is incorporated into other training.

  1. If there is no training in your Trust, is human trafficking incorporated into a safeguarding training programme or policy?

A: Training in Modern Slavery is included within the Safeguarding Adults at Risk training programme (in development as outlined above). This is because Modern Slavery is included as a category of abuse within the Safeguarding sections of the Care Act (2014).

  1. If it is part of a safeguarding programme, does that programme also include a section on the Prevent policy?

A: Prevent guidance is included within the Trust’s Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy and Procedure. There are separate e-learning and face-to-face workshops (levels 1,2 and 3) delivered by the Trust’s training department being rolled out across the Trust; training figures are reported internally and externally to the Regional Prevent Lead and the Home Office.

For either stand-alone training or training which is incorporated into a safeguarding programme or policy (please specify which):

  1. Are staff trained in potential clinical indicators for human trafficking victims?

A: Basic awareness Level 1 – clinical indicators will be included in more detail in Levels 2 and 3.

  1. Are staff trained in who to refer a potential human trafficking case to?

A: Staff are currently trained to follow the Safeguarding Adults reporting process.

  1. Are staff trained on the questions to ask to ascertain whether a patient is a victim of human trafficking?

A: This will be developed within the Level 2 and 3 training.

  1. How often is the training completed?

A: Annually and three yearly.

If you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, you can request an internal review by writing to me at the above address within two months of the date of this letter. If you are still dissatisfied after an internal review, you can apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for an independent review. The ICO will normally accept such applications only where they have already been through the Trust’s internal review process. The ICO’s address is:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane

Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF

If you need any further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Steve Harris

Freedom of Information Co-ordinator