
Selectboard Meeting called to Order at 7:11by Chair Bud Ross.

Present: Bud Ross, Ron Batchelderand Lou Beam.

Minutes of theNovember 23rd, 2015 meeting accepted as written. (Unanimous)

Bud Ross, Chair,reviewed the Town Calendar.

Old Business:

1. The Board discussed that Paint & Place from Newport will be by to give an estimate on the sign.

2. The Board discussed that there will be a Food Shelf Advisory Meeting next Thursday and they should have an update from then on the meeting with Benson’s.

3. The Board decided to invite the Police Chief, Fire Chief and Road Agent to the Budgeting Workshop planned for December 17th at 7:00.

New Business:

1. The Board reviewed a plan to meet with the Bank to go over securing a loan to pay off the lease on the Backhoe. They also discussed the need to look at this year’s monies available for a capital purchase and if buying now could help keep next year’s budget down.

2. The Board discussed a quote from Osgood’s concerning a new truck for the Highway Department. The Board asked to have the Road Agent acquire a new quote based on deletions they had made from the list of parts needed on the truck.

3. The Board reviewed a letter from the Fall Mountain School District concerning the monthly installment made by the Town to cover the Local Education Tax.

4. The Board reviewed a time line by Bob Cunniff regarding budgeting and town meeting.

5. The Board reviewed and signed a renewal for the Heath Officer.

6. The Board reviewed a budget proposal from the Road Agent. They discussed the need to not cut the budget too thin, that fuel will fluctuate and a 10% leeway should be given to cover that. Also they talked about keeping the budget down to potentially purchase a truck.

7. The Board reviewed and signed orders.

8. The Board reviewed and signed payroll.

7:49Motion to Adjourn (Ron, Lou).

Respectfully submitted by Jessica Jarvis