The OAS and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance sign a Memorandum of Understanding to reinforce their support for democracy and democratic institutions
June 29th 2010
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 to reinforce institutional collaboration between the two organizations. The document was signed by the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, and International IDEA Secretary General, Vidar Helgesen. The MOU reinforces joint efforts of the OAS and IDEAto further develop dialogue and cooperation in the Latin American and Caribbean region for the support of democracy and democratic institutions, the promotion of transparency and efficiency in electoral processes and strengthening of the role of political parties. This MOU superseded an earlier agreement signed in 2007. As indicated by Secretary General Helgesen, the new agreement better defines the objectives of both organizations with respect to specific areas, which will allow for an output-oriented approach to common activities.
In his remarks Secretary General Insulza emphasized the great importance of building and strengthening democracy and democratic institutions as the common core goal of both organizations. He also mentioned the need for citizens of the Americas to have confidence in their political parties and their institutions as one of the ingredients for better democracy. He brought out the important role of the Inter-American Democratic Charter in the support of democracy, the need to improve the gender balance in the participation in political parties and elected government and the importance of examining the link between democracy and development and assessing the state of democracy in the region, all objectives towards which both organizations will work in a joint manner.
The signing took place in the Office of the OAS Secretary General at OAS Headquarters in Washington, DC, and counted with the presence of the Director of External Relations and Governance of International IDEA, Karin Gardes-Koutney, the Secretary for Political Affairs of the OAS Victor Rico, the Director of the Department of International Affairs Irene Klinger and Ambassadors of Member States and Permanent Observer Missions of the OAS.
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