English III/IV/Business English

Mrs. Vicki Root * Room 15 * 1st Period Conference, 7:55-8:50 AM


English III Focus: Aside from a few exceptions, English III is composed of a chronological study of American literature (novels, short stories, poetry, and drama), vocabulary, and best practices involving student listening, speaking, and writing skills. Memorization and recitation will be part of the speaking strand of English III. Refusing to participate will equal a zero.

English IV Focus: Aside from a few exceptions, English IV is composed of a sampling study of British literature (novels, short stories, poetry, and drama), vocabulary, and best practices involving student listening, speaking, and writing skills. Memorization and recitation will be part of the speaking strand of English IV. Refusing to participate will equal a zero.

Business English Focus: As an alternative to English IV, this Career and Technology based class will focus on opportunities for students to explore business-based language comprehension, which includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing while considering current business practices in the US. Memorization and recitation may be part of the speaking strand of Business English. Refusing to participate will equal a zero.

Class Rules:

  1. Respect yourself and others.
  2. Explore possibilities. (Think outside the box.)
  3. Apply yourself and what you’re learning.
  4. Create an atmosphere of which you will be proud.
  5. Have fun!

Bathroom Breaks: Students are urged to go to the restroom during passing periods. Two students max will be allowed to use the restroom and/or get water per class period 10 minutes after the bell has rung and not during a teaching lesson. (Unless in an emergency)


60% Major Grades (Tests, major projects, etc.)

40% Daily Grades (Vocabulary, Class work, Home Work, Participation)

Assignments: All assignments are turned in to the appropriate class period drawer at the student work station. Assignments are not turned in to the teacher, and are expected to be turned in on time.

Absent/Late Work:

Late Work:

Days Late Points Off

1 -20

2 -30

3 -50

*Not accepted after three days!*

Assignment/Test Make-up Opportunity:

Only grades less than 70 can be made up.

Make-up Opportunity Criteria:

  • Only one make-up opportunity per assignment/test
  • A make-up assignment/test must be completed within 3 days of the assignment/test return date, and must be scheduled with the teacher, privately.
  • Student must attend a tutorial prior to making up an assignment or test.
  • A make-up grade will be no greater than a 70. If the original and the make-up grade are both below a 70, the higher grade, of the two, will be recorded.

Graded Papers/Absent Papers:

Graded papers can be found in the class period folders at the student work station. Students are urged to keep all work in case there is a mistake in grading. It is the responsibility of the student to pick up graded work. Absent papers can also be found at the student work station and will be placed in order of the day(s) of the week.

Mrs. Root’s Classroom Quick Notes:


Cell phone use IS NOT ALLOWED during lessons, unless otherwise directed. Turn it off/put on silent, and keep it out of sight. (DO NOT PUT ON VIBRATE) Cell phone communique will be made daily by placing phones in numbered slots (Testing/Presentation Days) or supplying the teacher with a pink slip which states the student has put away a silent, non-vibrating cell phone OR an orange slip which states the student does not have his/her cell phone in his/her possession.

*If you are caught using your phone without permission, Mrs. Root will take up the phone. Upon the first offense, the student may have the phone back at the end of the day. All consequent offenses will result in the phone being taken to the office until YOUR PARENT/GUARDIAN comes and gets it AND disciplinary action is taken.


  • Only 2 students per class period
  • Only after class has been in session for at least ten minutes
  • DO NOT ask during a lesson (while teacher or student presentation is going on) unless there is an emergency.


Only the teacher should write on board when teacher AND substitutes are here. If asked,

a student may write on board for an assignment.


  • NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE CLASSROOM (Certain exceptions may apply).
  • Water is allowed, but in an obvious, clear container which has a lid.


  1. Sign In3. Return to correct spot in cart
  2. Log on AND off4. Plug in


  • Be in your seat when the bell sounds.
  • Tardies will be calculated by the office, and result in detention upon accumulation of every 5 tardies.
  • Dismissal is by the teacher, NOT the bell.


Absent, graded, and to-be graded assignments are located at the student work station.


A FULL heading must be on the top left hand corner of all paperwork or -10. A full heading includes your full name, class-class period, and the date.


Vicki C. Root

English IV – 5th

August 19, 2017


Pens, pencils, markers, paper, glue, etc. can be located at the student work station. Please return borrowed items when finished. Staplers, tape, etc. are at the student work station (Please do not dig in teacher’s desk for these.)


Students are to sit in chairs and NOT on top of the tables. Other seating-such as teacher

desk, podium and chair, as well as other furniture in the room are to be used by the

teacher and/or for projects, or with permission.