FallonMiddle SchoolRoom D2
Mrs. BrownVoicemail 875-9376 ext. 6362
Email:oogle Voice: 264-9026
Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science!
Our focus this year is to make science relevant and interactive. During the year, we will explore the dynamic systems of Earth and how they interact. Throughout our explorations, we will use many digital tools as we study the following major science topics: scientific method;shaping Earth’s surface (weathering, erosion, deposition); plate tectonics and Earth’s structure;earthquakes; volcanoes;the atmosphere; weather; natural resources;and ecosystems.
Our Earth Science text is Prentice Hall’s Focus on Earth Science. Students will receive a copy of this text to use at home for the year. I have some for class use, so students do not need to carry the book back and forth to school. There is also access to the book online as well as audio files. Students will receive a Reading and Note Taking Guide (RN) that they will write in and keep. This will need to be used both at home and at school.
Online textbook access:
User name: bkearthsci
Additionally in 6th grade science, we will cover part of the health curriculum including: emergency preparedness,and personal, mental and emotional health. Holt’s Decisionfor Health is our health textbook. This text will only be used in class so students will not be able to bring a copy home.
Student Expectations:
- Be respectful to yourself, others, and school property.
- Be on time and be prepared with materials and assignments.
- Be on task and follow directions.
- Be safe, work hard, participate, and ask questions!
Students need to bring the following materials to class every day. Please have these by Friday, August 30.
- A spiral college ruled notebook specifically for science (one for each semester).
- Pencils, blue and/or black pen, and a red pen.
- Your minder binder or a personal calendar.
- Helpful items: a ruler with both metric and US customary systems,colored pencils, markers, highlighter, scissors, glue sticks.
Grades: Grades will be based on the following percentages: Tests/Quizzes/Projects – 55%, Homework/Classwork – 30% Labs – 15%.
Students are allowed to retake/resubmit assessments if the score is below 80%. The grading scale is:
Grades will be updated frequently and posted online through the Parent and Student Portals on Infinite Campus. It is the responsibility of the student to check posted grades and address any problems with me in a timely manner.
Assignments:Assignments and due dates will be posted on the board in class and on my website. I take great care to keep my website updated so please refer to it often. I can be reached via my Google voice number for urgent questions. Students are expected to record all assignments into their organizers. Projects and work not finished in class may need to be finished for homework. Assignments are due on the due date AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. There will be a basket for papers turned in with no name. It is the responsibility of the student to claim their work and resubmit it. Students will not be excused from class to retrieve assignments from their locker or the office.
Late Work Policy: Assignments are expected to be completed on time. I rarely assign work that is due the next day so plan ahead and use your time wisely. Late work may be turned in and can earn up to 70% credit if submitted by one week before the progress report deadline or one week before the end of the quarter. Please discuss late/missing work with the teacher if you have several assignments missing.
Cheating and Plagiarism: Students who copy or allow others to copy assignments will receive no credit for the assignment. Cheating on an assessment can result in a referral as well as receiving no credit for anyone involved. Please respect the Fallon Honor Code!
Absences: Assignments missed due to excused absences will be accepted for full credit within the number of school days the student was absent. If a student is absent for two days, they have two days to make up the work once they return. Work submitted after this time will be considered late. Work assigned before the absence occurred, should be turned in upon the student’s return to school. The student is responsible to check for assignments missed due to an absence and to pick up necessary materials (usually on my website too). I am available at lunch and after school when previously arranged. Extended absences should be discussed with me.
Textbooks and Laboratory Materials: Textbooks and laboratory materials are furnished for student use. Students will be responsible for paying the replacement cost for lost or damaged textbooks or materials.
Communication: Student, teacher, and parent communication is very important. My website is the best source to find out about homework and class work. To access my website, go to Fallon’s home page, select “teacher sites” along the top, then click on Brown,Karen in the directory. Should you have questions or concerns, email is the best way to contact me (). I will answer your email questions within 24 hours. You can also reach my voice mail via the school phone number 875-9376 extension 6362.
I look forward to working with you this year! My goal is for 6th Grade Earth Scienceto be a positive and relevant learning experience for each student.
Best regards,
Mrs. Brown
Students and parents must read and sign the attached page. Please return just the signed page and retain this information letter.
In order to make our science curriculum relevant, engaging, and collaborative, we will be using many digital tools this year. Safety and proper use of the selected technology is vital for successful implementation and will be taught prior to student use. Student safety is my primary concern and all students will be taught to be good digital citizens. If you have any concerns, please contact me at .
Pilot Program 1:1 Devices: Our classroom has an exciting opportunity to pilot 1:1 devices for class use. I will host a technology information night to answer any questions/concerns you have regarding the devices and tools I use in class.
The following list of tools will be the ones most frequently used for our classroom. Others may be introduced throughout the year with proper guidance.
Google Tools: Access to the following Google tools requires a Gmail account. Dublin Unified has our own secure domain through Google Apps for Education. Every Fallon student has been given their own @dublinusd.net account which will be used to gain access to these Google tools.
•Documents: This word processor is easy to use and can be saved and accessed anywhere. The key feature is that students can share documents with multiple collaborators.
•Spreadsheets: This is similar to excel. Students can create spreadsheets, along with charts. They can also share with collaborators, like with documents.
•Forms: This will allow students to create quiz questions and surveys as part of class activities.
•Presentations: This is similar to Power Point. Students can use the same features to create presentations that they can access anywhere and share with others.
•Sites: This will allow students to create the science eportfolio as a website.
•LucidChart:This allows students to create concept maps to connect key ideas.
•Maps and Earth: Students can use Google Earth and Google Maps to research and locate volcanoes, earthquakes, and plate boundaries.
Flip or other Video Cameras: Students use video cameras throughout the year to capture their learning and for presentations. We also use the cameras to capture specific student work to be published on our classroom websites.
Digital Cameras: We take pictures of our projects and students at work. These images are often used for publication on our website and once in a while may be included in staff/district presentations.
Cell phones: At times, students will be allowed to use cell phone cameras or wireless access if they have such tools with them and parent permission to use them. We are not encouraging the purchase of such devices but will allow those who have them to use the devices at specific times under strict guidelines.
Discussion Board: My website on the DublinSchool district account has a discussion board. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion board throughout the year. Before any post can be added to the discussion board, I must give approval to the post. This ensures that posts will be appropriate and will include only student first names.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined by Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary as: “…to use and/or pass off someone else’s ideas, inventions, words, writings, etc. as one’s own.” Plagiarism is taken very seriously. It is critical that students and parents understand that plagiarism in any degree will not be tolerated. A student’s work must be written in their own words. This includes cut and pasted items from the Internet. Plagiarized work will receive a zero grade and school administration will be notified.
Safety Rules: I, ______(student’s name) agree to follow the safety rules to ensure not only my own safety but also the safety of others in the science classroom or laboratory. I also agree to follow the general rules of appropriate behavior for a classroom at all times to avoid accidents and to provide a safe learning environment for everyone. I understand that if I do not follow all the rules and safety precautions, I will not be allowed to participate in science activities.
I have read the above paragraph, understand its content, and agree to abide by the stated rules.
Student Signature Date
PARENTS: I will be sending periodic class updates via email. I may also call you to share great news or potential concerns. Please provide your contact information by visiting my website ( to complete a Google form. If you do not have computer access, please provide me with your email and phone number below.
Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the attached information. Feel free to communicate any special needs or concerns I should know about your child below, via email, or stop by and see me. Back to School Night is Wednesday, September 11th; please come and hear more about 6th grade science!
Technology Permission:
Your student will be using a variety of technology tools in science class this year. This includes cameras, audio recording devices, Google tools via your student’s Google Apps for Education account, and other free Internet programs. Your student will also be allowed to use his/her personal device, including mobile phone, for some of these purposes during science class. Use of technology is not a requirement for my class, students have the option of using a writing tool and paper too!
Please sign below stating that you have read and understand that your science student will be using these tools during class time. If you have any concerns, please contact me.
Parent Signature Printed Name Date
In order to continually add to the resources in my classroom, I frequently post projects on DonorsChoose.org. Over the past two years, I have received over $6000 worth of classroom equipment from funded projects! I request supplies that add to the hands-on learning in the classroom and therefore students use all the materials. I firmly believe in the importance of thanking the donors who fund my projects and am therefore asking for your permission to allow your student to participate in creating the thank you package. Please read the follow permission slip and sign it if you agree.
Name of Photo Participant (student): ______
Name of Teacher: __Mrs. Brown______
This teacher is seeking or has earned a grant through DonorsChoose.org, a nonprofit organization
serving public school students. At our website, teachers can propose
resources for their students, and individuals can choose a proposal they want to fund. This teacher
has taken the initiative to submit a proposal and seek funding for an activity!
As a result, this teacher’s class may receive resources for one or more requested student activities.
In this event, we would like to show thank-you notes and/or photographs of the activities actually
taking place, which will go to the donor(s) who funded the project(s) and may also be displayed on
our website at Additionally, in order to increase the chances of receiving
funding for this teacher’s project, we would like to display a picture(s) of this teacher’s class on our
website for potential donors to view. In order for you or your child to participate in the activities
eligible for funding by DonorsChoose.org, we ask your permission as follows:
“I am the adult participant or the legal parent or guardian of the child participant named above. I
hereby give permission for the participant to be photographed (with or without other classmates in
a particular picture) in this teacher’s class and to write thank-you notes to the donor(s). I
understand, agree and give permission for DonorsChoose.org to: (1) make and send copies of the
photographs and the thank-you notes to the activities’ donor(s), (2) display the photographs and/or
thank-you notes on the DonorsChoose.org website, and (3) otherwise use the photographs and/or
thank-you notes in promotional materials for DonorsChoose.org.”
X______Date: ______
(Parent Signature)
Print name: ______