NCALHD Technology Committee Meeting

June 17, 2015 1:00 PM

Cardinal Room, NC DPH


  1. Update from NC Health Information ExchangeChris Scarboro
  1. Updates or questions for future agenda itemsGroup

NCHICA Committees & Workgroups

  • 2015 Annual Conference Planning Committee
    Committee to plan the 21st NCHICA Annual Conference & Exhibition in September 2015
  • Board of Directors
    Corporate governance of NCHICA.
  • CIO/CMIO Roundtable
    The purpose of the CIO Roundtable is to enable and create a collaborative environment among members.
  • Education Committee
    Provide oversight for NCHICA educational programs.
  • Enterprise Integration Workgroup
    Monitor and communicate the present and future scope of healthcare integration by developing guidelines and recommendations for exchanging healthcare information through collaboration within its members.
  • Executive Committee
    NCHICA corporate governance delegated by Board of Directors.
  • HIE Taskforce
    Focus on connectivity with an HIE including the round trip testing with eHealth Exchange to enable exchange with the SSA, VA, DoD, CMS and other eHealth Exchange Participants.
  • ICD-10 Program Managers Focus Group
    Convene ICD-10 Program Managers at hospitals and physician practices to support initiatives common to all providers across the State.
  • ICD-10 Taskforce
    To create a systematic approach to address, respond, and provide ICD-10 educational assistance to the healthcare community.
  • Informatics & Analytics Roundtable
    Support the collection of patient data and use of analytics to improve clinician workflow and patient care.
  • IT/IS Internal Auditors Taskforce
    Address the unique responsibilities of internal auditors within health care environments who target information technology (IT) and information security (IS) efforts within their organizations.
  • Leadership Team
    General management oversight of NCHICA.
  • Legacy Data Migration Taskforce
    The continued development of a general guidelines and decision-tree tool for the handling of legacy data when migrating to new applications/systems.
  • Legal Workgroup
    Develop model agreements and policies for electronic exchange of health information.
  • Nominating Committee
    Propose candidates for NCHICA Board and Officers, and monitor NCHICA By-Laws.
  • North Carolina Consumer Advisory Council on Health Information
    Provide consumer's perspective on health IT issues.
  • Privacy & Security Officials Workgroup
    Develop consensus approaches for compliance with HIPAA and other regulations.
  • Technology Resources Workgroup
    Provide guidance on technology-based solutions for healthcare sector.
  • Telehealth Task Force
  • Transactions, Code Sets & Identifiers Workgroup
    This workgroup supports the implementation of HIPAA Administrative Simplification provisions for transactions, code sets and identifiers.