NOTES – 2013


2013 OFFICERS………………………………...... 2

2013 COMMITTEES………………………………...... 3-4


LADIES DAY…………………………….…...... 6

2013 SCHEDULE…………………………………………..….………..7-9

TEAM/LEAGUE SCHEDULES………………………………...... 10

POLICIES/PROCEDURES………………………………...... 11

MEMBER-GUEST………………………………...... 12

LGA CHAMPIONSHIP………………………………...... 13

TEAM MATCHES…………………………………………..………..…14



HANDICAPS………………………………...... 16

LGA ROSTER………………………………………………….….….17-18



Joanne Durr


Ann Boyd


Cris Andersen


Priscilla Hilton

Annette Durham - Assistant


Becki Davis


Ladies Day

1st week Kay Huggard 540-829-1906

2nd week Priscilla Hilton 540-547-4950

3rd week Ann Boyd 540-547-3860

4th week Joanne Durr 540-827-4814

5th week Priscilla Woll 540-937-5077

Team Captain

Becki Davis

Stellar One Tournament

Judy Gore

Annette Durham Peggy Kyle

Member-Guest Tournament

Carol Freeman Linda Hanes Pat O’Bryant

Della Edrington Molly Johnston

President’s Tournament

Joanne Durr Priscilla Hilton

Becki Davis

Club Championship

Barbara Waters

Golf For 2nd Base

Priscilla Hilton Lou Ann Carithers

Isabel Kulick Ann Boyd Chris Andersen

Joanne Durr


Rules & Greens

Barbara Waters


Becki Davis


Sue Lithicum


Barbara Waters, Priscilla Hilton

Christmas Brunch

Ann Boyd, Carol Freeman, Ann duFrane


The LGA meets and plays golf together for several reasons:

1.  For our collective love of the game of golf.

2.  For the friendships we form and the fun we have. We hit good shots (rejoicing) and bad shots (trying to laugh and move on).

3.  We wish to learn from each other.

a.  There is a tradition of respect and honor in golf. We respect our fellow golfers, being courteous and polite. We honor the dignity of our fellow golfers by being kind and patient with each other. We take care to sign up as required in a timely fashion and to notify the Ladies Day committee if we have to cancel.

b.  We respect the golf courses we play. We try to obey the instructions we receive so that the course remains in good condition.

c.  We want to teach the various many rules of golf to those who are newer to the game. We take advantage of opportunities to share our experience and knowledge.


1. Membership of the Ladies Golf Association shall consist of members who have paid their dues of $25.00. The club will bill individuals for a handicap fee of $21 and a membership fee of $25.00.

2. The elected officers will include a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Team Captain.

The Officers will select people to serve on the following committees:

Ladies Day Publicity

Tournaments - including Stellar One Member/Guest, Club Championship,

Golf For 2nd Base, President’s Cup

Christmas Brunch Sunshine


3. The term of office shall be one year, and no elected officer shall serve more than two consecutive years, except the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer may serve indefinitely.

4. The nominating committee shall consist of the last two presidents and will present a slate of officers at the meeting in October. Nominations may be made from the floor.


The purpose is to foster play among women of all different abilities and encourage fellowship among the entire group. To that end, the Ladies Day committee is responsible for the following:

1.  Meeting at the beginning of each calendar year to develop a schedule of games for the year and assist the President in setting the schedule for tournaments and seeing that the club reserves those dates for Ladies’ play.

2.  Assigning each committee member to a specific Tuesday to run that week’s game.

3.  On the specific Tuesday assigned, the member for that week shall be in charge of organizing the assigned game as follows:

a.  Collect the names of those signed up for that week and organize the pairing of golfers for that week and which holes they will begin on. Since the purpose is to ensure that all ladies have an opportunity to play with all others, the member shall record the pairings in the Ladies book, so that in the following weeks, the members can refer to previous weeks’ pairings and strive to pair the members with others they have not yet played with or have not played with recently.

b.  Split Chip-in money among all players with chip-ins for the day.

c.  Record all birdies to be added to the birdie tree.

d.  Record winners for the day’s game.

4.  At the end of the year, the birdies for each person will be tallied and a prize awarded to the person with the most birdies for the year. In the case of a tie, prizes shall be awarded to all who are tied. Additionally, with the help of the Club Pro, the President shall determine the most improved player for the year and a prize will be awarded. In the case of a tie, prizes shall be awarded to all who are tied. The prizes shall consist of $50 of credit with either the club or the pro shop.

The Ladies who play are responsible for signing up for Tuesday golf in a timely fashion and notifying the Ladies’ Day committee if they have to cancel. Many of the games we play require pairing golfers in advance for fair play and to keep the game moving. Although some last minute changes are unavoidable, frequent changes put a burden the committee. Prizes will be given on each Ladies Day for 18 holes of play, and as planned by the Ladies Day Committee.

Ladies Day Games start on the 1st Tuesday in April at 9:00 a.m. Beginning in June games start at 8:30 a.m. In September and October games start at 9:00 a.m.


April - Tee Time 9:00

-2 Most Putts

-9 A Penny Here, A Penny There*

-16 Most Bunker Shots

-23 Select Nine**

-30 Closest To The Pin # 2

*A Penny Here, A Penny There – Each player receives 18 pennies. If she 3 putts (or more) on a hole, she must give the others in her group a penny. Winner is one with most pennies at the end of a round.

**Select Nine – Mark your card before playing to select which holes will count toward your score. Circle 1 or 10, 2 or 11, 3 or 12, etc.

May - Tee Time 9:00

-7 Best Front Nine

-14 Stellar One Tournament

-21 Pink Ball*

-28 Hill Billy**

*Pink Ball – Each player will keep her own score but the pink ball will be rotated to a different player on each team at each hole. The team score will be the score from the player using the pink ball on each hole.

**Hill Billy – Best score of holes # 1,7, 16 and 18.


June - Tee Time 8:30

-4 Tee To Green*

-11 Par 3 Event**

-18 Mystery Hole***

-20 (Thursday) Member/Guest Tournament

-25 Longest Drive on Hole 13

*Tee To Green – Keep track of your putts – subtract from your round to get tee to green score.

*Par 3 Event – Our course will be transformed into a Par 3 course!

***Mystery Hole – The Pro will decide which hole is the “Mystery Hole” and will reveal it following play. Score for this hole will be discarded.

July - Tee Time 8:30

-2 String Day

-9 Closest To The Line Hole 1

-16 Par 3’s Only

-23 Throw Out 3 Worst Holes

-30 Best Back Nine


August - Tee Time 8:30

-6 Fewest Putts

-13 Best Poker Hand Front 9

-20 Dr. Pepper*

-27 President’s Tournament

*Dr. Pepper – Best score on holes # 10, 2 & 4.

September - Tee Time 9:00

-3 Odd/Even*

-9 (Monday) Championship Flight Only Plays

-10 Club Championship**

-17 Low Net On 18 Holes

-24 Captain’s Choice

*Odd/Even – Odd/Even is played in pairs. Before play, each team decides who will score on even holes and who will score on odd holes. All players play their own balls, but only one score is used on each hole for the team score.

**Championship flight will play for 2nd Day. Regular players will be flighted for flight champions tournament.

October - Tee Time 9:00

-1 Fewest Bunker Shots

-8 Cross Country

-14 (Monday) Golf For 2nd Base Tournament

-15 Most 6’s

-22 Hill Billy*

-29 Captain’s Choice (LGA Meeting)

*Hill Billy – Best score of holes # 1, 7, 16 & 18.


Wednesday, May 8 Spring Icebreaker

@ Fauquier Springs

Thursday, May 23 @ Montclair

Thursday, May 30 @ Fawn Lake

Monday, June 3 @ Culpeper

Thursday, June 13 @ Lee’s Hill

Friday, June 21 @ Lake of the Woods

Wednesday, June 26 @ Fauquier Springs

Tuesday, July 9 @ Greene Hills

Monday, July 15 @ Forest Greens

Tuesday, July 23 @ FCC

Thursday, July 25 @ Montclair (Rain Date)


The LGA golf schedule for the coming year shall be presented to the pro shop and restaurant manager in January of each year.

Annual dues must be paid by mid-April in order to receive a handicap card.

If you have been an inactive member, you may come back into the LGA, by paying yearly dues.

There shall be no entry fee for any tournament, except the Member/Guest and the Golf For 2nd Base Tournaments. In tournament play, handicaps will not exceed 36, but all members are invited to play.

On holes 5 and 8 players hitting into the pond, then hitting from the drop area, will be lying two, ready to hit three.

An entry fee of $25 will be charged for non-members of the LGA if they wish to participate in the LGA Championship.


This tournament will be held on the 2nd Thursday in June, except when conditions warrant change.

No member may invite another member as a guest. Ladies from Culpeper County may be invited to play.

Handicaps and any club memberships of guests must be included when signing up for the tournament. Players who have no handicap will play scratch. Winners’ names will be engraved on the tournament bowl.

Details of tournament play will be decided by the committee.


Format: Handicap Tournament

There will be a championship flight and at least two additional flights, according to the number of players that sign up. Prizes will be given in each flight. In case of a championship tie, playoff will be match play, starting on hole #1.

An entry fee of $25 will be charged for non-members of the LGA if they wish to participate.

The two day format, with the first day played by the championship flight (Monday) and the second day on a regular Tuesday with championship flight and other flights determined by handicap of those others signed up.


Team refreshments will be furnished by the LGA. Each person pays for her own cart and lunch.

Team captains will be reimbursed for all expenses incurred arranging games.

The LGA will pay the fees for anyone participating in State Team Matches.


These committees are responsible for coordinating all aspects of the respective tournaments noted below. The amount of moneys provided by the LGA for each tournament is also noted below. The Country Club of Culpeper has stated that it will comp the coffee for all LGA tournaments, so no funds are allotted for coffee.

StellarOne Tournament – The committee will coordinate all aspects of the StellarOne Tournament in conjunction with representatives from the bank. Since the bank sponsors this tournament, no funds from the LGA are allotted.

Golf for Second Base – The LGA will reimburse the tournament for expenses up to $100.

Club Championship – The LGA has allotted $250 for this tournament.

Member/Guest – The LGA has allotted $300 for this tournament.

President’s Cup – The LGA has allotted $250 for this tournament.


This committee is responsible for sending flowers to ill members at their homes or during hospitalization. In addition, cards will be sent to active and inactive members.


To be determined by LGA members.


The Christmas Brunch is always the first Tuesday in December at 12 noon. Bring a covered dish and a gift (not to exceed $20) if you wish to participate in the gift exchange.


Any score made on any course after January 1st may be counted for spring handicap. (Please include the course rating when it is recorded, if it differs from CCC.)

A handicap card from the previous year may be used until June 1st. New cards should be available by that date.

Handicap Max. Strokes/Hole

9 or less 6

10-19 7

20-29 8

30-39 9

40-and above 10

Flights of Handicaps for Ladies Day:

Flight A 0-25

Flight B 26-34

Flight C 35-44

Flight D 45+


Maryann Adams 2961 Motherwell Ct., Oak Hill VA 20171 703-437-4810

Cris Andersen 15241 Rillhurst, Culpeper VA 22701 540-547-3860

Daria Bancala 11241 Holland Court, Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-2275

Nancy Baudhuin 23754 Algonquin Trail, Culpeper VA 22701 540-399-1316

Ann Boyd 15241 Rillhurst, Culpeper VA 22701 540-547-3860

Nancy Cannon 1205 S. Blue Ridge Ave., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-4230

Lou Ann Carithers 660 Country Club Rd., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-9477

Melanie Chambers 8310 Tinsley Place, Culpeper VA 22701 540-547-9221

Ramona Chapman 11511 Fox Hill Rd., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-5113

Carol Coleman 1211 Oaklawn Dr., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-4119

Linda Daniel 601 Country Club Rd., Culpeper VA 22701 540-727-8855

Rebecca Davis 14333 Rogers Ford Rd., Sumerduck VA 22740 540-439-9899

Jill Detwiler 10505 Dodson Woods Ln., Culpeper VA 22701 703-470-7717

*Gloria Driscoll 1107 Westover St., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-9478

Ann duFrane 710 Zeuswyn Dr., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-5232

Annette Durham 113 Sunset Ln. Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-0125

Joanne Durr 18453 Snaffle Ln., Culpeper VA 22701 540-827-4814

Della Edrington 2008 Golf Dr., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-4543

Carole Freeman 1621 Stoney Brook Ln., Culpeper VA 22701 540-829-8338

Frankie Gilmore 19112 Stallion Rd., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-8309

Judy Gore 12120 Jamesons Mill Rd., Culpeper VA 22701 540-825-0861